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|notes=Using the method incurs a one frame script sleep and the call can be extremely expensive. It is intended to be used in response to a path_update message indicating an inability to reach a requested destination (e.g., because the character or the destination is off the mesh).
|notes=Using the method incurs a one frame script sleep and the call can be extremely expensive. It is intended to be used in response to a path_update message indicating an inability to reach a requested destination (e.g., because the character or the destination is off the mesh).
* [[llCreateCharacter]]
* [[llCreateCharacter/ja]]
* [[llDeleteCharacter]]
* [[llDeleteCharacter/ja]]
* [[llEvade]]
* [[llEvade/ja]]
* [[llExecCharacterCmd]]
* [[llExecCharacterCmd/ja]]
* [[llGetClosestNavPoint]]
* [[llGetClosestNavPoint/ja]]
* [[llFleeFrom]]
* [[llFleeFrom/ja]]
* [[llNavigateTo]]
* [[llNavigateTo/ja]]
* [[llPatrolPoints]]
* [[llPatrolPoints/ja]]
* [[llPursue]]
* [[llPursue/ja]]
* [[llUpdateCharacter]]
* [[llUpdateCharacter/ja]]
* [[llWanderWithin]]
* [[llWanderWithin/ja]]
* [[path_update]]
* [[path_update/ja]]
|history = Date of Release  [[ Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/12# | 31/07/2012 ]]
|history = Date of Release  [[ Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/12# | 31/07/2012 ]]

Revision as of 13:45, 2 November 2023


関数: list llGetClosestNavPoint( vector point, list options );

Used to get a point on the navmesh that is the closest point to point.
containing a single vector which is the closest point on the navmesh to the point provided or an empty list.を list で返します。

• vector point A point in region-local space
• list options GCNP_* and other flags with their parameters. See options table

If an option is not explicitly set, the default value for that option is used.

Options V Parameters Default Description
GCNP_RADIUS ] 0 float distance ] 20.0 ] Limits how far out to search for a navigation point.
GCNP_STATIC ] 1 integer use_static_mesh ] FALSE ] Specifies whether the test should use the static or dynamic nav mesh. In the static case, all dynamic obstacles are ignored.
CHARACTER_TYPE ] 6 integer type ] CHARACTER_TYPE_NONE ] Filters nav points by eliminating nav mesh faces which are 0% walkable for the specified character type. In the default CHARACTER_TYPE_NONE case, all nav mesh faces are included.


  • There is no guarantee that a path exists from your current location to the returned point.


//  Clear any previous character behaviors

//  default speed is 20
    llCreateCharacter([CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED, 10.0]);
    llWanderWithin(llGetPos(), <64.0, 64.0, 2.0>, []);

    on_rez(integer start_param)

    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        vector currentPos = llGetPos();
        list points = llGetClosestNavPoint(currentPos, [GCNP_RADIUS, 10.0] );

        if (!llGetListLength(points))

        llSay(0, "current position " + (string)currentPos
            + " and closest nav point " + (string)llList2Vector(points, 0) );


Using the method incurs a one frame script sleep and the call can be extremely expensive. It is intended to be used in response to a path_update message indicating an inability to reach a requested destination (e.g., because the character or the destination is off the mesh).



Date of Release 31/07/2012

Search JIRA for related Issues


function list llGetClosestNavPoint( vector point, list options );
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