Revision as of 18:28, 17 November 2006 by Dan Linden (talk | contribs)
This feature ontology groups features from the perspective of what a user can do.
Each feature will have a landing page with links to the following:
- Feature Design Document (Developer's intent)
- Functional Spec (How the feature works from a User's perspective)
- Test scripts (Verify the feature works through internal, resident run and automated tests)
- Discussion for future improvements (Tied to feature requests and to a filter of related bugs)
- Relationship to other features (Features that need to be tested when this feature changes)
- User Guides (links to Linden Lab or 3rd party guides about this feature)
What can a user do?
- Chat
- Emotes and Gestures
- Instant Message
- Scripted communications - XML-RPC, HTTP-OUT, Hover text, llOwnerSay, llSay, llWhisper, llShout, llInstantMessage, llEmail
- Voice
- Notecards
- Textures on objects or particles
- Sound Clips
- Streaming Audio
- Streaming Video
- User Profile
- Mute
- Rate
- Pay User
Make Friends
- Classifieds
- Events
- Popular Places
- Land Sales
- Places
- People
- Groups
- Search All
- Item Sales
- Inventory Search
- World Map
Customize your Avatar
Own Land
- Estates - A collection of regions.
- Regions - 16 acres (256 x 256 meters) of land.
- Parcels - A patch of land on a region.
- First Land - Land for new residents.
Own stuff
- Inventory
- Landmarks
- Lost and Found
- Notecards
- Objects
- Scripts
- Sounds
- Photo Album
- Textures
- Trash
- Recent Items
Interact with the world
- alt-zoom
- touch (click or ctrl-2, click)
- Move (drag or ctrl-2, drag)
- push (bump with your avatar)
- right click (Pie menus)
- Buy Object
- Buy Contents
- Pay Object
- Open Object
- Sitting
- Select Objects
- Select Land
Interact with the UI
View the world
- Create groups
- Group Roles
- Invite
- Join
- Leave
- Kick
- Share
- Deed
- Contribute Land to Group
Copy stuff
Make money
- Buy and Sell land
- Buy and Sell products
- Buy and Sell services
- Out of band (eg. SL-related t-shirts)
- Currency Exchange
Participate in Community
First Hour
- registration via secondlife.com
- registration via 3rd party site
- Log in as a newbie
- Orientation Island
- Help Island
- New User Performance Test
- First Land Find a place to claim