Media playlists
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The Media Playlists article is intended as a user contributed repository of playlists for various media devices used in Second Life. This article currently contains playlists for the Damani MediaViewer, playlists for the Icarus V2000, and playlists for the NHC Media Center and Media Sphere.
These playlists allow a Second Life resident to easily stream a continuous series of audio/video segments (e.g. YouTube videos and MP3 files) from outside Second Life to a playlist capable media device or prim within Second Life. They are primarily intended for use by individuals with a Second Life media viewer (TV) that supports notecard playlists. Clubs, events, & DJ's who wish to setup streaming media for broadcast within Second Life may prefer to do so by setting up a streaming server - see Streaming Music and How to stream in Second Life for starters. Alternatively, if your audience is restricted to Viewer 2 or 3rd party viewers with media prim support then User:Ferd Frederix has written easy to follow instructions for streaming MP3 files into Second Life using a free hosting service, a small perl script, and the Viewer 2 media on a prim feature.
NOTE: Currently you must use a viewer with Flash support to watch YouTube, UStream and Livestream videos inworld. Viewers known to provide Flash support at this time include the Second Life Viewer 2.0 available for download at, Snowglobe 2 (experimental), and Phoenix. The Icarus v2000 Television has been updated to play YouTube videos in all certified viewers (e.g. Phoenix and the older Second Life viewer 1.x). The NHC TV's have been updated to provide Flash video for viewers that support Flash as well as a client plugin that can be installed to provide direct access to MP4 video for those viewers without Flash support (Windows only at this time). Damani now provides a YouTube streaming option for older viewers (32 bit Windows only) as well as Flash support for Viewer 2 and Snowglobe 2. NHC has published instructions for users who wish to continue using the old UI but need Flash support - see Media playlists/Viewers.
How to copy a playlist to your system
To use one of the playlists listed in this article:
- Click on the playlist link for the media device you are using and click on the playlist you wish to copy.
- Select the playlist entries by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse over the entries
NOTE: do not select the title of the page or the link back to this page at the bottom - only the playlist entries in the box - Copy the selected items using <Ctrl-c> on Windows, <Cmd-c> on a Mac, or Edit->Copy at the top of your browser
- Bring up your Second Life window and, as the user who owns the media device, create a new notecard by pasting the copied playlist entries (<Ctrl-v> on Windows, <Cmd-v> on a Mac, or Edit->Paste in the Second Life menu bar)
NOTE: you do not have to name the notecard the same as the playlist name here but you should name it something distinctive, descriptive, and 20 characters or less in length - Copy the newly created playlist notecard into the contents of your media player.
How to add a playlist to this article
To contribute a playlist create a link to the playlist's page in the appropriate device list below and create the page containing the playlist. For instance, if you wish to contribute a playlist named "Heavy Metal" which is formatted for use with the NHC Media Center you would search for a section for the NHC Media Center or compatible device below and add a link to the Heavy Metal playlist article. If a suitable device section does not exist then create a new section for your device and add the playlist link to the newly created device section. In addition to creating a link for the Heavy Metal playlist you would also create the Heavy Metal playlist page itself.
The playlists themselves should be enclosed in <pre> and </pre> HTML tags in order to preserve the native formatting. The title of the playlist should be at the top of the page and a link back to the Media playlists page at the bottom of the page. For instance, a Cake playlist page for the NHC Media Center might look like:
==Cake Playlist== <pre> Cake - I Will Survive @ Cake - Never There @ Cake - Frank Sinatra @ Cake - No Phone @ Cake - Short Skirt, Long Jacket @ Cake - Comfort Eagle and Stickshifts and Safetybelts @ Cake - The Distance @ Cake - War Pigs @ </pre> [[Media playlists]]
If you are unsure about how to edit these pages to add your playlist then drop a notecard into the contact's profile for the appropriate device if one is listed. The notecard should state the device for which the playlist is used and include the playlist you wish to contribute along with any known limitations. If no contact for your device is listed then email your notecard to missyrestless at gmail dot com or simply go ahead and do the best you can at adding the playlist(s) following these instructions and another editor of these pages will be notified of a new entry and correct them if needed.
NOTE: The instructions on this page are basic steps for adding a playlist to a media player device and are not intended as detailed instructions for the configuration of a media player. Consult your vendor's documentation for fully detailed instructions on the configuration and use of your media player.
Media Devices
Damani MediaViewer
Instructions for creating playlist notecards for the Damani MediaViewer are available at
Playlist entry format
Playlists are notecards with each entry in the following format:
The thumbnail and type are optional.
- Requires the latest Second Life viewer client (1.21+)
- Requires Quicktime player on client
- Youtube videos must have embedding enabled
- <notecard limitations unknown at this time - please add>
No contact as yet. Support questions for the Damani MediaViewer should be addressed to support at damanicorp dot com
Damani Playlists
Damani Video Playlists | |||
AC/DC | Cake | Evanescence | Favs 1 |
Favs 2 | Favs 3 | Favs 4 | Favs 5 |
Favs 6 | Fractals | GDTNSDWZ | Girls |
Guns N' Roses | Lady Gaga | Muse | Pink Floyd |
Slow Dances | Vocal Trance Plus | Wowzer | Missy V1 |
Missy V2 | Infected Mushroom | U2 | Machinima 1 |
Inner Spheres | SLHamlet Cull | ||
Damani Audio Playlists | |||
Caradura | Placeholder 2 | Placeholder 3 | Placeholder 4 |
Damani Movie Playlists | |||
Internet Archive | Placeholder 2 | Placeholder 3 | Placeholder 4 |
Icarus v2000 Television
Playlist entry format
The Icarus v2000 Television provides three types of playlists - "Notecards", "YouTube Favorites", and "YouTube Playlist". Entries in these playlists can be added by modifying or creating a notecard, "on the fly" by bookmarking or favoriting a video, or by creating/modifying a YouTube playlist and then setting that playlist URL to be the Icarus v2000 YouTube Playlist. A "picture playlist" (i.e. slide show) can be created for the Icarus v2000 by simply dropping textures in the television's contents. Icarus playlist notecards can consist of a mixture of YouTube url's, Flickr photo url's, and texture uuid's.
Playlist notecard entries are in the following format:
No spaces can surround the | delimiter separating the entry name and entry url.
- Requires Quicktime player on client
- Youtube videos must have embedding enabled
- Maximum of 12 playlist notecards
No contact as yet. Contact Vince Vlodovic, Pall Ariantho or Rosalynne Writer inworld for support.
Icarus Playlists
NHC Media Center & Media Sphere
Playlist entry format
Playlists are notecards with each entry in the following format:
<Artist name> - <Title> @ <Media URL> (e.g. "Muse - The Resistance @")
- Requires Quicktime player on client
- Youtube videos must have embedding enabled
- Playlists limited to 50 entries each
- Can't mix video and MP3 entries in the same playlist
- Playlist notecard name cannot be longer than 20 characters
missyrestless at gmail dot com
NHC Playlists
NHC Video Playlists | |||
AC/DC | Cake | Evanescence | Favs 1 |
Favs 2 | Favs 3 | Favs 4 | Favs 5 |
Favs 6 | Fractals | GDTNSDWZ | Girls |
Guns N' Roses | Lady Gaga | Muse | Pink Floyd |
Slow Dances | Vocal Trance Plus | Wowzer | Missy V1 |
Missy V2 | Infected Mushroom | U2 | Machinima 1 |
Inner Spheres | SLHamlet Cull | ||
NHC Audio Playlists | |||
Caradura | Placeholder 2 | Placeholder 3 | Placeholder 4 |
NHC Movie Playlists | |||
Internet Archive | Placeholder 2 | Placeholder 3 | Placeholder 4 |
Free file hosting sites
NOTE: Copyrighted material may only be distributed with proper licensing, permission from the license holder, under the Fair Use doctrine, Audio Home Recording Act, or other applicable license exemptions.
If your MP3 files are not already available via URL you may wish to upload them to a free file hosting site so that they can be played inworld on your media player. The following are examples of free file hosting sites with a brief description of each.
Kiwi6 mp3 Hosting
Kiwi6 is one of the new mp3 hosting sites specifically catering to hotlinking, and supplies an MP3 search. First, Click Browse and choose your MP3. Click Upload. Registration (email address and password) is optional. Unregistered users' files are stored by IP address so if your IP address changes you no longer see your files (copy and store the file URL after uploading). Upload limit of 50 Mb.
Register by clicking Register Here on the right side. Fill out your information and update your contact information. Note that MailboxDrive registration requires not only your name and address but a phone number and birthday. Click on Upload Music and upload the song. Open your Email, activate the song by going through the link in the email. Click Your Music, the mp3 will be the numbers before Play Button. Right Click on the Link, and press Copy Shortcut (Copy Link Location in Firefox).
Register by clicking SignUp! Fill out your details. Log In, click Files, Upload Files, Browse, and select your MP3. Click Upload and click Files again. Right click on your MP3 file and press Copy Shortcut (Copy Link Location in Firefox). The direct link to your file is within the shortcut. If you want to quickly embed the file, click Get Codes for ways on how to put it on your website. Upload limit of 50 Mb.
SnapDrive allows users to instantly create a flash player they can put on MySpace. Register first, then click Add Files. Click Upload, then click My Files. The Direct Link of the Mp3s can be found by clicking Edit next to the file name, then clicking URL. SnapDrive also hosts their own mp3 flash player which you can read about in their blog. Upload limit for a free account is 5 GB.