Second Life Mentor Orientation Sample Session/es

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A los nuevos Mentores de Second Life se les pide que asistan a una sesión de orientación. La siguiente información es un ejemplo de lo que podría incluir una sesión de orientación típica. Esta información es para referencia y no sustituye a la asistencia a una de estas sesiones.

Folletos de Orientación

Los folletos de Orientación se pueden obtener en el kiosko del escenario situado en la zona de prácticas (sandbox) de SL Volunteer HI. La carpeta de notas contiene información, enlaces y trucos para los nuevos Mentores.

El VTeam y Qué Abarca la Sesión de Orientación:

El VTeam se dedica a ayudar a los Voluntarios de SL (SL Volunteers) de la forma que les es posible. ¡Les agradecemos y solicitamos cualquier comentario por su parte! Como parte del grupo de Mentores, ustedes forman parte de un equipo de gente que ayuda a modelar Second Life en muchas y positivas vía. No sólo ayudarán a nuevos y no tan nuevos residentes, sino que lo harán a cualquier otro residente igualmente. Este tipo de positiva actividad tiene un gran impacto en Second Life. ¡Nos encanta tenerles en el grupo!

Esta sesión de orientación les proporcionará una idea básica de lugares donde ejercer su actividad, las líneas de actuación que los voluntarios deben seguir y recursos para permanecer informado y actualizado. Somos conscientes que pasado un tiempo ustedes tendrán más cuestiones sobre el voluntariado y les rogamos que asistan a las reuniones mensuales o nos localicen en nuestro horario de oficina de forma que podamos ayudarles.

El Tao de los Voluntarios

El Tao de los Voluntarios es nuestro fundamento. Hay una nota entre los folletos con el Tao. El Tao también se encuentra en: Tao de Voluntarios

El Tao enfatiza 4 virtudes: Trabajo en equipo, buena voluntad para todo, fiabilidad y por último pero no menos importante.... ¡Diversión!

Una nota importante sobre el Tao: Cuanto ustedes estén llevando su título de voluntario, ustedes representan al grupo. Lleven su título cuando ustedes se sientan en condiciones, dispuestos a ayudar y preparados para seguir el Tao. Si ustedes están promoviendo su negocio, o realizando actividades de tipo personal, por favor quítense el título de Mentor y disfruten.

El Tao de los Voluntarios también puede verse en el Volunteer HQ (Cuartel General de los Voluntarios) en Tenera sí ustedes lo desean ver de nuevo o en Youtube. Tao de los Voluntarios

Misión: Ofrecerse

Algunos de ustedes son voluntarios solitarios. Viajan solos. En el momento en que un residente piense que no hay nadie cerca que le ayude a quitarse una caja de su cabeza, o que le ayude a localizar ese objeto tan importante que accidentalmente introdujo en una pared... ¡allí estarán ustedes para ofrecerles su ayuda!

Algunos de ustedes ejercerán en los sitios más ruidosos, ocupados y donde cualquier cosa puede suceder. ¡Las Help Island Public (Isla de Ayuda Pública) y Orientation Island (Isla de Orientación), zonas de bienvenida como Ahern y Waterhead mantendrán su nivel de adrenalina alto! Second Life precisa todo tipo de voluntarios, siempre hay un sitio para ustedes por muy raras que resulten sus preferencias.

  • Por favor, revisen la nota Infohub/WA entre los folletos para conocer alguno de los principales puntos calientes para ejercer su voluntariado. ¡Denles una oportunidad y encuentren que resulta mejor para ustedes! También pueden encontrarse más Infohubs (Puntos de Información) y Welcome Areas (Zonas de bienvenida) utilizando el mapa del mundo y la Búsqueda.
  • Los Voluntarios tienen un acceso especial a todas las Help Islands (Islas de Ayuda) y Orientation Islans (Islas de Orientación). Escriban Help island u Orientation Islan en la búsqueda del Mapa para localizarlas. ¡Siéntanse libres de dejarse caer por esas localizaciones y ver si la ayuda en ellas se ajusta a sus preferencias!


There are numerous ways to get support, such as the website support area. As always you can use the Help menu from the toolbar also. For Volunteers, the Volunteer Portal is a very important resource so you will want to bookmark this one! Volunteer Portal

  • Along with that you also have access to the VTeam Lindens: Amber, Blue, George, Mia and Lexie.

You can find our office hours on the volunteer wiki as well as contact us via IM if needed for volunteering questions. Volunteer Specialist Office Hours

  • SL Volunteer HI is also a resource for you. SL Volunteer HI is an exact duplicate of all the Help Islands. It is for exclusive use of Volunteers. Please do take the time to explore SL Volunteer HI and stay familiar with where things are. It never hurts to refresh your memory!
  • SL Volunteer Orientation Island: This specific Orientation Island is a duplicate of the islands new residents arrive on. It is for Volunteers to use only. Please feel free to walk through the OI and get a feel for it. It is always good to have a refresher so you know what the new residents have recently experienced.

There is a 10 minute OI Basics video on the SL Volunteer OI. Take a look at that too if you want. There is a box with the OI Guide (hud) available on the Volunteer OI as well as a box at the HQ in Tenera. The most recent Guide is 2.08 so you will want to make sure you have that current one for the main OI's and version 2.06 is available on the Volunteer OI for specific use only on that island. We highly recommend walking through the OI. It really does help remind you of what it is like to be new!

  • Other Volunteers are also your resource. Help each other. Maybe find someone to volunteer with and volunteer in the same location. Some like to volunteer alone and thats fine. There are many good ways to volunteer!
  • Another resource is Mentors Teaching Mentors. This Coach role within the Mentors group is for Mentors to help other Mentors learn skills. Please do look over the classes offered and attend if you want! The information about being a Coach as well as the Classes Offered page can be found on the Volunteer Portal
  • SL Volunteer Mentor Buddies: You may have seen recent notices or emails about the Mentor Buddy role. This role is for experienced Mentors to help guide newer Mentors with advice, tips and general issues related to volunteering.

If you would like to find a buddy: Look in the Mentor Group. ( Edit> Groups > Second Life Mentor> Info > Members and Roles > Members/Roles) Look for an online Mentor Buddy and send them an IM. If they are available to be your Mentor are all set : )

  • A new role is forming. SL Mentor Linguists. If you are "multi-lingual" and would like to be designated on the wiki and with Mentors as such, please respond to the following survey: Mentor Linguist Sign Up

Mentor Buddies

Often we will have a Mentor Buddy speak during orientation at this time. The Mentor Buddy will speak a few minutes on topics and tips they feel are most important to newer Mentors. Often they take some questions from the attendees.


We have established guidelines for the Mentor group channel. Please look those over! They can also be found on the Volunteer Portal as well as at the Volunteer HQ in Tenera.

The Group IM is a valuable resource and communication tool. When you do use it, please ask yourself: Is this comment/question something I need to send to possibly 1000 people? Would it be better to IM another volunteer directly? Do use it if needed but remember consideration for others goes a long way : ))

  • One good practice to follow in that channel is: Ask a question and request that anyone with an answer send you an IM. Also, If you see a question and don't know the answer or only have a personal opinion on a topic, don't reply in the channel.
  • Use a different group to say Hi to people because if over 1000 people say Hi back...while it's great to be welcomed it also starts to look like spam to those who are in classes or concentrating on other things.
  • Please remember to be polite to others in the channel. Even if you think they are wrong! If you respond in an extra nice manner there is less chance your tone will be misunderstood. Text is tricky like that so we all have to make some extra efforts in that area.
  • Important Reminder: Volunteers follow the Tao and are not a police force or a group of griefer hunters. Set the example by using the Abuse Reports and the Support Portal on the website appropriately! If the system is used by all, it works better.
  • One final point on Communication: It's important to stay in touch and informed of current topics and volunteer information. We highly encourage you to subscribe to the volunteer mailing list if you have not already done that. The Volunteer Portal has the link for that.


We know the value you as volunteers bring to Second Life. We have a few things in place to acknowledge and thank you for your good deeds!

  • SL Volunteer Islands: Islands only accessible to volunteers. You can read more about the islands on the Volunteer wiki. Feel free to explore the islands and use them. There are some guidelines for the islands so you will want to review those too! SL Volunteer Islands Policies

Take a break and enjoy yourself! Wind down and don't let the stress get to you. You dedicate a lot of time to others and deserve it!

  • The Official SL Volunteer Appreciation Day which is the first Saturday of May every year. SL Volunteers are so excellent they actually have a special day to honor them!!
  • Graduation: A fun Congratulations Meet and Greet Party to honor and welcome new volunteers!! Details of this party will be made available when the time approaches via group notices and the group channel.
  • A special shirt created by Mia Linden is also offered just for Mentors!


At the end of orientation we ask you to complete an exit survey. Your input and opinions matter! We want to know if you feel well informed and confident after the orientation. Suggestions are always welcome!

The entire VTeam thanks for your dedication to Second Life, for being part of what makes SL such a great experience, and for your dedication in helping others.