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Function: llForceMouselook( integer <span title="boolean, If TRUE any avatar that sits on this object is forced into mouselook mode.
FALSE undoes this setting." style="border-bottom:1px dotted; cursor:help;">mouselook
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Sets if a sitting avatar should be forced into mouselook mode upon sitting on the object.

• integer mouselook boolean, If TRUE any avatar that sits on this object is forced into mouselook mode.
FALSE undoes this setting.


  • The user may exit mouselook mode at any time.


Force Mouselook on Sit

        llSitTarget(<0,0,0.1>,ZERO_ROTATION); //needed for AvatarOnSitTarget to work. Vector values must not all be set to 0.
    changed(integer change) //event changed
        if (change & CHANGED_LINK) //event changed and it has to do with linking or avatar sitting
            if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() ) //the changed event is an avatar sitting
                llForceMouselook(TRUE); //force into mouselook on sit

See Also

Deep Notes


function void llForceMouselook( integer mouselook );