
From Second Life Wiki
Revision as of 17:28, 20 September 2012 by Maestro Linden (talk | contribs) (Add dynamic_pathfinding option to description)
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Function: string llGetEnv( string name );

Returns a string with the requested data about the region.

• string name The name of the data to request

Note that the value returned is a string, you may need to cast it to an integer for use in calculations.

Table of valid name values.
Name Typecast Description
"sim_channel" NA Get the region's channel string, for example "Second Life Server".
"sim_version" NA Get the region's version number string, for example "".
"frame_number" (integer) Get the frame number of the simulator, for example "42042".
"region_idle" (integer) Get the region's idle status, "1" or "0".
"dynamic_pathfinding" (integer) Get the region's dynamic_pathfinding status, "1" or "0". This option is configured in the Region Debug Console


<lsl> default {

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       string version = llGetEnv("sim_version");
       llOwnerSay("Region " + llGetRegionName() + " is running "
                  + llGetEnv("sim_channel") + " version " + version );
       list ver = llParseString2List(version, ["."], []);
       llOwnerSay("Build: "+llList2String(ver, 3));
       llOwnerSay("Build Date: "+llList2String(ver, 2)+"-"+llList2String(ver, 1)+"-20"+llList2String(ver, 0));




  • Region idling lowers a region's framerate when no avatars are currently on or looking into the region. Scripts measuring time dilation with llGetRegionTimeDilation may report significant time dilation if the region is idle.

See Also

Deep Notes


  • SVC-4874
  • Introduced in Second Life RC LeTigre, deployed on 2010-12-01.
  • Deployed to rest of Agni with Second Life Server, Second Life RC BlueSteel, Second Life RC Magnum
  • "frame_number" option added in Second Life RC BlueSteel
    • Returns an integer that represents the current 'frame' of the simulator. Generally only useful for specific debugging cases.
  • Removed (temporarily?) in Second Life RC BlueSteel


function string llGetEnv( string name );