Open SourceOpen Source Portal - Informatie over het verkrijgen en gebruiken van de Second Life source code.
Download | Mailing List | Issue Tracker | Documentatie | Meewerken Second Life VrijwilligersVrijwilligers portal - Kom meer te weten over ons Vrijwilligers programma en de toegang tot gedeelde Vrijwilligers informatie. Vrijwilligers zijn deelnemers van ons Officiële Vrijwilligers Programma, die assistentie verlenen aan de bewoners van Second Life. Deze portal is een plek waar Vrijwilligers informatie kunnen vinden en delen in een gecentraliseerde omgeving. Belangrijke links: Market DataMarket_Data_Portal - Learn about initiatives to find out more about the people who enjoy Second Life, and find out how you can participate
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News & Featured Pages
LSL PortalA reference guide to Linden Scripting Language (LSL). Bring inworld objects to life!
Functions | Events | Types | Operators | Constants | Flow Control | Script Library | Categorized Library | Tutorials QA PortalHelp out with quality assurance!
APIs and Web Services PortalOfficial Second Life APIs:
Unofficial APIs:
Community Development ResourcesCommunity_Development_Guide - This section is designed to aggregate knowledge about Second Life community development in one place and create a "living document" any Resident can edit and contribute to. It is our hope this guide will be useful to interested individuals, businesses, and organizations using the Second Life Main and Teen Grids. Need help? Visit the Help Portal