SLGI Trains
SLGI Trains are automated convertable vehicles. They move like trains on the railway and like plains when the line ends. They are part of a project recently developed by Second Life Geography team, to connect remote places and to offer touristic guides to visitors. They all depart at Achemon Railway, House Of Freedom🖈 and move to a specific location. Unlike other automated vehicles the SLGI trains are rare (one at each 6 hours for each destination) and they follow a schedule. There are currently 12 destinations, each one with its own train. For a part of the distance, SLGI trains follow a common way, so they can be found more often near Achemon (at maximum one train every hour).
Some residents wanted that scheduled trains to exist and move after a program, like trains on real railways. Also, some residents wanted connections to exist somehow between main railway network in Heterocera and remote rails in Sansara. On the other hand, we all know the problems made by a high number of roaming vehicles on roads and railways. Creating a timetable for scheduled vehicles is a real hard job, to find the perfect solution between those who want more trains and those who want less vehicles (or want the railways only for themselves). There are endless discussions on the forums about this subject. These vehicles are moving on Protected Land or on private-owned land (with permission). Our little team is opened for suggestions and wish the best for everybody. Roads, railways and other protected ways don't belong to a single person or a single transport company, but to all residents. Like in real world, vehicles must exist and protected ways (roads, railways, waterways and airlines) are made for transportation, however abusing of protected routes is not a good thing and must be avoided.
Other reasons were to stimulate other people's creativity and to show that Automated Transportation vehicles can be built by anybody and to show, from above, the beauty of our virtual world.
Operating these virtual trains is an honor for us and we treat it with big responsibility.
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Important: These vehicles are NOT created for the pleasure of creating, but for the desire to make our world a better place. If you want to add, remove or modify these trains or even all trains, contact Ana Imfinity. |
From the first days when the railway system in Heterocera was starting to take shape, people wanted a transportation service to exist. Many residents have tried this. Some of them ended in the wrong way (with punishment like a 3 days suspention), while the large majority of builders ceased their projects by their own will. In 2013, the Yava Script Pods were operating on parts of the railway (mainly in East), while Second Life Transport Authority had its cars roaming on all railway system. Roaming trains were also present.
From 2012, World Explorer Railways Center was almost finished in Achemon sim, but incidents from rl forced its owner to stop the project. It remained unfinished until January 2014, when it was incorporated in Achemon Railway. The purpose of World Explorer was to offer guided tours throughout the rail system of the atoll. In December 2013, SLGI (or Second Life Geography Institute) was formed, as an inworld place for Geographic articles and research. Then, after creation of Achemon Railway, the old transportation project was passed to the institute.
The first scheduled train was moving on route Achemon - Tuliptree, every 3 hours (January 2014) and the first flying train moved from Cecropia to Adelais (February 2014). Since then, new trains were inserted and schedules were changed often. First trains were not always returning home, so their scripts had to be improved many times. From all projects made by Second Life Geography team, this one was and is the hardest one.
Ana Imfinity and Aziv Aslan, creators of SLGI trains, are both of Circassian (North Caucasian) origin. This is the first project in Second Life developed by North Caucasian people.
Technical data
For the moment, the vehicles in use are modified opensource trains. The trains use different types of scripts: for train movement and for flying. They have replaced the coal steam generator with a nuclear reactor ;) and so, they use an unconventional source of locomotion.
For this, all convertable trains have a train engine (a script responsable for train movement), a plane engine (a script responsable for flying), one or more dictator scripts (they tell the enines what to do and where) and a deleter script (in case something goes wrong, to avoid entering unwanted parcels and remove runaway trains). To reduce lag, trains have no listener. communication between scripts is done with llMessageLinked function. Measurements show that these trains use sim resources not much above the level of a classic opensource train.
The original opensource trolley had sit scripts in almost all prims. We kept these low-lag scripts, to help passengers sit in a confortable way.
Unlike other tour vehicles, SLGI trains don't use a notecard to store data about their route. All information is stored inside the scripts. This is not a problem for short distance trains, but for long-distance vehicles, a special technology needed to be developed to accomodate with this problem. So, long-distance trains make stops along the route in rezz zones, where they rezz a prim with scripts. Old, used scripts are deleted and replaced with new ones. In many cases, passengers won't even notice this, except for a longer time spent in a station (10 seconds instead of 2).
Train movement
As a train, they move slow (about 55% the speed of an opensource train), but in some parts of the rial they can move much faster (even faster then an opensource train). Speed is reduced in places with high lag or with multiple sim crossings, to make sure that passengers survive, but it is allowed a higher speed in sims with more abandoned land. Main difference to other trains is a slow transition between speeds. Train engine shows speed in a floating text, so passengers can see know fast they are going. Some residents required speed increase, so now they have it, but with strong restrictions in dangerous places. Sometimes, restrictions are on bridges, to make a journey more realistic.
They are more vulnerable as trains. Tests showed that 70% of problems are on the railway then in the air. They are affected by lag levels, passengers with bad connections, fast changing switches or small auto-return times. Also, trains tend to move with 5% faster without a passenger.
The engine used a simplified opensource script (reduced to 60% to reduce lag). Unlike other trains, the SLGI trains decrease and increase speed more visible while they enter a station. A second script changes switches on the rail, so the train can move smoothly and follow the guide. At important switches, to avoid any problems on the railway, the flying engine is engaged for low distances. This means that the wings will be visible in such places. Trains are physical while moving on the rail and non-physical when they stop or flip.
Plane movement
As a plane, they use a Fission Engine that creates a multitude of explosions, so the passengers feel endless small shocks (don't worry, avatars don't die). The trains fly at high altitude in populated areas. They have the power to become invisible if needed, to avoid making any stress to any resident. As plains, they move at a higher speed and follow a non-flexible path. They have no stop while flying.
Many thanks to Aziv - Aslan who suggested this kind of locomotion and helped to create it.
Flying altitude is set to 100 meters except for SLGI Train Mountain (after they depart Crenulate station) and some high places inside snowlands, for SLGI Train YS + Dams. In some populated areas, they become invisible to avoid any stress to nearby residents. While flying, trains are affected only by rare sim crashes. The most frequent problem is that sims enter from time to time on restart process and this blocks all trains entering that area.
The flying script, made by Aziv Aslan and Ana Imfinity, is simple, low-lag, but does not use a notecard or an external storage place for information. For low-distance trains that is not a problem, but for high-distance ones, data needs to be sored on multiple scripts. From time to time, the train stops in a rezz zone and deploys a prim with scripts. Using llRemoteLoadScriptPin the prim gives to the train a new script with instructions, while the old one is deleted. In many cases, passengers will not even notice this, except for a longer stop in a station along route.
Sometimes, the plane engine is used to pass important or tricky switches. Also, the train is not physical while flying.
Percent of errors
In normal conditions, measurements showed that about 90 to 98% of trains return home, depending on what route. Also, trains keep following their schedules with an error of 5%. They are more stable as plains then as trains. The reason for this is that the atomic fission engine is working much better on air then it powers the wheels on rail. Failures and delays are caused by sims that enter a restart process, high lag and time dillation, passengers with bad connections (this can block a sim crossing), interfernce with the rail (switches and other vehicles) and also by changes of switches and moving bridges. The most frequent problem the 'region logout process' that deletes all trains existing an passing through a sim. In past, these trains could be hyjacked for fun, but since griefer attacks are far too often in the last time, this will no longer be possible.
To avoid problems, trains have a deleter. If a train remains blocked more then 10 minutes somewhere or of a train does not return home in time (with an error of 30%), it is deleted.
Since the beginning of SLGI Train Project, we encountered a lot of problems. Up to this date, for those 2% to 10% of trains that fail reaching their target or returning home, the reasons of their failure are as follows:
- Sim logout process: 40%
- Sim crossing problems: 30%
- Griefer attacks: 20%
- Technical problems: 10%.
Unfortunately, in last time, bad sim crossings have a very bad effect on the movement of these trains. This has been going for too long and we speculate that the Linden officials intentionately keep this going on and don't fix it.
Unlike Second Life Transport Authority or Yava Script Pods, we don't have access to an external server. For a long time, the only way to know where SLGI trains are was the use of their timetables and Heterocera interactive maps. These trains don't have contact with any external or internal server and so they are completely on their own on their schedules.
At their rezz point, in House Of Freedom - Achemon Railway, there is a traffic relay that gives information about train activity, counting departed and returned trains. It also uses trackers. A tracker is the fastest moving object on the grid. It can travel from Achemon to Bay City an back in less then two minutes. They look like green spheres, flying at 1000 meters high. Trackers follow routes of SLGI trains that should be in service according to schedule and return home with info about detected SLGI trains.
The use of trackers instead of an expensive external server proved to be highly efficient. Main advantages are: low-lag for trains and traffic relay, no cost for this method, higher accuracy and information about sim cross problems. Major disadvantage is system delay (it takes between a few seconds to a few minutes to find out where is a train).
By clicking the traffic relay, anybody can find out in a few minutes where all SLGI trains are.
An online map shows information brought by the trackers and position of all SLGI trains, with a delay of 5 minutes. This map can be seen at House Of Freedom. It is not so accurate as Heterocera interactive railway maps, but still gives a good idea of where trains are.
At this moment, we have one train model working on all lines: a modified version of the GSLR trolley (available anywhere as an opensource model). It has been modified by a good friend of us, who reduced prim count and painted it green. To make flying more realistic, wings have been added. We had also a modified version of the VRC opensource train, but we no longer use it. Initial trains had an extreme glowing effect and not a nice design. The trolley is more simple, low prim, low lag and complains well with space and prim restrictions found in some places.
Second Life Geography team wanted to make a contest for train boulders, for train models. For financial reasons, this is not possible (except as an act of charity with symbolic prizes). If you wish your train to be used, this is possible with the following conditions:
- Trains must not have more then 28 prims (to avoid problems and lag).
- Trains for GSLR and ONSR must not have more then 20 prims (both lines have limited prim count).
- All trains must have wings (the wings are visible only while flying). These trains also fly over important switches to avoid blocking traffic, not only to reach railway terminals.
- Convertable trains must not be longer then an opensource (they must squeeze through small parcels of protected land)
- Classic trains must not be longer then a trolley (to avoid any problems)
- All models must be copy-modify (so that the scripts can be inserted and part of the trains can become invisible)
- Unconventional models are appreciated
- Trains must not make noises, to avoid any problems with land owners
- Trains must work well with the opensource train script (this affects the angles).
IMPORTANT: All trains must be green. Models with other color will not be accepted by default. It is, however, not required to be glowing or to have a specific type of green (or to be completely green).
On private-owned land, trains are moving with permission. However, since majority of private railways are group owned, it is impossible to talk with everybody. A notecard was released for the VRC group. If you are a member of a group that owns land on a railway and don't want trains to move on your land, please contact us.
It is possible that, caused of an error, these trains lose their way and enter nearby parcels. This happens at one train in 600, in 80% of cases when a sim is behaving not normally (a bug, high lag, griefer attacks or sim logout process). More often, this is happening to experimental trains or new trains released into schedule. More often, it is possible that a SLGI train, while flying, enters with a part of its body (the edge of its wings) on private land. If you see any of these happening, please tell us, to correct the route. If a train gets stocked and stays in the same sim for more then 10 minutes, it will self-destruct. The same, if a train does not return home within estimated time (average time + 30%), it will also go self-destruct.
On protected land, vehicles are allowed to move. Still, the point of view of nearby residents is important. It is important both the point of view of residents nearby the protected land and the residents moving on protected land, by foot or with other vehicles. So, if required, trains can become invisible in a specified area or they can fly at a higher altitude.
If residents from nearby parcels wish, trains might become partially invisible while passing nearby or can fly on other altitudes. And also, if you own a station or a parcel near the railway and wish to, these trains can stop at your station or enter your parcel. If you wish, a complete time schedule for a specified station can be sent to you on a notecard. And also, if a group of residents wish, these trains will be removed from a schedule.
Since the beginning of the project, our team received many messages, 90% of them were appreciations for the project and 10% were against it.
It is almost impossible to always keep an eye on all vehicles. That would require someone to be always online and to track all vehicles with high-lag scripts. Trains have a timer, so if they get stocked in a sim for more then 10 minutes or they don't reach back home with a delay of 30%, they self-destruct and send a message back home. If you see a train behaving badly or not following its route, please contact us, to solve the problem.
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Note: To avoid making problems on the railway, there will be only 4 trains a day on each direction, at every 6 hours. Around Achemon, there can be seen more trains, but not more then 24 train is 24 hours (except when sim crossing becomes very bad and alternative trains need to be rezzed). |
The departure/arrival position is House Of Freedom🖈 (Achemon 22,242,80).
To get a complete schedule for every station and all available data (15 pages of word table), click on this Complete Schedule. The information is stored on MEGA, the succesor of Megaupload. You will need google chrome to download.
SLGI Train Bay
This train connects Bay City Railway with Heterocera. It makes a few stops on the way. Its schedule is as follows:
TRAIN NUMBER 101 103 105 107 TRAIN NUMBER 102 104 106 108 HOUSE OF FREE. 0.01 6.01 12.01 18.01 HOUSE OF FREE. 3.11 9.11 15.11 21.11 TIGER DEPOT 0.02 6.02 12.02 18.02 TIGER DEPOT 3.10 9.10 15.10 21.10 ACHEMON SW. 0.03 6.03 12.03 18.03 ACHEMON SW. 3.09 9.09 15.09 21.09 ACHEMON 0.06 6.06 12.06 18.06 ACHEMON 3.06 9.06 15.06 21.06 DIDUGUA 0.07 6.07 12.07 18.07 DIDUGUA 3.05 9.05 15.05 21.05 IMPERIAL DEPOT 0.08 6.08 12.08 18.08 IMPERIAL DEPOT 3.04 9.04 15.04 21.04 IMPERIAL ST. 0.09 6.09 12.09 18.09 IMPERIAL ST. 3.03 9.03 15.03 21.03 NEUMOEGEN 0.11 6.11 12.11 18.11 NEUMOEGEN 3.01 9.01 15.01 21.01 OCULEA 0.13 6.13 12.13 18.13 OCULEA 2.59 8.59 14.59 20.59 CALLETA 0.16 6.16 12.16 18.16 CALLETA 2.56 8.56 14.56 20.56 UNION STATION 0.19 6.19 12.19 18.19 UNION STATION 2.53 8.53 14.53 20.53 SWEETBAY W 0.20 6.20 12.20 18.20 SWEETBAY W 2.52 8.52 14.52 20.52 COLUMBIA 0.21 6.21 12.21 18.21 COLUMBIA 2.51 8.51 14.51 20.51 SWEETBAY E 0.22 6.22 12.22 18.22 SWEETBAY E 2.50 8.50 14.50 20.50 TULIPTREE N. 0.24 6.24 12.24 18.24 TULIPTREE N. 2.48 8.48 14.48 20.48 TULIPTREE 0.26 6.26 12.26 18.26 TULIPTREE 2.46 8.46 14.46 20.46 COLOR SIMS 0.46 6.46 12.46 18.46 COLOR SIMS 2.26 8.26 14.26 20.26 HILDEGARDE 0.49 6.49 12.49 18.49 HILDEGARDE 2.23 8.23 14.23 20.23 BERTRADA 0.58 6.58 12.58 18.58 BERTRADA 2.14 8.14 14.14 20.14 SHEMERVILLE 1.15 7.15 13.15 19.15 SHEMERVILLE 1.57 7.57 13.57 19.57 MANYIMINYA 1.24 7.24 13.24 19.24 MANYIMINYA 1.48 7.48 13.48 19.48 GRUB BEACH 1.30 7.30 13.30 19.30 GRUB BEACH 1.42 7.42 13.42 19.42 INNER HARBOR 1.33 7.33 13.33 19.33 INNER HARBOR 1.39 7.39 13.39 19.39 DALEY BAY 1.36 7.36 13.36 19.36 DALEY BAY 1.36 7.36 13.36 19.36
An alternative train exists, SLGI Bay A, that is limited to Adelais (does not reach Bay City). It is automatically released when sim crossing is not safe. This is nearly following the route of first flying train.
This train connects the legendary ONSR with Heterocera. Its constructions is the most difficult because there are not many rezz zones on route, where scripts could be replaced, so both engines use their fuel with maximum efficiency.
TRAIN NUMBER 111 113 115 117 TRAIN NUMBER 112 114 116 118 HOUSE OF FR. 1.01 7.01 13.01 19.01 HOUSE OF FR. 5.47 11.47 17.47 23.47 TIGER DEPOT 1.02 7.02 13.02 19.02 TIGER DEPOT 5.46 11.46 17.46 23.46 ACHEMON SW. 1.03 7.03 13.03 19.03 ACHEMON SW. 5.45 11.45 17.45 23.45 ACHEMON 1.06 7.06 13.06 19.06 ACHEMON 5.42 11.42 17.42 23.42 DIDUGUA 1.07 7.07 13.07 19.07 DIDUGUA 5.41 11.41 17.41 23.41 IMPERIAL DEPOT 1.08 7.08 13.08 19.08 IMPERIAL DEPOT 5.40 11.40 17.40 23.40 IMPERIAL ST. 1.09 7.09 13.09 19.09 IMPERIAL ST. 5.39 11.39 17.39 23.39 NEUMOEGEN 1.11 7.11 13.11 19.11 NEUMOEGEN 5.37 11.37 17.37 23.37 OCULEA 1.13 7.13 13.13 19.13 OCULEA 5.35 11.35 17.35 23.35 CALLETA 1.16 7.16 13.16 19.16 CALLETA 5.32 11.32 17.32 23.32 UNION STATION 1.19 7.19 13.19 19.19 UNION STATION 5.29 11.29 17.29 23.29 SWEETBAY W 1.20 7.20 13.20 19.20 SWEETBAY W 5.28 11.28 17.28 23.28 COLUMBIA 1.21 7.21 13.21 19.21 COLUMBIA 5.27 11.27 17.27 23.27 SWEETBAY E 1.22 7.22 13.22 19.22 SWEETBAY E 5.26 11.26 17.26 23.26 TULIPTREE N 1.24 7.24 13.24 19.24 TULIPTREE N 5.24 11.24 17.24 23.24 TULIPTREE 1.26 7.26 13.26 19.26 TULIPTREE 5.22 11.22 17.22 23.22 COLOR SIMS 1.46 7.46 13.46 19.46 COLOR SIMS 5.02 11.02 17.02 23.02 WEST VOLCANO 1.50 7.50 13.50 19.50 WEST VOLCANO 4.58 10.58 16.58 22.58 AMIDA BRIDGE 2.12 8.12 14.12 20.12 AMIDA BRIDGE 4.36 10.36 16.36 22.36 CRESCENT BR. 2.22 8.22 14.22 20.22 CRESCENT BRIDGE 4.26 10.26 16.26 22.26 CLARKSBURG BR. 2.34 8.34 14.34 20.34 CLARKSBURG BR. 4.14 10.14 16.14 22.14 WENGEN 2.53 8.53 14.53 20.53 WENGEN 3.55 9.55 15.55 21.55 OBERSTDORF 2.54 8.54 14.54 20.54 OBERSTDORF 3.54 9.54 15.54 21.54 VALMOREL 2.57 8.57 14.57 20.57 VALMOREL 3.51 9.51 15.51 21.51 EAGAN 2.59 8.59 14.59 20.59 EAGAN 3.49 9.49 15.49 21.49 DJ LANDING 3.00 9.00 15.00 21.00 DJ LANDING 3.48 9.48 15.48 21.48 HEATON 3.02 9.02 15.02 21.02 HEATON 3.46 9.46 15.46 21.46 BUNNY COTTAGE 3.04 9.04 15.04 21.04 BUNNY COTTAGE 3.44 9.44 15.44 21.44 OHNO 3.04 9.04 15.04 21.04 OHNO 3.44 9.44 15.44 21.44 SKARI 3.06 9.06 15.06 21.06 SKARI 3.42 9.42 15.42 21.42 BENHAM 3.08 9.08 15.08 21.08 BENHAM 3.40 9.40 15.40 21.40 OKEMO GORGE 3.10 9.10 15.10 21.10 OKEMO GORGE 3.38 9.38 15.38 21.38 OKEMO CANYON 3.13 9.13 15.13 21.13 OKEMO CANYON 3.35 9.35 15.35 12.35 NAKISKA 3.17 9.17 15.17 21.17 NAKISKA 3.31 9.31 15.31 21.31 TORNADO PASS 3.19 9.19 15.19 21.19 TORNADO PASS 3.29 9.29 15.29 21.29 SMITHERS BLUFF 3.24 9.24 15.24 21.24 SMITHERS BLUFF 3.24 9.24 15.24 21.24
An alternative train is SLGI ONSR A. This train is diverted to West, avoiding some tricky sim crossings. It is released only when traffic problems affect main scheduled train. Also, because South ONSR has limited prim count and it arrives only at a few minutes before SLGI Train ONSR, to avoid problems, this alternative train is limited at Okemo Gorge.
Made to reach the historical tracks of GSLR, this train has some special settings to accommodate for limited prim count.
TRAIN NUMBER 121 123 125 127 TRAIN NUMBER 122 124 126 128 HOUSE OF FREE. 2.01 8.01 14.01 20.01 HOUSE OF FREE. 3.19 9.19 15.19 21.19 TIGER DEPOT 2.02 8.02 14.02 20.02 TIGER DEPOT 3.18 9.18 15.18 21.18 ACHEMON SW. 2.06 8.06 14.06 20.06 ACHEMON SW. 3.17 9.17 15.17 21.17 DIDUGUA 2.07 8.07 14.07 20.07 DIDUGUA 3.14 9.14 15.14 21.14 IMPERIAL DEPOT 2.08 8.08 14.08 20.08 IMPERIAL DEPOT 3.13 9.13 15.13 21.13 IMPERIAL ST. 2.09 8.09 14.09 20.09 IMPERIAL ST. 3.12 9.12 15.12 21.12 NEUMOEGEN 2.11 8.11 14.11 20.11 NEUMOEGEN 3.11 9.11 15.11 21.11 OCULEA 2.13 8.13 14.13 20.13 OCULEA 3.07 9.07 15.07 21.07 SCRIPT POD B. 2.17 8.17 14.17 20.17 SCRIPT POD BASE 3.03 9.03 15.03 21.03 UNION STATION 2.18 8.18 14.18 20.18 UNION STATION 3.02 9.02 15.02 21.02 CECROPIA 2.20 8.20 14.20 20.20 CECROPIA 3.00 9.00 15.00 21.00 PURPLE 2.29 8.29 14.29 20.29 PURPLE 2.51 8.51 14.51 20.51 PERIWINKLE 2.33 8.33 14.33 20.33 PERIWINKLE 2.49 8.49 14.49 20.49 MAROON BRIDGE 2.34 8.34 14.34 20.34 MAROON BRIDGE 2.48 8.48 14.48 20.48 MAGENTA 2.35 8.35 14.35 20.35 MAGENTA 2.47 8.47 14.47 20.47 SLATE 2.36 8.36 14.36 20.36 SLATE 2.46 8.46 14.46 20.46 OLIVE 2.38 8.38 14.38 20.38 OLIVE 2.44 8.44 14.44 20.44 MOCHA 2.41 8.41 14.41 20.41 MOCHA 2.41 8.41 14.41 20.41
On rare occasions, when sim crossing is affected, SLGI GSLR A might be seen on traffic. This train moves only to Purple Docks.
SLGI Train Islands
Initially limited to Tuliptree, this train was extended to Kama, a beautiful tropical island in North Sansara.
TRAIN NUMBER 131 133 135 137 TRAIN NUMBER 132 134 136 138 HOUSE OF FREE. 3.01 9.01 15.01 21.01 HOUSE OF FREE. 6.19 12.19 18.19 0.19 TIGER DEPOT 3.02 9.02 15.02 21.02 TIGER DEPOT 6.18 12.18 18.18 0.18 ACHEMON SW. 3.03 9.03 15.03 21.03 ACHEMON SW. 6.17 12.17 18.17 0.17 ACHEMON 3.06 9.06 15.06 21.06 ACHEMON 6.14 12.14 18.14 0.14 DIDUGUA 3.07 9.07 15.07 21.07 DIDUGUA 6.13 12.13 18.13 0.13 IMPERIAL DEPOT 3.08 9.08 15.08 21.08 IMPERIAL DEPOT 6.12 12.12 18.12 0.12 IMPERIAL ST. 3.09 9.09 15.09 21.09 IMPERIAL ST. 6.11 12.11 18.11 0.11 NEUMOEGEN 3.11 9.11 15.11 21.11 NEUMOEGEN 6.09 12.09 18.09 0.09 OCULEA 3.13 9.13 15.13 21.13 OCULEA 6.07 12.07 18.07 0.07 CALLETA 3.16 9.16 15.16 21.16 CALLETA 6.04 12.04 18.04 0.04 UNION STATION 3.19 9.19 15.19 21.19 UNION STATION 6.01 12.01 18.01 0.01 SWEETBAY W 3.20 9.20 15.20 21.20 SWEETBAY W 6.00 11.00 18.00 0.00 COLUMBIA 3.21 9.21 15.21 21.21 COLUMBIA 5.59 11.59 17.59 23.59 SWEETBAY E 3.22 9.22 15.22 21.22 SWEETBAY E 5.58 11.58 17.58 23.58 TULIPTREE N 3.24 9.24 15.24 21.24 TULIPTREE N 5.56 11.56 17.56 23.56 TULIPTREE 3.26 9.26 15.26 21.26 TULIPTREE 5.54 11.54 17.54 23.54 COLOR SIMS 3.46 9.46 15.46 21.46 COLOR SIMS 5.34 11.34 17.34 23.34 BROKEN BRIDGE 4.16 10.16 16.16 22.16 BROKEN BRIDGE 5.04 11.04 17.04 23.04 TENJIN 4.21 10.21 16.21 22.21 TENJIN 4.59 10.59 16.59 12.59 KAMA 4.40 10.40 16.40 22.40 KAMA 4.40 10.40 16.40 12.40
Its alternative train, SLGI Islands A, is limited to Tuliptree and is working when sim crossing is not safe. It is in fact the old SLGI Train Tuliptree.
SLGI Train YS + Dams
The longest route, this flying train connects Heterocera with the Dams that exist in Sansara. Also, it has a stop at Yava Script Pods base. It has border contact with SJRR and East River Railway. Both these rails have object access or script restrictions or use a 'guide' not compatible with Heterocera trains. This train also reaches the North and South borders of Sansara.
TRAIN NUMBER 141 143 145 147 TRAIN NUMBER 148 142 144 146 HOUSE OF FR. 4.01 10.01 16.01 22.01 HOUSE OF FR. 6.18 12.18 18.18 0.18 TIGER DEPOT 4.02 10.02 16.02 22.02 TIGER DEPOT 6.17 12.17 18.17 0.17 ACHEMON SW. 4.03 10.03 16.03 22.03 ACHEMON SW. 6.16 12.16 18.16 0.16 ACHEMON 4.06 10.06 16.06 22.06 ACHEMON 6.13 12.13 18.13 0.13 DIDUGUA 4.07 10.07 16.07 22.07 DIDUGUA 6.12 12.12 18.12 0.12 IMPERIAL DEPOT 4.08 10.08 16.08 22.08 IMPERIAL DEPOT 6.11 12.11 18.11 0.11 IMPERIAL ST. 4.09 10.09 16.09 22.09 IMPERIAL ST. 6.10 12.10 18.10 0.10 NEUMOEGEN 4.11 10.11 16.11 22.11 NEUMOEGEN 6.07 12.07 18.07 0.07 OCULEA 4.13 10.13 16.13 22.13 OCULEA 6.05 12.05 18.05 0.05 CALLETA 4.16 10.16 16.16 22.16 CALLETA 6.02 12.02 18.02 0.02 UNION STATION 4.19 10.19 16.19 22.19 UNION STATION 5.59 11.59 17.59 23.59 SWEETBAY W 4.20 10.20 16.20 22.20 SWEETBAY W 5.58 11.58 17.58 23.58 COLUMBIA 4.21 10.21 16.21 22.21 COLUMBIA 5.57 11.57 17.57 23.57 SWEETBAY E 4.22 10.22 16.22 22.22 SWEETBAY E 5.56 11.56 17.56 23.56 TULIPTREE N. 4.24 10.24 16.24 22.24 TULIPTREE N 5.54 11.54 17.54 23.54 TULIPTREE 4.26 10.26 16.26 22.26 TULIPTREE 5.52 11.52 17.52 23.52 COLOR SIMS 4.46 10.46 16.46 22.46 COLOR SIMS 5.32 11.32 17.32 23.32 WEST VOLCANO 4.50 10.50 16.50 22.50 WEST VOLCANO 5.28 11.28 17.28 23.28 AMIDA BRIDGE 5.12 11.12 17.12 23.12 AMIDA BRIDGE 5.06 11.06 17.06 23.06 GANYMEDE DAM 5.23 11.23 17.23 23.23 GANYMEDE DAM 4.55 10.55 16.55 23.55 SCRIPT POD B. 5.31 11.31 17.31 23.31 SCRIPT POD B. 4.47 10.47 16.47 22.47 LARSEN 5.44 11.44 17.44 23.44 LARSEN 4.34 10.34 16.34 22.34 SUGAROGLAF DAM 5.53 11.53 17.53 23.53 SUGAROGLAF DAM 4.25 10.25 16.25 22.25 MILLER BRIDGE 6.05 12.05 18.05 0.05 MILLER BRIDGE 4.13 10.13 16.13 22.13 SCHELL END 6.25 12.25 18.25 0.25 SCHELL END 3.53 9.53 15.53 21.53 PORTAGE BRIDGE 6.33 12.33 18.33 0.33 PORTAGE BR. 3.45 9.45 15.45 21.45 BEAR 6.47 12.47 18.47 0.47 BEAR 3.31 9.31 15.31 21.31 SUTHERLAND 6.57 12.57 18.57 0.57 SUTHERLAND 3.21 9.21 15.21 21.21 ADRIATIC 7.16 13.16 19.16 1.16 ADRIATIC 3.02 9.02 15.02 21.02 MACCLAINE BR. 7.27 13.27 19.27 1.27 MACCLAINE BR. 2.51 8.51 14.51 20.51 SEASCALE BR. 7.46 13.46 19.46 1.46 SEASCALE BR. 2.32 8.32 14.32 20.32 WATERHEAD 7.51 13.51 19.51 1.51 WATERHEAD 2.27 8.27 14.27 20.27 LAGDALE 8.07 14.07 20.07 2.07 LAGDALE 2.11 8.11 14.11 20.11 WORLD END 8.09 14.09 20.09 2.09 WORLD END 2.09 8.09 14.09 20.09
There is an alternative train, SLGI YS + Dams A. This train is actually an extension of the old trains to Ross and SJRR; it takes a shortcut over Sea Of Fables, with stops at Clarksberg and Drawbridge. It is released when sim crossing is no longer safe.
SLGI Train Historical
More a plane then a train, this vehicle doesn't move on rail. It reaches the oldest part of the grid, going as far as the legendary Da Boom sim.
TRAIN NUMBER 151 153 155 157 TRAIN NUMBER 159 153 155 157 HOUSE OF FREE. 5.01 11.01 17.01 23.01 HOUSE OF FREE. 1.29 7.29 13.29 19.29 TIGER DEPOT 5.02 11.02 17.02 23.02 TIGER DEPOT 1.28 7.28 13.28 19.28 NEUMOEGEN 5.09 11.09 17.09 23.09 NEUMOEGEN 1.21 7.21 13.21 19.21 CALLETA 5.14 11.14 17.14 23.14 CALLETA 1.16 7.16 13.16 19.16 COLOR SIMS 5.30 11.30 17.30 23.30 COLOR SIMS 1.00 7.00 13.00 19.00 WEST VOLCANO 5.34 11.34 17.34 23.34 WEST VOLCANO 0.56 6.56 12.56 18.56 SPACE PIGS 5.58 11.58 17.58 23.58 SPACE PIGS 0.32 6.32 12.32 18.32 EYE IN HAND 6.04 12.04 18.04 0.04 EYE IN HAND 0.26 6.26 12.26 18.26 DA BOOM 6.15 12.15 18.15 0.15 DA BOOM 0.15 6.15 12.15 18.15
When sim crossing problems are frequent, SLGI Historical A is released, connecting former WARR stations. This is because SLGI Train Historical was inserted on the schedule of SLGI Train Burns (today removed, since SLGI Train WARRyucca is now in schedule).
SLGI Train Bhaga
First released as a roaming vehicle, it now follows the main line to Bhaga railway terminal.
TRAIN NUMBER 301 303 305 307 TRAIN NUMBER 302 304 306 308 HOUSE OF FREE. 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 HOUSE OF FREE. 2.58 8.58 14.58 20.58 TIGER DEPOT 0.01 6.01 12.01 18.01 TIGER DEPOT 2.57 8.57 14.57 20.57 OBSCURE 0.02 6.02 12.02 18.02 OBSCURE 2.56 8.56 14.56 20.56 HORISME 0.04 6.04 12.04 18.04 HORISME 2.54 8.54 14.54 20.54 RIVATA 0.05 6.05 12.05 18.05 RIVATA 2.53 8.53 14.53 20.53 EPIRRHOE 0.07 6.07 12.07 18.07 EPIRRHOE 2.51 8.51 14.51 20.51 JODIS E 0.19 6.19 12.19 18.19 JODIS E 2.49 8.49 14.49 20.49 JODIS W 0.10 6.10 12.10 18.10 JODIS W 2.48 8.48 14.48 20.48 APLASTA 0.11 6.11 12.11 18.11 APLASTA 2.47 8.47 14.47 20.47 RIBEATA 0.12 6.12 12.12 18.12 RIBEATA 2.46 8.46 14.46 20.46 IDIA 0.14 6.14 12.14 18.14 IDIA 2.44 8.44 14.44 20.44 JUBATA 0.16 6.16 12.16 18.16 JUBATA 2.42 8.42 14.42 20.42 SINICA 0.18 6.18 12.18 18.18 SINICA 2.40 8.40 14.40 20.40 TORVA 0.19 6.19 12.19 18.19 TORVA 2.39 8.39 14.39 20.39 SPINI 0.21 6.21 12.21 18.21 SPINI 2.37 8.37 14.37 20.37 ATHETIS 0.24 6.24 12.24 18.24 ATHETIS 2.34 8.34 14.34 20.34 PARVA 0.26 6.26 12.26 18.26 PARVA 2.32 8.32 14.32 20.32 EUCLIDIA 0.29 6.29 12.29 18.29 EUCLIDIA 2.29 8.29 14.29 20.29 LOTA 0.30 6.30 12.30 18.30 LOTA 2.28 8.28 14.28 20.28 LUNALIS 0.31 6.31 12.31 18.31 LUNALIS 2.27 8.27 14.27 20.27 FUCOSA 0.34 6.34 12.34 18.34 FUCOSA 2.24 8.24 14.24 20.24 CONCINNA 0.38 6.38 12.38 18.38 CONCINNA 2.20 8.20 14.20 20.20 PLEBEJA 0.39 6.39 12.39 18.39 PLEBEJA 2.19 8.19 14.19 20.19 LAPARA 0.41 6.41 12.41 18.41 LAPARA 2.17 8.17 14.17 20.17 ARCHES 0.43 6.43 12.43 18.43 ARCHES 2.15 8.15 14.15 20.15 FOXGLOVE 0.45 6.45 12.45 18.45 FOXGLOVE 2.13 8.13 14.13 20.13 SAGITTATA 0.47 6.47 12.47 18.47 SAGITTATA 2.11 8.11 14.11 20.11 TAENIATUM W 0.49 6.49 12.49 18.49 TAENIATUM W 2.07 8.07 14.07 20.07 TAENIATUM E 0.50 6.50 12.50 18.50 TAENIATUM E 2.06 8.06 14.06 20.06 PERIZOMA 0.51 6.51 12.51 18.51 PERIZOMA 2.05 8.05 14.05 20.05 IMMIDAE 0.52 6.52 12.52 18.52 IMMIDAE 2.04 8.04 14.04 20.04 SABRE 0.56 6.56 12.56 18.56 SABRE 2.00 8.00 14.00 20.00 CLEARWING N 0.57 6.57 12.57 18.57 CLEARWING N 1.59 7.59 13.59 19.59 CLEARWING P. 1.58 7.58 13.58 18.58 CLEARWING P. 1.58 7.58 13.58 19.58 CRENULATE 1.01 7.01 13.01 19.01 CRENULATE 1.55 7.55 13.55 19.55 BURNET 1.03 7.03 13.03 19.03 BURNET 1.53 7.53 13.53 19.53 LAPPET 1.05 7.05 13.05 19.05 LAPPET 1.51 7.51 13.51 19.51 PINI 1.07 7.07 13.07 19.07 PINI 1.49 7.49 13.49 19.49 AGIRUS 1.08 7.08 13.08 19.08 AGIRUS 1.48 7.48 13.48 19.48 AGILA 1.11 7.11 13.11 19.11 AGILA 1.45 7.45 13.45 19.45 NESSUS 1.12 7.12 13.12 19.12 NESSUS 1.44 7.44 13.44 19.44 CELERIO 1.13 7.13 13.13 19.13 CELERIO 1.43 7.43 13.43 19.43 VELOX 1.16 7.16 13.16 19.16 VELOX 1.40 7.40 13.40 19.40 TENERA 1.18 7.18 13.18 19.18 TENERA 1.38 7.38 13.38 19.38 CRUMBI JCT 1.19 7.19 13.19 19.19 CRUMBI JCT 1.37 7.37 13.37 19.37 MOCIS 1.23 7.23 13.23 19.23 MOCIS 1.33 7.33 13.33 19.33 ZALE 1.24 7.24 13.24 19.24 ZALE 1.32 7.32 13.32 19.32 FISHII 1.26 7.26 13.26 19.26 FISHII 1.30 7.30 13.30 19.30 BHAGA N 1.27 7.27 13.27 19.27 BHAGA N 1.29 7.29 13.29 19.29 BHAGA 1.28 7.28 13.28 19.28 BHAGA 1.28 7.28 13.28 19.28
When sim crossing is no longer safe, SLGI Bhaga A is released. This train flies from Achemon directly to Bhagaa, then moves along main railway to Taeniatum, then returns home on the same way.
SLGI Train WARRyucca
This train is made by combining two older SLGI trains: SLGI Train Yucca and SLGI Train Burns. The last one was moving on the remaining part of WARR. Since it token over an year and WARR was not rebuilt, many residents abandoned their lands. So, we decided to extend SLGI Train Burns to reach by flying all former stations of WARR. Then, SLGI Train Yucca was extended along the West Coast until it reached Elpenor. Finally, the two trains merged into a single one, forming a loop around the atoll.
TRAIN NUMBER 311 313 315 317 TRAIN NUMBER 312 314 316 318 HOUSE OF FREE. 1.00 7.00 13.00 19.00 HOUSE OF FREE. 9.30 15.30 21.30 3.30 TIGER DEPOT 1.01 7.01 13.01 19.01 TIGER DEPOT 9.29 15.29 21.29 3.29 OBSCURE 1.02 7.02 13.02 19.02 OBSCURE 9.28 15.28 21.28 3.28 HORISME 1.04 7.04 13.04 19.04 HORISME 9.26 15.26 21.26 3.26 RIVATA 1.05 7.05 13.05 19.05 RIVATA 9.25 15.25 21.25 3.25 EPIRRHOE 1.07 7.07 13.07 19.07 EPIRRHOE 9.23 15.23 21.23 3.23 JODIS E 1.19 7.19 13.19 19.19 JODIS E 9.21 15.21 21.21 3.21 JODIS W 1.10 7.10 13.10 19.10 JODIS W 9.20 15.20 21.20 3.20 APLASTA 1.11 7.11 13.11 19.11 APLASTA 9.19 15.19 21.19 3.19 RIBEATA 1.12 7.12 13.12 19.12 RIBEATA 9.18 15.18 21.18 3.18 IDIA 1.14 7.14 13.14 19.14 IDIA 9.16 15.16 21.16 3.16 JUBATA 1.16 7.16 13.16 19.16 JUBATA 9.14 15.14 21.14 3.14 SINICA 1.18 7.18 13.18 19.18 SINICA 9.12 15.12 21.12 3.12 TORVA 1.19 7.19 13.19 19.19 TORVA 9.11 15.11 21.11 3.11 SPINI 1.21 7.21 13.21 19.21 SPINI 9.09 15.09 21.09 3.09 ATHETIS 1.24 7.24 13.24 19.24 ATHETIS 9.06 15.06 21.06 3.06 PARVA 1.26 7.26 13.26 19.26 PARVA 9.04 15.04 21.04 3.04 EUCLIDIA 1.29 7.29 13.29 19.29 EUCLIDIA 9.01 15.01 21.01 3.01 LOTA 1.30 7.30 13.30 19.30 LOTA 9.00 15.00 21.00 3.00 LUNALIS 1.31 7.31 13.31 19.31 LUNALIS 8.59 14.59 20.59 2.59 FUCOSA 1.34 7.34 13.34 19.34 FUCOSA 8.56 14.56 20.56 2.56 CONCINNA 1.38 7.38 13.38 19.38 CONCINNA 8.52 14.52 20.52 2.52 PLEBEJA 1.39 7.39 13.39 19.39 PLEBEJA 8.51 14.51 20.51 2.51 LAPARA 1.41 7.41 13.41 19.41 LAPARA 8.49 14.49 20.49 2.49 ARCHES 1.43 7.43 13.43 19.43 ARCHES 8.47 14.47 20.47 2.47 FOXGLOVE 1.45 7.45 13.45 19.45 FOXGLOVE 8.45 14.45 20.45 2.45 SAGITTATA 1.47 7.47 13.47 19.47 SAGITTATA 8.43 14.43 20.43 2.43 TAENIATUM W 1.49 7.49 13.49 19.49 TAENIATUM W 8.41 14.41 20.41 2.41 TAENIATUM E 1.50 7.50 13.50 19.50 TAENIATUM E 8.40 14.40 20.40 2.40 PERIZOMA 1.51 7.51 13.51 19.51 PERIZOMA 8.39 14.39 20.39 2.39 IMMIDAE 1.52 7.52 13.52 19.52 IMMIDAE 8.38 14.38 20.38 2.38 SABRE 1.56 7.56 13.56 19.56 SABRE 8.34 14.34 20.34 2.34 CLEARWING N 1.57 7.57 13.57 19.57 CLEARWING N 8.33 14.33 20.33 2.33 CLEARWING P. 1.58 7.58 13.58 19.58 CLEARWING P. 8.32 14.32 20.32 2.32 CRENULATE 2.01 8.01 14.01 20.01 CRENULATE 8.29 14.29 20.29 2.29 BURNET 2.03 8.03 14.03 20.03 BURNET 8.28 14.28 20.28 2.28 LAPPET 2.05 8.05 14.05 20.05 LAPPET 8.25 14.25 20.25 2.25 PINI 2.07 8.07 14.07 20.07 PINI 8.23 14.23 20.23 2.23 AGIRUS 2.08 8.08 14.08 20.08 AGIRUS 8.22 14.22 20.22 2.22 AGILA 2.11 8.11 14.11 20.11 AGILA 8.19 14.19 20.19 2.19 NESSUS 2.12 8.12 14.12 20.12 NESSUS 8.18 14.18 20.18 2.18 CELERIO 2.13 8.13 14.13 20.13 CELERIO 8.17 14.17 20.17 2.17 VELOX 2.16 8.16 14.16 20.16 VELOX 8.14 14.14 20.14 2.14 TENERA 2.18 8.18 14.18 20.18 TENERA 8.12 14.12 20.12 2.12 WEBWORM 2.20 8.20 14.20 20.20 WEBWORM 8.10 14.10 20.10 2.10 GLUPHISIA 2.23 8.23 14.23 20.23 GLUPHISIA 8.07 14.07 20.07 2.07 ANILIS 2.26 8.26 14.26 20.26 ANILIS 8.04 14.04 20.04 2.04 TERSA 2.29 8.29 14.29 20.29 TERSA 8.01 14.01 20.01 2.01 AMELLA 2.31 8.31 14.31 20.31 AMELLA 7.59 13.59 19.59 1.59 AMELLA ROAD 2.32 8.32 14.32 20.32 AMELLA ROAD 7.58 13.58 19.58 1.58 POECILA 2.34 8.34 14.34 20.34 POECILA 7.56 13.56 19.56 1.56 CATALPA 2.36 8.36 14.36 20.36 CATALPA 7.54 13.54 19.54 1.54 GRIZZLY 2.38 8.38 14.38 20.38 GRIZZLY 7.52 13.52 19.52 1.52 PHILUDORIA SW 2.40 8.40 14.40 20.40 PHILUDORIA SW 7.50 13.50 19.50 1.50 XANTHORHOE 2.41 8.41 14.41 20.41 XANTHORHOE 7.49 13.49 19.49 1.49 MELANTHIA 2.43 8.43 14.43 20.43 MELANTHIA 7.47 13.47 19.47 1.47 TRIPHOSA 2.45 8.45 14.45 20.45 TRIPHOSA 7.45 13.45 19.45 1.45 SHIPTON 2.46 8.46 14.46 20.46 SHIPTON 7.44 13.44 19.44 1.44 WAINSCOT 2.48 8.48 14.48 20.48 WAINSCOT 7.42 13.42 19.42 1.42 PLUSIA 2.49 8.49 14.49 20.49 PLUSIA 7.41 13.41 19.41 1.41 SATELLITE WAY 2.51 8.51 14.51 20.51 SATELLITE WAY 7.39 13.39 19.39 1.39 SPECTACLE 2.55 8.55 14.55 20.55 SPECTACLE 7.35 13.35 19.35 1.35 ENGRAILED 2.57 8.57 14.57 20.57 ENGRAILED 7.33 13.33 19.33 1.33 PUG 2.59 8.59 14.59 20.59 PUG 7.31 13.31 19.31 1.31 MANTLE 3.01 9.01 15.01 21.01 MANTLE 7.29 13.29 19.29 1.29 KNOT 3.03 9.03 15.03 21.03 KNOT 7.28 13.28 19.28 1.28 BURNOTT 3.04 9.04 15.04 21.04 BURNOTT 7.26 13.26 19.26 1.26 GINSBERG 3.05 9.05 15.05 21.05 GINSBERG 7.25 13.25 19.25 1.25 SHARK 3.07 9.07 15.07 21.07 SHARK 7.23 13.23 19.23 1.23 YUCCA 3.10 9.10 15.10 21.10 YUCCA 7.20 13.20 19.20 1.20 WOOLYBEAR 3.17 9.17 15.17 21.17 WOOLYBEAR 7.13 13.13 19.13 1.13 ECHO 3.27 9.27 15.27 21.27 ECHO 7.03 13.03 19.03 1.03 TOGATA TIGER 3.35 9.35 15.35 21.35 TOGATA TIGER 6.55 12.55 18.55 0.55 EMMELIA BR. 3.46 9.46 15.46 21.46 EMMELIA BR. 6.42 12.42 18.42 0.42 ELPENOR 4.07 10.07 16.07 22.07 ELPENOR 6.21 12.21 18.21 0.21 SIBINE 4.21 10.21 16.21 22.21 SIBINE 6.07 12.07 18.07 0.07 HANTU 4.30 10.30 16.30 22.30 HANTU 5.58 11.58 17.58 23.58 ANDRACA 4.34 10.34 16.34 22.34 ANDRACA 5.54 11.54 17.54 23.54 GUNDA 4.45 10.45 16.45 22.45 GUNDA 5.43 11.43 17.43 23.43 SIKKIMA 4.52 10.52 16.52 22.52 SIKKIMA 5.36 11.36 17.36 23.36 ELECTRA 4.56 10.56 16.56 22.56 ELECTRA 5.32 11.32 17.32 23.32 BURNS 4.59 10.59 16.59 22.59 BURNS 5.29 11.29 17.29 23.29 NEUMOEGEN 5.02 11.02 17.02 23.02 NEUMOEGEN 5.26 11.26 17.26 23.26 IMPERIAL ST. 5.05 11.05 17.05 23.05 IMPERIAL ST. 5.23 11.23 17.23 23.23 IMPERIAL DEPOT 5.06 11.06 17.06 23.06 IMPERIAL DEPOT 5.22 11.22 17.22 23.22 DIDUGUA 5.07 11.07 17.07 23.07 DIDUGUA 5.19 11.19 17.19 23.19 ACHEMON 5.08 11.08 17.08 23.08 ACHEMON 5.18 11.18 17.18 23.18 ACHEMON SW 5.11 11.11 17.11 23.11 ACHEMON SW 5.15 11.15 17.15 23.15 TIGER DEPOT 5.12 11.12 17.12 23.12 TIGER DEPOT 5.14 11.14 17.14 23.14 HOUSE OF FREE. 5.13 11.13 17.13 23.13 HOUSE OF FREE. 5.13 11.13 17.13 23.13
When sim crossing is no longer safe, SLGI WARRyucca A is released. This train is in fact the old SLGI Train Yucca and it follows the railway on route Achemon - Tenera - Plusia - Yucca. Because the West coast of the atoll is full of sim crossing problems, this alternative train might be seen often.
SLGI Train Mountain
This train does not move on railway. It travels by flying and allows visitors to see Mountains Of Heterocera.
TRAIN NUMBER 321 323 325 327 TRAIN NUMBER 322 324 326 328 HOUSE OF FREE. 2.00 8.00 14.00 20.00 HOUSE OF FREE. 4.12 10.12 16.12 22.12 TIGER DEPOT 2.01 8.01 14.01 20.01 TIGER DEPOT 4.11 10.11 16.11 22.11 RUSTIC 2.09 8.09 14.09 20.09 RUSTIC 4.03 10.03 16.03 22.03 GREAT BRIDGE 2.12 8.12 14.12 20.12 GREAT BRIDGE 4.00 10.00 16.00 22.00 CRENULATE 2.30 8.30 14.30 20.30 CRENULATE 4.42 10.42 16.42 22.42 PAVONIA 2.36 8.36 14.36 20.36 PAVONIA 4.36 10.36 16.36 22.36 CAMPION 2.45 8.45 14.45 20.45 CAMPION 4.27 10.27 16.27 22.27 PLEBEJA 2.53 8.53 14.53 20.53 PLEBEJA 4.19 10.19 16.19 22.19 GREAT WALL 3.10 9.10 15.10 21.10 GREAT WALL 4.02 10.02 16.02 22.02 JODIS WALL 3.25 9.25 15.25 21.25 JODIS WALL 5.47 9.47 15.47 21.47 TEMPLE STATION 3.31 9.31 15.31 21.31 TEMPLE STATION 5.41 9.41 15.41 21.41 HOUSE OF FREE. 3.36 9.36 15.36 21.36 HOUSE OF FREE. 5.36 9.36 15.36 21.36
When sim crossing is not safe, SLGI Mountain A might be released as an alternative solution. This train is limited at Great Wall and does not finish a loop.
SLGI Train Saturnia
First named SLGI Train Hooktip, this train reaches Bembecia City and gives a tour of Bembecia - Hooktip railway maze.
TRAIN NUMBER 331 333 335 337 TRAIN NUMBER 332 334 336 338 HOUSE OF FREE. 3.00 9.00 15.00 21.00 HOUSE OF FREE. 5.53 11.53 17.53 23.53 TIGER DEPOT 3.01 9.01 15.01 21.01 TIGER DEPOT 5.52 11.52 17.52 23.52 OBSCURE 3.02 9.02 15.02 21.02 OBSCURE 5.51 11.51 17.51 23.51 HORISME 3.04 9.04 15.04 21.04 HORISME 5.49 11.49 17.49 23.49 RIVATA 3.05 9.05 15.05 21.05 RIVATA 5.48 11.48 17.48 23.48 EPIRRHOE 3.07 9.07 15.07 21.07 EPIRRHOE 5.44 11.44 17.44 23.44 JODIS E 3.19 9.19 15.19 21.19 JODIS E 5.42 11.42 17.42 23.42 JODIS W 3.10 9.10 15.10 21.10 JODIS W 5.41 11.41 17.41 23.41 APLASTA 3.11 9.11 15.11 21.11 APLASTA 5.40 11.40 17.40 23.40 RIBEATA 3.12 9.12 15.12 21.12 RIBEATA 5.39 11.39 17.39 23.39 IDIA 3.14 9.14 15.14 21.14 IDIA 5.37 11.37 17.37 23.37 JUBATA 3.16 9.16 15.16 21.16 JUBATA 5.35 11.35 17.35 23.35 SINICA 3.18 9.18 15.18 21.18 SINICA 5.33 11.33 17.33 23.33 TORVA 3.19 9.19 15.19 21.19 TORVA 5.32 11.32 17.32 23.32 SPINI 3.21 9.21 15.21 21.21 SPINI 5.30 11.30 17.30 23.30 ATHETIS 3.24 9.24 15.24 21.24 ATHETIS 5.27 11.27 17.27 23.27 PARVA 3.26 9.26 15.26 21.26 PARVA 5.25 11.25 17.25 23.25 EUCLIDIA 3.29 9.29 15.29 21.29 EUCLIDIA 5.22 11.22 17.22 23.22 LOTA 3.30 9.30 15.30 21.30 LOTA 5.21 11.21 17.21 23.21 LUNALIS 3.31 9.31 15.31 21.31 LUNALIS 5.20 11.20 17.20 23.20 FUCOSA 3.34 9.34 15.34 21.34 FUCOSA 5.17 11.17 17.17 23.17 CONCINNA 3.38 9.38 15.38 21.38 CONCINNA 5.13 11.13 17.13 23.13 PLEBEJA 3.39 9.39 15.39 21.39 PLEBEJA 5.12 11.12 17.12 23.12 LAPARA 3.41 9.41 15.41 21.41 LAPARA 5.10 11.10 17.10 23.10 ARCHES 3.43 9.43 15.43 21.43 ARCHES 5.08 11.08 17.08 23.08 FOXGLOVE 3.45 9.45 15.45 21.45 FOXGLOVE 5.06 11.06 17.06 23.06 SAGITTATA 3.47 9.47 15.47 21.47 SAGITTATA 5.04 11.04 17.04 23.04 TAENIATUM W 3.49 9.49 15.49 21.49 TAENIATUM W 5.02 11.02 17.02 23.02 TAENIATUM E 3.50 9.50 15.50 21.50 TAENIATUM E 5.01 11.01 17.01 23.01 PERIZOMA 3.51 9.51 15.51 21.51 PERIZOMA 5.00 11.00 17.00 23.00 IMMIDAE 3.52 9.52 15.52 21.52 IMMIDAE 4.59 10.59 16.59 22.59 SABRE 3.56 9.56 15.56 21.56 SABRE 4.55 10.55 16.55 22.55 CLEARWING N 3.57 9.57 15.57 21.57 CLEARWING N 4.54 10.54 16.54 22.54 CLEARWING P. 3.58 9.58 15.58 21.58 CLEARWING P. 4.53 10.53 16.53 22.53 CRENULATE 4.01 10.01 16.01 22.01 CRENULATE 4.50 10.50 16.50 22.50 BAUERHOFF 4.03 10.03 16.03 22.03 BAUERHOFF 4.48 10.48 16.48 22.48 PARANTHRENE 4.05 10.05 16.05 22.05 PARANTHRENE 4.46 10.46 16.46 22.46 PAVONIA 4.07 10.07 16.07 22.07 PAVONIA 4.44 10.44 16.44 22.44 PARANTHRENE 4.09 10.09 16.09 22.09 PARANTHRENE 4.42 10.42 16.42 22.42 PARANTH. DEPOT 4.10 10.10 16.10 22.10 PARANTH. DEPOT 4.41 10.41 16.41 22.41 CRENULATE UP. 4.11 10.11 16.11 22.11 CRENULATE UP. 4.40 10.40 16.40 22.40 HOOKTIP JCT. 4.13 10.13 16.13 22.13 HOOKTIP JCT. 4.38 10.38 16.38 22.38 WATER TOWER 4.17 10.17 16.17 22.17 WATER TOWER 4.35 10.35 16.35 22.35 VRC STATION 4.18 10.18 16.18 22.18 HOOKTIP 4.32 10.32 16.32 22.32 SUBWAY ST. 4.22 10.22 16.22 22.22 BEMBECIA HG. 4.28 10.28 16.28 22.28 SATURNIA 4.25 10.25 16.25 22.25 SATURNIA 4.25 10.25 16.25 22.25
When sim crossing is not safe, alternative train SLGI Saturnia A is released. This train has a flying route all the way from Achemon to Crenulate.
SLGI Train Maritime
To avoid traffic, this train is diverted through Pavonia, on the Mountain Railway. It reaches Crumbi and from there follows Maritime Railway to Vicina.
TRAIN NUMBER 341 343 345 347 TRAIN NUMBER 342 344 346 348 HOUSE OF FREE. 4.00 10.00 16.00 22.00 HOUSE OF FREE. 7.34 13.34 19.34 1.34 TIGER DEPOT 4.01 10.01 16.01 22.01 TIGER DEPOT 7.33 13.33 19.33 1.33 OBSCURE 4.02 10.02 16.02 22.02 OBSCURE 7.32 13.32 19.32 1.32 HORISME 4.04 10.04 16.04 22.04 HORISME 7.30 13.30 19.30 1.30 RIVATA 4.05 10.05 16.05 22.05 RIVATA 7.29 13.29 19.29 1.29 EPIRRHOE 4.07 10.07 16.07 22.07 EPIRRHOE 7.27 13.27 19.27 1.27 JODIS E 4.19 10.19 16.19 22.19 JODIS E 7.25 13.25 19.25 1.25 JODIS W 4.10 10.10 16.10 22.10 JODIS W 7.24 13.24 19.24 1.24 APLASTA 4.11 10.11 16.11 22.11 APLASTA 7.23 13.23 19.23 1.23 RIBEATA 4.12 10.12 16.12 22.12 RIBEATA 7.22 13.22 19.22 1.22 IDIA 4.14 10.14 16.14 22.14 IDIA 7.20 13.20 19.20 1.20 JUBATA 4.16 10.16 16.16 22.16 JUBATA 7.18 13.18 19.18 1.18 SINICA 4.18 10.18 16.18 22.18 SINICA 7.16 13.16 19.16 1.16 TORVA 4.19 10.19 16.19 22.19 TORVA 7.15 13.15 19.15 1.15 SPINI 4.21 10.21 16.21 22.21 SPINI 7.13 13.13 19.13 1.13 ATHETIS 4.24 10.24 16.24 22.24 ATHETIS 7.10 13.10 19.10 1.10 PARVA 4.26 10.26 16.26 22.26 PARVA 7.08 13.08 19.08 1.08 EUCLIDIA 4.29 10.29 16.29 22.29 EUCLIDIA 7.05 13.05 19.05 1.05 LOTA 4.30 10.30 16.30 22.30 LOTA 7.04 13.04 19.04 1.04 LUNALIS 4.31 10.31 16.31 22.31 LUNALIS 7.03 13.03 19.03 1.03 FUCOSA 4.34 10.34 16.34 22.34 FUCOSA 7.00 13.00 19.00 1.00 CONCINNA 4.38 10.38 16.38 22.38 CONCINNA 6.56 12.56 18.56 0.56 PLEBEJA 4.39 10.39 16.39 22.39 PLEBEJA 6.55 12.55 18.55 0.55 LAPARA 4.41 10.41 16.41 22.41 LAPARA 6.53 12.53 18.53 0.53 ARCHES 4.43 10.43 16.43 22.43 ARCHES 6.51 12.51 18.51 0.51 FOXGLOVE 4.45 10.45 16.45 22.45 FOXGLOVE 6.49 12.49 18.49 0.49 SAGITTATA 4.47 10.47 16.47 22.47 SAGITTATA 6.47 12.47 18.47 0.47 TAENIATUM W 4.49 10.49 16.49 22.49 TAENIATUM W 6.45 12.45 18.45 0.45 TAENIATUM E 4.50 10.50 16.50 22.50 TAENIATUM E 6.44 12.44 18.44 0.44 PERIZOMA 4.51 10.51 16.51 22.51 PERIZOMA 6.43 12.43 18.43 0.43 IMMIDAE 4.52 10.52 16.52 22.52 IMMIDAE 6.42 12.42 18.42 0.42 SABRE 4.56 10.56 16.56 22.56 SABRE 6.38 12.38 18.38 0.38 CLEARWING N 4.57 10.57 16.57 22.57 CLEARWING N. 6.37 12.37 18.37 0.37 CLEARWING P. 4.58 10.58 16.58 22.58 CLEARWING P. 6.36 12.36 18.36 0.36 CRENULATE 5.01 11.01 17.01 23.01 CRENULATE 6.33 12.33 18.33 0.33 BAUERHOFF 5.03 11.03 17.03 23.03 BAUERHOFF 6.31 12.31 18.31 0.31 PARANTHRENE 5.05 11.05 17.05 23.05 PARANTHRENE 6.29 12.29 18.29 0.29 PAVONIA 5.07 11.07 17.07 23.07 PAVONIA 6.27 12.27 18.27 0.27 PARANTHRENE 5.09 11.09 17.09 23.09 PARANTHRENE 6.25 12.25 18.25 0.25 PARANTH. DEPOT 5.10 11.10 17.10 23.10 PARANTH. DEPOT 6.24 12.24 18.24 0.24 CRENULATE UP. 5.11 11.11 17.11 23.11 CRENULATE UP. 6.23 12.23 18.23 0.23 HOOKTIP JCT. 5.13 11.13 17.13 23.13 HOOKTIP JCT. 6.21 12.21 18.21 0.21 LEAFROLLER N 5.15 11.15 17.15 23.15 LEAFROLLER N 6.19 12.19 18.19 0.19 LEAFROLLER S 5.16 11.16 17.16 23.16 LEAFROLLER S 6.18 12.18 18.18 0.18 LAPPET UP. 5.18 11.18 17.18 23.18 LAPPET UP. 6.16 12.16 18.16 0.16 PINI UPHILL 5.19 11.19 17.19 23.19 PINI UPHILL 6.15 12.15 18.15 0.15 PAWPAW 5.22 11.22 17.22 23.22 PAWPAW 6.12 12.12 18.12 0.12 COTARO 5.24 11.24 17.24 23.24 COTARO 6.10 12.10 18.10 0.10 GLUPHISIA 5.29 11.29 17.29 23.29 GLUPHISIA 6.05 12.05 18.05 0.05 WEBWORM 5.32 11.32 17.32 23.32 WEBWORM 6.02 12.02 18.02 0.02 CRUMBI JCT 5.34 11.34 17.34 23.34 CRUMBI JCT 6.00 12.00 18.00 0.00 LUTRA 5.35 11.35 17.35 23.35 LUTRA 5.59 11.59 17.59 23.59 WEBWORM E 5.37 11.37 17.37 23.37 WEBWORM E 5.57 11.57 17.57 23.57 DUBIA S 5.38 11.38 17.38 23.38 DUBIA S 5.56 11.56 17.56 23.56 DUBIA N 5.41 11.41 17.41 23.41 DUBIA N 5.53 11.53 17.53 23.53 CYCNIA 5.41 11.41 17.41 23.41 CYCNIA 5.53 11.53 17.53 23.53 CISTHENE 5.44 11.44 17.44 23.44 CISTHENE 5.50 11.50 17.50 23.50 SCHIZURA 5.45 11.45 17.45 23.45 SCHIZURA 5.49 11.49 17.49 23.49 VICINA 5.47 11.47 17.47 23.47 VICINA 5.47 11.47 17.47 23.47
When sim crossing is no longer safe, SLGI Maritime A is released. This train flies from Achemon to Crenulate, then follows the same route.
SLGI Train Spangle
For traffic issues, this train moves as a plane from Achemon to Bhaga, over the delta, then it follows the rail to Spangle.
TRAIN NUMBER 351 353 355 357 TRAIN NUMBER 358 352 354 356 HOUSE OF FREE. 5.00 11.00 17.00 23.00 HOUSE OF FREE. 1.17 7.17 13.17 19.17 TIGER DEPOT 5.01 11.01 17.01 23.01 TIGER DEPOT 1.16 7.16 13.16 19.16 RUSTIC 5.09 11.09 17.09 23.09 RUSTIC 1.11 7.11 13.11 19.11 GREAT BRIDGE 5.12 11.12 17.12 23.12 GREAT BRIDGE 1.08 7.08 13.08 19.08 BHAGA 5.25 11.25 17.25 23.25 BHAGA 0.57 6.57 12.57 18.57 BHAGA N 5.27 11.27 17.27 23.27 BHAGA N 0.55 6.55 12.55 18.55 FISHII 5.29 11.29 17.29 23.29 FISHII 0.53 6.53 12.53 18.53 ZALE 5.31 11.31 17.31 23.31 ZALE 0.51 6.51 12.51 18.51 MOCIS 5.32 11.32 17.32 23.32 MOCIS 0.50 6.50 12.50 18.50 CRUMBI 5.36 11.36 17.36 23.36 CRUMBI 0.48 6.48 12.48 18.48 WEBWORM 5.38 11.38 17.38 23.38 WEBWORM 0.46 6.46 12.46 18.46 GLUPHISIA 5.40 11.40 17.40 23.40 GLUPHISIA 0.44 6.44 12.44 18.44 ANILIS 5.43 11.43 17.43 23.43 ANILIS 0.41 6.41 12.41 18.41 COTARO 5.46 11.46 17.46 23.46 COTARO 0.38 6.38 12.38 18.38 PAWPAW 5.48 11.48 17.48 23.48 PAWPAW 0.36 6.36 12.36 18.36 MAIA 5.51 11.51 17.51 23.51 MAIA 0.33 6.33 12.33 18.33 OWLET 5.53 11.53 17.53 23.53 OWLET 0.31 6.31 12.31 18.31 TUSSOCK 5.55 11.55 17.55 23.55 TUSSOCK 0.29 6.29 12.29 18.29 LANESTRIS 5.57 11.57 17.57 23.57 LANESTRIS 0.27 6.27 12.27 18.27 MALACOSOMA 5.59 11.59 17.59 23.59 MALACOSOMA 0.25 6.25 12.25 18.25 PHILUDORIA SW. 6.01 12.01 18.01 0.01 PHILUDORIA SW. 0.23 6.23 12.23 18.23 XANTHORHOE 6.02 12.02 18.02 0.02 XANTHORHOE 0.22 6.22 12.22 18.22 MELANTHIA 6.04 12.04 18.04 0.04 MELANTHIA 0.20 6.20 12.20 18.20 TRIPHOSA 6.06 12.06 18.06 0.06 TRIPHOSA 0.18 6.18 12.18 18.18 SHIPTON 6.07 12.07 18.07 0.07 SHIPTON 0.17 6.17 12.17 18.17 WAINSCOT 6.09 12.09 18.09 0.09 WAINSCOT 0.15 6.15 12.15 18.15 PLUSIA 6.10 12.10 18.10 0.10 PLUSIA 0.14 6.14 12.14 18.14 SPANGLE JCT 6.11 12.11 18.11 0.11 SPANGLE JCT 0.13 6.13 12.13 18.13 SPANGLE 6.12 12.12 18.12 0.12 SPANGLE 0.12 6.12 12.12 18.12
SLGI Spangle A is an alternative train that runs when the main one is not returning home. This train follows the same route, only that is limited at Melanthia and does not reach Spangle.
Internal Trains
SLGI Train Achemon (or its alt, SLGI Achemon A) is released at every hour on the Achemon Railway immediately after the trains have been released to North and South. A complete tour takes an hour and half and takes passengers through a long tunnel and to stations with highest altitude on the grid. Check the page about Achemon Railway for more details and a schedule.
Other schedules
Alternative trains
They are released when sim crossing is no longer safe and less then 60% of trains return home. These trains are made to avoid bad sim crossing lines. Always, their name contains an A. They are launched at a few seconds after the launch of their main train and they double existing trains (in hope that at least one will return).
Old trains
They existed in past but their schedules have been replaced. Some of them might be available on demand, but not to be re-inserted into traffic. Some of them, updated, can be found as alternative trains. Such trains are:
- SLGI Train Burns
- SLGI Train Hooktip
- SLGI Train Mountain (old versions)
- SLGI Train Ross (version to SJRR)
- SLGI Train Tuliptree
- SLGI Train WARR (extended version to Burns)
- SLGI Train Yucca.
Experimental trains
These trains are released into traffic for research reasons. They are marked with red floating letters: EXPERIMENTAL TRAIN. On other occasions, trains might be seen in large groups, to test lag effects. Please, do not climb aboard experimental trains, they might behave strange.
Trains on command
Any resident can command the rezz of a specified train while visiting House Of Freedom, standard or alternative trains. These trains have an X in their name (example: SLGI Train Bhaga X). Anybody can command a train to be rezzed. They have a sensor, so if nobody is seen on a range of 40 meters, they self-destruct. This allows passengers to step down for a limited distance, but also removes unused trains.
For security reasons, trains cannot be commanded at the time when SLGI trains are being launched.
Traffic issues
It is not recommended to increase the number of trains. This will create lag and blockings on the rail. It is far better to replace existing trains then to add new ones. If train number is increased, this will have a negative effect on railway traffic, will create lag and problems. This is why each time a new train was inserted, it replaced an existing one.
Everybody is welcomed to suggest modifications (new schedules, remove old schedules, new stops or remove existent stops).
If you want to modify existing trains or schedules or if you want to add or remove a train, please contact Ana Imfinity. Also, if you find any problems, tell us to resolve them.