Eastern Ocean
Eastern Ocean includes a large part of the grid map, East to the large mainland continents. It has a very low sim density. The islands composing it can easy be divided into remote seas. Name is not official, it comes from its map position to the mainland continents. However, this name was previously suggested in ContinentDetector.
Borders, sectors and coordinates
To West, the border is formed by the continents Corsica, Nautilus, Satori and Shopping Continent. The western border can be considered the line between grid sectors J11 and K11. In North and South, it extends as far as the last isolated sim. To East, it vanishes at the last sim, somewhere at the half distance between Corsica and Zindra.
The ocean coveres many grid sectors (see Grid Sector): K9, K10, M10, K11, L11, M11, K12, L12, M12, K13, L13, M13. With 13 grid sectors, Eastern Ocean is the larger ocean of the grid. Even if it is so large, it concentrates only a small number of sims.
Coordinates are given in sims, format longitude (min-max)/latitude (min-max), as given for every sim at Gridsurvey[1]. Previously given coordinates were 1179-1500/500-1500. Now, best coordinates are 1100-1400/900-1400.
This large ocean can be divided into many subdivisions. Previously, some divisions were allready shown.
North Basin
This includes some parts of the map in North - East. The islands in that part have the highest density in the Eastern Ocean, but still are more rare then in other parts of the grid (like Northern Ocean or Western Ocean. Sim density drops gradually from West to East. A lot of void spaces appear between diverse sim structures.
Gaeta Sea
Also known as West Gaeta Sea.
Remote North-East Sea
Sharp Islands

These islands are what is left from the old teen grid. Now, they are reduced to a third of their initial density. Teen estates (universities and institutions) host a lot of land in other regions, land that covers a larger space then the initial teen grid estates. Name of these islands is unofficial. Many new residents, who don't know history of the teen grid, call the old teen continent 'the sharp piece of land'. That's why the teen continent is more often named Sharp continent. So, the sims around it, can be called Sharp Islands. These islands are hosted by two grid sectors. Also, the islands can be divided in two groups:
- Grid Sector K9, 1100-1200/900-1000, majority of this sector is void
- A193! (Sharp South) - Sim Cluster - 1148-1166/965-993 - Sharp Sea, teen grid estates & sandbox
- A194 (Seminole Island) - Sim Group - 1132-1139/994-996 - Sharp Sea, (no access)
- Premium East continent, see Premium Continents
- Sharp Continent, remnants of Teen Grid
- Grid Sector K10 sectorK10, 1100-1200/1000-1100, continents, a few islands and much void
- A193! (Sharp South) - Sim Cluster - 1148-1166/965-993 - Sharp Sea, teen grid estates & sandbox
- A195 - Sim Group - 1165-1173/1006-1006 - Sharp Sea, North part of the Teen Grid Estates
Grid sector K10 hosts many continents, like Satori, Nautilus, Gaeta 5, Corsica and Sharp Continent. Also, there is an island that cannot be included into Sharp Sea:
- A196 (The East End) - (I) - 1145-1145/1164-1164, Eastern Ocean, isolated sim