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<!-- Edit below to add or change issues.  To update the future formatting and text of this page, change [[Template:Triage Template]] instead. -->{{Bug triage}}
<!-- Edit below to add or change issues.  To update the future formatting and text of this page, change [[Template:Triage Template]] instead. -->{{Bug triage}}

Next meeting: 2008-XX-XX at TIME and PLACE (FIXME).  See [[Bug triage]] for details.
Next meeting: 2008-03-26 at 3pm PST at {{User|Bridie Linden}}'s house.
== Import? ==
(Bugs reported in final release — consider for import?, sorted by votes)
* {{jira|VWR-6081}} - Votes: 4 - Outfit folders cannot be "worn" unless opened - {{User|udge watanabe}}
* {{jira|VWR-6008}} - Votes: 4 - All Avatars are invisible using viewer - {{User|wilywit hax}}
* {{jira|VWR-5950}} - Votes: 3 - Auto Align feature for Video Media Texture does not work with certain video resolutions in 1.19.1 (4) - {{User|Vlad Bjornson}}
* {{jira|VWR-6140}} - Votes: 3 - NVidia 6200 SL Graphics Problem  - {{User|Floyd Gilmour}}
* {{jira|VWR-5948}} - Votes: 3 - Invisible Avatars, Transparent Clothes, Blanking Skies effected by various settings, Radeon HD Series - {{User|Kettu Keiko}}
* {{jira|VWR-5992}} - Votes: 2 - Snapshots in latest viewer release fails to keep correct aspect ratio - {{User|SlavegirlPaula Masukami}}
* {{jira|VWR-6010}} - Votes: 2 - Mac client crashes when take snapshot is selected from the File menu - {{User|Nad Gough}}
* {{jira|VWR-6037}} - Votes: 2 - Crash Crash Crash - RC$ and 1.19.4 - {{User|magnus foulsbane}}
* {{jira|VWR-6158}} - Votes: 2 - IM button and inventory drop section on profiles do not work while downloading of profiles is disabled - {{User|Eddy Ofarrel}}
* {{jira|VWR-5528}} - Votes: 2 - Textures not showing properly on Objects, Land. Avatars not being shown properly. - {{User|Meghan Dench}}
* {{jira|VWR-5641}} - Votes: 2 - Linux client distribution dropped secondlife.ico - {{User|Qie Niangao}}
* {{jira|VWR-6019}} - Votes: 1 - if rename an item in the inventory and press ESC while editing, the new name was set, not restore the old one - {{User|Magus Loon}}
* {{jira|VWR-5996}} - Votes: 1 - Viewer on Mac slows to a crawl becomes unusable - {{User|Shawna Kelley}}
* {{jira|VWR-6012}} - Votes: 1 - GFX artifacts with ATI radeon 9800SE / 256MB - {{User|Wiseguy Capra}}
* {{jira|VWR-6024}} - Votes: 1 - with new viewer, screen too dark, movement almost impossible, and unsolicited movements creating nausea with those looking at the screen. - {{User|Sirene Silverspar}}
* {{jira|VWR-6092}} - Votes: 1 - Missing "copy to inventory" button on landmarks opened in notecards - {{User|McCabe Maxsted}}
* {{jira|VWR-6097}} - Votes: 1 - snapshot to disk crashes app if "high res" selected - {{User|lan may}}
* {{jira|VWR-6128}} - Votes: 1 - Running multiple viewers causes massive packetloss - {{User|bulli schumann}}
* {{jira|VWR-6107}} - Votes: 1 - When uploading animations the Ruth model appears as an unshaded silhouette (with shaded hair?) making it difficult to discern detail - {{User|jeaniesing trilling}}
* {{jira|VWR-6141}} - Votes: 1 - media is sized improperly if PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_LOOP_SET is not set to true when playing images or smil files - {{User|anthony reisman}}
* {{jira|VWR-6153}} - Votes: 1 - Objects Owned by Others not Visible in About Land Window - {{User|Phree2Be Foxley}}
* {{jira|VWR-6193}} - Votes: 1 - Beacon turns 'invisible' at larger distances - {{User|Daedalus Young}}
* {{jira|VWR-6202}} - Votes: 1 - Snapshot to disk with glowing backgrounds show HUDs in the Snapshots - {{User|Magus Loon}}
* {{jira|VWR-6026}} - Votes: 1 - Colors. Light way to bright. Sunset/Sunrise turns everything orange - {{User|Lisa Lowe}}
* {{jira|VWR-5874}} - Votes: 0 - No anti-aliasing at all in Windlight/ RC series - {{User|Coyote Cortes}}
* {{jira|VWR-5993}} - Votes: 0 - New viewer version freezing when loading. - {{User|anderson danton}}
* {{jira|VWR-5991}} - Votes: 0 - Serious Memory Leak that carried over from the RC to the new release - {{User|grayscale heidenstam}}
* {{jira|VWR-6006}} - Votes: 0 - Keyboard maping error on MAC with viewer SecondLife_1_19_1_4.dmg: Ctrl-Click (No mose present) no longer provides the same result as Right click when using a mousr with two buttons.  No way to "Touch" an object unless two button mouse is used. - {{User|Enysy Mikita}}
* {{jira|VWR-6007}} - Votes: 0 - Dynamic Reflections Enabled on first Login of  1.19.1 (4)  - {{User|Penny Patton}}
* {{jira|VWR-6001}} - Votes: 0 - Landing on a slope the avatar turns and flies downhill - {{User|JC Sandial}}
* {{jira|VWR-6016}} - Votes: 0 - FFMOD problem - {{User|Tayra Dagostino}}
* {{jira|VWR-6000}} - Votes: 0 - Built-in browser fails to display content - {{User|Jerhevon Rubble}}
* {{jira|VWR-6020}} - Votes: 0 - Texture Picker flashes Media URL image - {{User|JC Sandial}}
* {{jira|VWR-6029}} - Votes: 0 - Uploading texture with wrong file extension crashes viewer - {{User|Joshua Philgarlic}}
* {{jira|VWR-6028}} - Votes: 0 - "Sim quakes" shaking up my avatar - {{User|Spook Maroon}}
* {{jira|VWR-6032}} - Votes: 0 - New release totally screwed my pc audio and brought system to halt - {{User|Monalisa Robbiani}}
* {{jira|VWR-6035}} - Votes: 0 - New rollout of the viewer that was previously known as windlight brings Athlon 64 with 1 gig memory to a standstill with anything running in the background - {{User|Inferno Nightfire}}
* {{jira|VWR-6044}} - Votes: 0 - the setting is wrong in the graphics hardware area - its picking up the wrong memory value and making the system perform poorly - {{User|aaron23 decuir}}
* {{jira|VWR-6043}} - Votes: 0 - Frequent Screen Blank - {{User|tasman perth}}
* {{jira|VWR-5676}} - Votes: 0 - Wind/flying sound plays even when master volume set to minimum - {{User|Alyx Jonson}}
* {{jira|VWR-6050}} - Votes: 0 - Frequent crashes when teleporting to Te Wharau - {{User|socaldave birdbrain}}
* {{jira|VWR-6051}} - Votes: 0 - Not able to rezz objects on ANY sim - {{User|Keumjoo Ahn}}
* {{jira|VWR-5967}} - Votes: 0 - LLAudioChannelFMOD::cleanup error: An invalid parameter was passed to this function - {{User|harmony oh}}
* {{jira|VWR-6054}} - Votes: 0 - Everything slows down to the point where I can no longer function.  - {{User|seri franciosa}}
* {{jira|VWR-6056}} - Votes: 0 - Animation viewer does not play animations on upload. - {{User|django yifu}}
* {{jira|VWR-6062}} - Votes: 0 - Objects will not show '(worn on ...)' message - {{User|Nati Gynoid}}
* {{jira|VWR-6065}} - Votes: 0 - The built-in web browser does not work with websites that require authentication. - {{User|Lima Vesperia}}
* {{jira|VWR-6067}} - Votes: 0 - Using Alt/Cmd key with mouse to cam is whacked- {{User|Nad Gough}}
* {{jira|VWR-6068}} - Votes: 0 - In Full Screen (Alt-Ctrl-F1) Whirling Particle Effects Visible Around Scripted Objects (Forcing Turning All Particles Off for Machinema Making) - {{User|sitearm madonna}}
* {{jira|VWR-6047}} - Votes: 0 - Blank Texture - {{User|AnOld Poindexter}}
* {{jira|VWR-6075}} - Votes: 0 - Communication window isnt closing when clicking the communicate button twice - {{User|germaine aquacade}}
* {{jira|VWR-6080}} - Votes: 0 - Daily lockup / crash with latest viewer - {{User|Peter Dixon}}
* {{jira|VWR-6084}} - Votes: 0 - Red Stripe that was not there - {{User|JC Sandial}}
* {{jira|VWR-6086}} - Votes: 0 - I cannot view other avitars correctly. - {{User|rebel indigo}}
* {{jira|VWR-6087}} - Votes: 0 - Land Textures render improperly, and randomly change - {{User|Chaos Mohr}}
* {{jira|VWR-6093}} - Votes: 0 - Ctrl-Alt-R does not seem to work if SL is windowed, when maximized it rebakes textures as expected. - {{User|wilson tone}}
* {{jira|VWR-6099}} - Votes: 0 - Error notices (bottom right) cause viewer to hang - {{User|Yukinoroh Kamachi}}
* {{jira|VWR-6105}} - Votes: 0 - Attempt to upload a too big Animation leaves a greyed-out, non-clickable window. - {{User|Spirit Homewood}}
* {{jira|VWR-6103}} - Votes: 0 - Second Life Viewer freezes completely when doing Snapshot to disk - {{User|Maya Bogdanovich}}
* {{jira|VWR-6110}} - Votes: 0 - [ ] I was attaching a hud when my other hud with animations-content disappeared. - {{User|adonaira aabye}}
* {{jira|VWR-6045}} - Votes: 0 - Can't watch media anymore - {{User|Destiny Sleestak}}
* {{jira|VWR-6113}} - Votes: 0 - Media in world viewing deeded to group disabled - {{User|reese shawbridge}}
* {{jira|VWR-6117}} - Votes: 0 - I lost a box of furniture.  I had it out and when I put it back SL had issues...it never returned.  All my stored furniute was in the box....lots of it. - {{User|maria monnett}}
* {{jira|VWR-6118}} - Votes: 0 - Screenshot checkbox disabled on abuse reports on regions where abuse reports are copied to an email address. - {{User|Drew Dwi}}
* {{jira|VWR-6116}} - Votes: 0 - Seeing only two local lights active (excluding sun and moon) - {{User|Bree Giffen}}
* {{jira|VWR-6123}} - Votes: 0 - SL crashes, fractals across the screen, major lag. - {{User|Kismet Dyrssen}}
* {{jira|VWR-6073}} - Votes: 0 - Crash when turning on atmospheric or avatar imposters - {{User|DBDigital Epsilon}}
* {{jira|VWR-6126}} - Votes: 0 - i saw object from other ppl in my land that are allowed to build but they are not in my groups. So the problem is that their objects were setted as they belonged to my group - {{User|maya thor}}
* {{jira|VWR-6127}} - Votes: 0 - When i lanch the sl brower Second Life 1.19.1 (4) Apr  2 2008 11:59:37 (Second Life Release) in another my pc it crashes during the lanching soon. By the last release Candidate it does not happen, it works. - {{User|maya thor}}
* {{jira|VWR-6130}} - Votes: 0 - Using Camera Controls Causes a Windows Runtime error and Client Crashes. - {{User|Elvis Orbit}}
* {{jira|VWR-6133}} - Votes: 0 - Black Sqaure's Appreared around Character, Viewer  Crashes Occur. - {{User|Gandalf Brennon}}
* {{jira|VWR-6136}} - Votes: 0 - Item cannot be copied - {{User|renato surtees}}
* {{jira|VWR-6139}} - Votes: 0 - I can not see facelights of other avatars, while i can see my own.. - {{User|luna fratica}}
* {{jira|VWR-6150}} - Votes: 0 - Trying to upload a mis-matched BVH file causes the preview panel to freeze - {{User|Whichway Janus}}
* {{jira|VWR-6132}} - Votes: 0 - On a Blank texture of a sphere, you can see the vertices highlighted in red, but only on some surfaces! - {{User|Angsty Rossini}}
* {{jira|VWR-6159}} - Votes: 0 - "Object" Tab in Build Mode for Linked Objects does NOT match the HUD display. - {{User|Myiasia Wallaby}}
* {{jira|VWR-6142}} - Votes: 0 - Crashreporter.app fails to launch - {{User|JC Sandial}}
* {{jira|VWR-6161}} - Votes: 0 - Non-delivered purchase - {{User|triton sands}}
* {{jira|VWR-6163}} - Votes: 0 - Different coloring of Imposters comapred with character - {{User|Nati Gynoid}}
* {{jira|VWR-6164}} - Votes: 0 - Crash on startup; Entire monitor screen went back, restarted and tried launching with constant crashes on startup. - {{User|Dread Kohime}}
* {{jira|VWR-6125}} - Votes: 0 - my set home to land says that the position his setted (I'm owner of the land) but when i do come back home I arrive outside my land. My friend; owner too -Willem Koba-  has in the same land the same problem. Before new avoc 4 it works well. - {{User|maya thor}}
* {{jira|VWR-6145}} - Votes: 0 - Camera focus & Linden Trees - {{User|JC Sandial}}
* {{jira|VWR-6025}} - Votes: 0 - Uploaded snahshots show deformation; Framing doesn't work most of the time. - {{User|Lisa Lowe}}
* {{jira|VWR-6115}} - Votes: 0 - with the l1.19.1 viewer scripts affecting how an object is viewed appear to turn off at a certain camera distance - {{User|Alisha Ultsch}}
* {{jira|VWR-6104}} - Votes: 0 - Post-install of 8.3 ATI Drivers (VBO is enabled) client crashes with great frequency in  1.19.1(4) viewer; Other ATI Drivers (7.12 - 8.2) may also be implicated? - {{User|Azadine Umarov}}
* {{jira|VWR-6171}} - Votes: 0 - Constant crashing and Blue Screens since Viewer - {{User|Summoner Castaignede}}
* {{jira|VWR-6168}} - Votes: 0 - llSetLocalRot updates erratically in viewer - {{User|Magnuz Binder}}
* {{jira|VWR-6170}} - Votes: 0 - New Viewer crashes when taking high res snapshot - {{User|Constanza Volare}}
* {{jira|VWR-6175}} - Votes: 0 - When using Parcel Media URL  the new URL is not auto streamed though client is set to stream automatically - {{User|iblindfool weary}}
* {{jira|VWR-6172}} - Votes: 0 - Land information is not updating - {{User|Deany Fall}}
* {{jira|VWR-6036}} - Votes: 0 - Crashes upon logon - {{User|tucker balbozar}}
* {{jira|VWR-6138}} - Votes: 0 - the viewer pauses  and must wait till it it catches back up  ?    a 10 second freeze - {{User|rickk vernet}}
* {{jira|VWR-6182}} - Votes: 0 - need to force quit    when quitting the program - {{User|rickk vernet}}
* {{jira|VWR-6186}} - Votes: 0 - Second Life is leaking Objective-C objects at startup - {{User|Sammy Frederix}}
* {{jira|VWR-6188}} - Votes: 0 - Two Cam Issues - Too Close, Wrong Position - {{User|Cherry Asturias}}
* {{jira|VWR-6190}} - Votes: 0 - Clicking on Start/Stop Movie to Disk Button Crashes On OSX - {{User|Toe Fermi}}
* {{jira|VWR-6174}} - Votes: 0 - Text, menus, button text, and inventory text disappearing - {{User|KittyChile Destiny}}
* {{jira|VWR-6200}} - Votes: 0 - Seaching words with umlauts (???..) will not find any results - {{User|Nakita Kaul}}
* {{jira|VWR-6201}} - Votes: 0 - group tag is not displaying japanese language characters - group bakemono replacing with ???? - {{User|kayoss oh}}

== Fast Track Import ==
== Fast Track Import ==

Revision as of 13:20, 8 April 2008

Next meeting: 2008-03-26 at 3pm PST at Bridie Linden's house.


(Bugs reported in final release — consider for import?, sorted by votes)

  • VWR-6081 - Votes: 4 - Outfit folders cannot be "worn" unless opened - udge watanabe
  • VWR-6008 - Votes: 4 - All Avatars are invisible using viewer - wilywit hax
  • VWR-5950 - Votes: 3 - Auto Align feature for Video Media Texture does not work with certain video resolutions in 1.19.1 (4) - Vlad Bjornson
  • VWR-6140 - Votes: 3 - NVidia 6200 SL Graphics Problem - Floyd Gilmour
  • VWR-5948 - Votes: 3 - Invisible Avatars, Transparent Clothes, Blanking Skies effected by various settings, Radeon HD Series - Kettu Keiko
  • VWR-5992 - Votes: 2 - Snapshots in latest viewer release fails to keep correct aspect ratio - SlavegirlPaula Masukami
  • VWR-6010 - Votes: 2 - Mac client crashes when take snapshot is selected from the File menu - Nad Gough
  • VWR-6037 - Votes: 2 - Crash Crash Crash - RC$ and 1.19.4 - magnus foulsbane
  • VWR-6158 - Votes: 2 - IM button and inventory drop section on profiles do not work while downloading of profiles is disabled - Eddy Ofarrel
  • VWR-5528 - Votes: 2 - Textures not showing properly on Objects, Land. Avatars not being shown properly. - Meghan Dench
  • VWR-5641 - Votes: 2 - Linux client distribution dropped secondlife.ico - Qie Niangao
  • VWR-6019 - Votes: 1 - if rename an item in the inventory and press ESC while editing, the new name was set, not restore the old one - Magus Loon
  • VWR-5996 - Votes: 1 - Viewer on Mac slows to a crawl becomes unusable - Shawna Kelley
  • VWR-6012 - Votes: 1 - GFX artifacts with ATI radeon 9800SE / 256MB - Wiseguy Capra
  • VWR-6024 - Votes: 1 - with new viewer, screen too dark, movement almost impossible, and unsolicited movements creating nausea with those looking at the screen. - Sirene Silverspar
  • VWR-6092 - Votes: 1 - Missing "copy to inventory" button on landmarks opened in notecards - McCabe Maxsted
  • VWR-6097 - Votes: 1 - snapshot to disk crashes app if "high res" selected - lan may
  • VWR-6128 - Votes: 1 - Running multiple viewers causes massive packetloss - bulli schumann
  • VWR-6107 - Votes: 1 - When uploading animations the Ruth model appears as an unshaded silhouette (with shaded hair?) making it difficult to discern detail - jeaniesing trilling
  • VWR-6141 - Votes: 1 - media is sized improperly if PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_LOOP_SET is not set to true when playing images or smil files - anthony reisman
  • VWR-6153 - Votes: 1 - Objects Owned by Others not Visible in About Land Window - Phree2Be Foxley
  • VWR-6193 - Votes: 1 - Beacon turns 'invisible' at larger distances - Daedalus Young
  • VWR-6202 - Votes: 1 - Snapshot to disk with glowing backgrounds show HUDs in the Snapshots - Magus Loon
  • VWR-6026 - Votes: 1 - Colors. Light way to bright. Sunset/Sunrise turns everything orange - Lisa Lowe
  • VWR-5874 - Votes: 0 - No anti-aliasing at all in Windlight/ RC series - Coyote Cortes
  • VWR-5993 - Votes: 0 - New viewer version freezing when loading. - anderson danton
  • VWR-5991 - Votes: 0 - Serious Memory Leak that carried over from the RC to the new release - grayscale heidenstam
  • VWR-6006 - Votes: 0 - Keyboard maping error on MAC with viewer SecondLife_1_19_1_4.dmg: Ctrl-Click (No mose present) no longer provides the same result as Right click when using a mousr with two buttons. No way to "Touch" an object unless two button mouse is used. - Enysy Mikita
  • VWR-6007 - Votes: 0 - Dynamic Reflections Enabled on first Login of 1.19.1 (4) - Penny Patton
  • VWR-6001 - Votes: 0 - Landing on a slope the avatar turns and flies downhill - JC Sandial
  • VWR-6016 - Votes: 0 - FFMOD problem - Tayra Dagostino
  • VWR-6000 - Votes: 0 - Built-in browser fails to display content - Jerhevon Rubble
  • VWR-6020 - Votes: 0 - Texture Picker flashes Media URL image - JC Sandial
  • VWR-6029 - Votes: 0 - Uploading texture with wrong file extension crashes viewer - Joshua Philgarlic
  • VWR-6028 - Votes: 0 - "Sim quakes" shaking up my avatar - Spook Maroon
  • VWR-6032 - Votes: 0 - New release totally screwed my pc audio and brought system to halt - Monalisa Robbiani
  • VWR-6035 - Votes: 0 - New rollout of the viewer that was previously known as windlight brings Athlon 64 with 1 gig memory to a standstill with anything running in the background - Inferno Nightfire
  • VWR-6044 - Votes: 0 - the setting is wrong in the graphics hardware area - its picking up the wrong memory value and making the system perform poorly - aaron23 decuir
  • VWR-6043 - Votes: 0 - Frequent Screen Blank - tasman perth
  • VWR-5676 - Votes: 0 - Wind/flying sound plays even when master volume set to minimum - Alyx Jonson
  • VWR-6050 - Votes: 0 - Frequent crashes when teleporting to Te Wharau - socaldave birdbrain
  • VWR-6051 - Votes: 0 - Not able to rezz objects on ANY sim - Keumjoo Ahn
  • VWR-5967 - Votes: 0 - LLAudioChannelFMOD::cleanup error: An invalid parameter was passed to this function - harmony oh
  • VWR-6054 - Votes: 0 - Everything slows down to the point where I can no longer function. - seri franciosa
  • VWR-6056 - Votes: 0 - Animation viewer does not play animations on upload. - django yifu
  • VWR-6062 - Votes: 0 - Objects will not show '(worn on ...)' message - Nati Gynoid
  • VWR-6065 - Votes: 0 - The built-in web browser does not work with websites that require authentication. - Lima Vesperia
  • VWR-6067 - Votes: 0 - Using Alt/Cmd key with mouse to cam is whacked. - Nad Gough
  • VWR-6068 - Votes: 0 - In Full Screen (Alt-Ctrl-F1) Whirling Particle Effects Visible Around Scripted Objects (Forcing Turning All Particles Off for Machinema Making) - sitearm madonna
  • VWR-6047 - Votes: 0 - Blank Texture - AnOld Poindexter
  • VWR-6075 - Votes: 0 - Communication window isnt closing when clicking the communicate button twice - germaine aquacade
  • VWR-6080 - Votes: 0 - Daily lockup / crash with latest viewer - Peter Dixon
  • VWR-6084 - Votes: 0 - Red Stripe that was not there - JC Sandial
  • VWR-6086 - Votes: 0 - I cannot view other avitars correctly. - rebel indigo
  • VWR-6087 - Votes: 0 - Land Textures render improperly, and randomly change - Chaos Mohr
  • VWR-6093 - Votes: 0 - Ctrl-Alt-R does not seem to work if SL is windowed, when maximized it rebakes textures as expected. - wilson tone
  • VWR-6099 - Votes: 0 - Error notices (bottom right) cause viewer to hang - Yukinoroh Kamachi
  • VWR-6105 - Votes: 0 - Attempt to upload a too big Animation leaves a greyed-out, non-clickable window. - Spirit Homewood
  • VWR-6103 - Votes: 0 - Second Life Viewer freezes completely when doing Snapshot to disk - Maya Bogdanovich
  • VWR-6110 - Votes: 0 - [ ] I was attaching a hud when my other hud with animations-content disappeared. - adonaira aabye
  • VWR-6045 - Votes: 0 - Can't watch media anymore - Destiny Sleestak
  • VWR-6113 - Votes: 0 - Media in world viewing deeded to group disabled - reese shawbridge
  • VWR-6117 - Votes: 0 - I lost a box of furniture. I had it out and when I put it back SL had issues...it never returned. All my stored furniute was in the box....lots of it. - maria monnett
  • VWR-6118 - Votes: 0 - Screenshot checkbox disabled on abuse reports on regions where abuse reports are copied to an email address. - Drew Dwi
  • VWR-6116 - Votes: 0 - Seeing only two local lights active (excluding sun and moon) - Bree Giffen
  • VWR-6123 - Votes: 0 - SL crashes, fractals across the screen, major lag. - Kismet Dyrssen
  • VWR-6073 - Votes: 0 - Crash when turning on atmospheric or avatar imposters - DBDigital Epsilon
  • VWR-6126 - Votes: 0 - i saw object from other ppl in my land that are allowed to build but they are not in my groups. So the problem is that their objects were setted as they belonged to my group - maya thor
  • VWR-6127 - Votes: 0 - When i lanch the sl brower Second Life 1.19.1 (4) Apr 2 2008 11:59:37 (Second Life Release) in another my pc it crashes during the lanching soon. By the last release Candidate it does not happen, it works. - maya thor
  • VWR-6130 - Votes: 0 - Using Camera Controls Causes a Windows Runtime error and Client Crashes. - Elvis Orbit
  • VWR-6133 - Votes: 0 - Black Sqaure's Appreared around Character, Viewer Crashes Occur. - Gandalf Brennon
  • VWR-6136 - Votes: 0 - Item cannot be copied - renato surtees
  • VWR-6139 - Votes: 0 - I can not see facelights of other avatars, while i can see my own.. - luna fratica
  • VWR-6150 - Votes: 0 - Trying to upload a mis-matched BVH file causes the preview panel to freeze - Whichway Janus
  • VWR-6132 - Votes: 0 - On a Blank texture of a sphere, you can see the vertices highlighted in red, but only on some surfaces! - Angsty Rossini
  • VWR-6159 - Votes: 0 - "Object" Tab in Build Mode for Linked Objects does NOT match the HUD display. - Myiasia Wallaby
  • VWR-6142 - Votes: 0 - Crashreporter.app fails to launch - JC Sandial
  • VWR-6161 - Votes: 0 - Non-delivered purchase - triton sands
  • VWR-6163 - Votes: 0 - Different coloring of Imposters comapred with character - Nati Gynoid
  • VWR-6164 - Votes: 0 - Crash on startup; Entire monitor screen went back, restarted and tried launching with constant crashes on startup. - Dread Kohime
  • VWR-6125 - Votes: 0 - my set home to land says that the position his setted (I'm owner of the land) but when i do come back home I arrive outside my land. My friend; owner too -Willem Koba- has in the same land the same problem. Before new avoc 4 it works well. - maya thor
  • VWR-6145 - Votes: 0 - Camera focus & Linden Trees - JC Sandial
  • VWR-6025 - Votes: 0 - Uploaded snahshots show deformation; Framing doesn't work most of the time. - Lisa Lowe
  • VWR-6115 - Votes: 0 - with the l1.19.1 viewer scripts affecting how an object is viewed appear to turn off at a certain camera distance - Alisha Ultsch
  • VWR-6104 - Votes: 0 - Post-install of 8.3 ATI Drivers (VBO is enabled) client crashes with great frequency in 1.19.1(4) viewer; Other ATI Drivers (7.12 - 8.2) may also be implicated? - Azadine Umarov
  • VWR-6171 - Votes: 0 - Constant crashing and Blue Screens since Viewer - Summoner Castaignede
  • VWR-6168 - Votes: 0 - llSetLocalRot updates erratically in viewer - Magnuz Binder
  • VWR-6170 - Votes: 0 - New Viewer crashes when taking high res snapshot - Constanza Volare
  • VWR-6175 - Votes: 0 - When using Parcel Media URL the new URL is not auto streamed though client is set to stream automatically - iblindfool weary
  • VWR-6172 - Votes: 0 - Land information is not updating - Deany Fall
  • VWR-6036 - Votes: 0 - Crashes upon logon - tucker balbozar
  • VWR-6138 - Votes: 0 - the viewer pauses and must wait till it it catches back up  ? a 10 second freeze - rickk vernet
  • VWR-6182 - Votes: 0 - need to force quit when quitting the program - rickk vernet
  • VWR-6186 - Votes: 0 - Second Life is leaking Objective-C objects at startup - Sammy Frederix
  • VWR-6188 - Votes: 0 - Two Cam Issues - Too Close, Wrong Position - Cherry Asturias
  • VWR-6190 - Votes: 0 - Clicking on Start/Stop Movie to Disk Button Crashes On OSX - Toe Fermi
  • VWR-6174 - Votes: 0 - Text, menus, button text, and inventory text disappearing - KittyChile Destiny
  • VWR-6200 - Votes: 0 - Seaching words with umlauts (???..) will not find any results - Nakita Kaul
  • VWR-6201 - Votes: 0 - group tag is not displaying japanese language characters - group bakemono replacing with ???? - kayoss oh

Fast Track Import

(Move bugs here that have solid repros, or valid patches that you have reviewed)

Hot by Vote

High Voted Bugs



Misc Pool

Misc Pool

Pre-meeting activity

Some issues will be resolved in the course of building this agenda. Rather than deleting them from the proposed agenda, move the issue and associated discussion into the appropriate section below.




Transcript is/will be at Bug triage/2008-04-09/Transcript

Creating An Agenda

Community members generally collaborate on the agenda for bug triage meetings. Here's how you can quickly fill in an otherwise blank agenda:

Setting up

  • Go to Bug_Triage/YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY is the four digit year code, MM is the two digit month code, and DD is the day code
  • Write and save {{subst:Triage Template}} as the only content of your new page. This will copy the complete markup from Template:Triage Template as a starting point for your agenda.
  • Fill in the relevant time, date, and location info for the upcoming meeting. The easiest way to do this is to copy the entire block of information from an earlier meeting of the same type (RC, regular, etc...) and modify the date and time as needed.

Populating the issue listings section(s)


  1. !/usr/bin/env perl

use XML::Simple;

my $bugs = XMLin($ARGV[0]);

foreach my $item (@{$bugs->{channel}->{item}}) {

 $title = $item->{title};
 $title =~ s/^\^\*\] //;
 $key = $item->{key}->{content};
 $votes = $item->{votes};
 $reporter = $item->{reporter}->{username};
 print "* $key - Votes: $votes - $title - $reporter\n";



  • Pick a reasonable cutoff point, and copy the output into the appropriate section of your newly created page.