Category:LSL Integer

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The integer data type is a signed 32 bit value between −2,147,483,648 and +2,147,483,647 (that is 0x80000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF in hex). Integers are whole numbers. The fractional datatype is the float.

DEBUG_CHANNEL can be used as a constant for the maximum integer (for that is the value it is defined as).


All of the following are integers:

integer firstInt = 5512623;
integer secondInt = ACTIVE;
integer thirdInt = 0x61EC1A;
integer fourthInt = -160693;

The following are NOT integers, use float for them:

integer decimalValue = 125.2; // ERROR : Type mismatch -- Integer literals can't have a decimal.
integer bigValue = 3147483647; // An undocumented way to say -1,147,483,649 // Integer literals can't be larger than 2,147,483,647.
integer biggerValue = 10123456789; // An undocumented way to say -1 // Integer literals can't be larger than 2,147,483,647.

The following function can be used to determine whether a string of characters consists only of integers. This can be important if you need to know that a user has entered a valid integer in chat or a textbox, for example.

integer IsInteger(string var)
    integer i;
    for (i=0;i<llStringLength(var);++i)
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

Here's a simpler solution for strings containing positive or negative decimal integers (values from −2147483648 and 2147483647 written without + sign, leading zeros, or thousands separators ',' ). Omei Qunhua.

    if ( (string) ( (integer) data) == data)
        llOwnerSay("'" + data + "' contains a valid integer");

The following examples will validate that a string contains only the characters 0 though 9. Omei Qunhua.

a) Example for a string of length 5

    StringOf5Dec(string test)
        return ( (integer) ("1" + test) >= 100000);

b) Example for a string of length 1 through 9

    VarStringIsDecimal(string test)
        integer limit = (integer) llPow(10.0, llStringLength(test) );
        return ( (integer) ("1" + test) >= limit);

This function should validate any decimal integer, with or without signs or leading zeroes, and with leading/trailing space but does not accept thousands separators. (Phil Metalhead)

    integer uIsInteger(string input)
        input = llStringTrim(input,STRING_TRIM); // remove leading/trailing whitespace
        // "+123" is a valid integer string but would otherwise fail, so strip leading "+" if it's there
        if (llGetSubString(input,0,0) == "+") input = llGetSubString(input,1,-1);
        return ((string)((integer)input) == input);

Test cases for the above function (click "Expand" link on the right side of the page):

// Returns 1 // (leading and trailing whitespace)

// Returns 1 // (leading "+")
// Returns 1 // (negative number)
// Returns 1 // (largest positive integer)
// Returns 1 // (largest negative integer) 
// Returns 1 // (largest positive integer with leading and trailing whitespace, and leading "+")

// Returns 0 // (contains letters)
// Returns 0 // (number is a float, not an integer -- contains "." in string)
// Returns 0 // (whitespace in middle of string)
// Returns 0 // (contains thousands separator ",")
// Returns 0 // ("+" in middle of string)
// Returns 0 // ("-" in middle of string)
// Returns 0 // (number > 2147483647)
// Returns 0 // (number < -2147483648)

Further Reading

For a more extensive coverage of integers, including the different ways they are used in LSL, see LSL in Focus: Integers.

Pages in category "LSL Integer"

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