Little Northern Ocean

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Oceans, oct 2013, click for large

The Little Northern Ocean is a place of the grid, North to the most known mainland continents. In previous classifications, that part was not clearly included into a certain ocean. At out previous survey, it was included into the Northern Ocean and Far Northern Ocean, making them too large. The old ocean borders were not well estabilished, so it was not clear what ocean this part of the grid belongs to. The presence of larger continents, like Heterocera, Caledon - Winterfel or Corsica, allow a Geograph to find better coordinates and include nearly all the sims North to Heterocera into a distinct ocean. Also, there were problems at the border with Gaeta Sea, Eastern Ocean, Little Pacific Ocean and Central Ocean.

Coordinates and borders

Coordinates are given in sims, in a similar way to that usedd by Gridsurvey [1], under the following format: longitude (min-max)/latitude (min-mas). To West (left), the border is a line that goes through Caledon - Winterfel continent (even if the ocean has no direct contact with the continent), or the 910 paralell. This is close to the line that separates grid sectors H10 and I10. To East (right), the border is the 1100 paralell, that corresponds to the most Western sims of Corsica - Nautilus - Satori continents. More exactly, that is the line that separates grid sectors J10 and K10. To South (down), the separation line is the 1067 meridian, a line fixed through the middle of Nautilus. To North (up), the line that separates grid sectors J11 and J12 (meridian of 1200) is the border. That line, if followed to West, goes through Eden continent.

So, the ocean has a shape of a square, with coordinates 910-1100/1067-1200.

Grid Sector: I10, I11, J10, J11



Little Northern Ocean is a transitional place between small and large sim clusters. Closer to mainland continents, sim clusters and microcontinents tend to be smaller and unassociated sims are frequent. More distant oceans, like Northern Ocean or Far West Ocean, are opposite to that. There, sim clusters are larger and more organised. What causes this, it's unknown. Like all islands that are close to a continent, the chance that someone will random teleport in here is greater then at a higher distance. Sim density is high, similar to the nearby oceans.


If a traveler goes through this ocean, there are many interesting places that deserve to be visited:

A061 (New York Microcontinent) was the first map structure where the word Microcontinent was used. It has about 20 sims and the minimum limit for a Continent is 30. It has its own railway and a big station in its center. Also, it has its own snlwlands, mountains, parks and towns. It resembles the old 1930 fashion of New York.

A171, Toxxic Microcontinent, also deserves to be visited.

A048 and A049, previously included into West Gaeta Sea, are two almost identical microcontinents that are not open for public.

Maturity ratings vary from general to adult. Also, the vast majority of sims have public access, some of them don't. Sometimes, you might get ejected by an entity orb, but that is not so often.

See Also

Second Life Geography


List Of Continents

List Of Microcontinents Ansd Sim Clusters