Waterways are some of the most important transportation ways. They are found on majority of Continents, on Microcontinents and on many Sims. Also Transcontinental Channels are always covered with water (except for a few islands]]. There are 3 ways a waterway is used for transportation: by Sailing, by Air or by ground movement (walking, riding or driving). It is also important if there is Automated Transportation present or not along waterways.
At this article, waterways are listed for all continents. For microcontinents and unconnected sims, see List Of Microcontinents And Sim Clusters.
Blake Sea
Blake Sea, probably the best destination for sailors and a large Tropical Beach Paradise, is the only private-owned continent connected to a mainland one. Sailing is possible all across the continent. Land is formed of a high number of tropical islands, separated by large channels of water. Also, in the center, there are many submerged sims. A lot of rezz zones exist. In Second Norway, water network is doubled by road - Private Continents Network and rail - Second Norway Railway.
The largest amount of water allows object entry, but the transcontinental channel that links it to Nautilus, doesn't. So, no unmanned boat can pass. Automated Transportation is absent.
Caledon - Winterfel
Caledon - Winterfel is the merging of two micronations (or states). Caledon has roads and a railway, while Winterfel has only limited roads. Waterways are very important for both states, but far more important for Winterfel. Both have large docks and even their own fleet.
Waterways are larger in Winterfel, while in Caledon you can find tight rivers, with access only for small boats.
There are no access restrictions, everybody can make a boat and use it. Also, many docks have rezz zones. Automated transportation does not exist, but occasional boats can be seen from time to time. It is recommended for sailors to have themed boats: steam-powered for Caledon and medieval for Winterfel.
Corsica is a very long continent, composed many large and small islands. While the islands in East are linked together by a road system - Corsica Network, in West only a single island has a notable road system.
Waterways are important for this continent. And as seen on the map, they connect remote places. There is a continental network of protected water. Unfortunately, in many places slices of protected land are very thin, so it is a high risk that a boat might enter unwanted parcels.
It is easy to go by water to Gaeta 5 or to Nautilus with help of Transcontinental Channels. And also, it is possible to take a tour of the continent, since waterways form a large ring. Object access is limited in some places (and scripts are also restricted in Linden Memorial), but still Yava Script Pods travel long distances over water.
Eden is the largest private continent created as a large Tropical Beach Paradise. It is made of a lot of islands separated by waterways. Sometimes, space between islands is very large and sometimes there can be found submerged sims. The landscape is completed with surfable waves.
Estate Continent
Estate Continent is only in part a tropical beach paradise. Its waterways are fragmented. If we look at all map, we see that where road network does not reach, waterways stretch and give access to many parcels. In West, there are navigation channels like in Bay City. Another feature of this continent is that waterways are used to separate parcels. In North West there are a few sims highly divided by small waterways.
Europe Continent
Europe Continent is a medieval roleplay world. It has no (or almost no) roads. Access is possible by walking on ground or by sailing. It is recommended that sailors use themed ships. A large continental network of channels are available for travelers and even for water battles. More even, small rivers are opened for little boats.
Fairchang is a tiny continent in South, a tropical beach paradise. It has many waterways, but not all of them are navigable. In many places water is not deep or channels are not large enough. Also, sailing looks like restricted for local residents.