Category:LSL Needs Example

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Articulos en esta categoria necesitan ejemplos escritos para ellos. Para hacer eso pon el valor 'examples' igual a una secuencia multilinear.

Ejemplo: llFrand (el orden de los parametros en esta definicion no tiene efecto en la representación).

|p1_desc=Any valid float value
|return_text=that is pseudo random number in the range [0.0,mag) or (mag, 0.0].
|spec=returns a pseudo random number in range [0.0, mag) or (mag, 0.0], depending upon the sign of mag.
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        // When touched, say "Heads" with probability 0.5, 
        // otherwise, say "Tails."
        if ( llFrand(1.) < .5)
            llSay(0, "Heads");
            llSay(0, "Tails");
The random number generator is not a source of entropy.

The sequence of random numbers are shared across the entire process, and not independently seeded.
Therefore, the pseudo random number generation is not suitable for any application which requires 
completely predictable or completely unpredictable results.

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