List Of Microcontinents And Sim Clusters

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This is a list of all groups of sims that are too small or are not lnked together to form a continent. The lists and maps were last updated with data from September 30th, 2013.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't see the maps, go to another artiicle and return here.

Grid Sectors


A Continent is a group of more then 30 sims, linked together in such a way that an avatar can travel from one sim to another. The sims must have Geographic features that continue from a sim to the nearby sims, common types of textures and common transportation systems (roads, raiways, waterways). The grid contains 28 continents.

A Microcontinent is a group of less then 30 sims, linked together in such a way that an avatar can travel from one sim to another. The sims must have Geographic features that continue from a sim to the nearby sims, common types of textures and common transportation systems (roads, raiways, waterways). The list contains 81 microcontinents, 7 listed strucutres are both a continent and a sim cluster, while 3 structures contain more then one microcontinent. The total is 102.

A Sim Cluster is a group with more then 10 sims that are not compleatly connected (usually only on diagonal) and can belong to various estates. If they belong to the same estate, the distance between the sims could be larger. The list above contains 80 structures that are sim clusters, one structure contains 2 sim cluster, while 7 listed structures contain both a microcontinent and a sim cluster. Also, Estate Continent has its own sim cluster. The total is 91.

A Sim Group is a structure that cannot be considered a microcontinent or a sim cluster. Ususally, they have between 2 and 9 sims and are very isolated. This list contains 16 sim groups.

Unassociated Sims are those sims with no Geometric distribution and with an average density. They cannot be grouped into any structures. Usually, they can be found in the space between sim clustern or microcontinents.

A Grid Sector is a part of the map. This list contains 80 sim groups.

Also, the map contains some remote sims


These small structures concentrate more then 70% of the sims that form our world. For unknown reasons, not many people worked on to make a map or a list of the small dots and spots on the world map. Since our world is more then 10 years old and its expansion state ended (came to maturity), such lists are required by more and more residents. If any resident is against something in this article, please improve. Also, if you are one of the Linden officials and you are against this article, please delete it.


These small structures are with hundreds on the map. They are created and deleted often, they change their shapes by adding or deleting sims. To find their position, the best way is to use coordinates. There are 3 ways to find the coordinates of a sim: The most easy way is by Gridsurvey [1], where you can enter the name of a sim and you get the coordinates. The second way is to buy a device from marketplace (a compass or coordinate detector or else). The third way is if you create a script with the functions llGetRegionCorner (works easy) or with llRequestSimulatorData (difficult). One useful script is listed here: <lsl> //Created by Ana Imfinity default {

   touch_start(integer ana)
       string message;
       float xxx;
       float yyy;
       vector corner = llGetRegionCorner();
       xxx = corner.x/256;
       yyy = corner.y/256;
       message =(string)((integer)(xxx))+" / "+(string)((integer)(yyy));

} </lsl> For the winter census of microcontinents and sim clusters, the grid was divided into sectors, each sector counting 100 sims length and 100 sims wide.

In the list, the coordinates are given in the following form: longitude (min - max) / latitude (min - max).


Since there is no list of references and nobody tried to create this list, I had to give names to the small structures that exist on our map. If anybody knows the names of any microcontinent, sim cluster or group of sims, please help improve the list. Help is needed.

I usually give a name when many sims share a common name or when the sims share a common theme. In rare situations, names can be from nearby Geographic strucutres or from coordinates.

Most usually, the names here are actually numbers, like in Astronomy. They are temporary names, until someone will find a better name.

How to read the list

The format is the following one: Name - Type - Coordinates - Other notes

The type is:

  1. M - microcontinent
  2. S - sim cluster
  3. I - sim groups or remote islands

Other notes - might refer to relative position (see Oceans) or additional info.



The following structures were not present at the end-2013 census:

  • A024 - S - 500-519/1044-1097 - Western Ocean, a large sim cluster
  • A068 - S - 696-703/1238-1244, Northern Ocean
  • A064 - S - 837-848/1070-1080 - Northern Ocean
  • A003 - M - 993-1000/1339-1346 - Far North Ocean (appeared in two places)


  • A001 - M - 898-902/1427-1432 - Far North Ocean, Lost Angeles
  • A002 (Vampire)- M - 945-947/1391-1394 - Far North Ocean, Liquid designs
  • A004 (Mar Lesbiana) - M - 1034-1042/1374-1378 - Far North Ocean
  • A005 - M - 1054-1058/1317-1319 Far North Ocean (no access), Sanctuary
  • A006 (University) - S - 1147-1153/1294-1302 - Far North Ocean
  • A007 - S - 1155-1168/1307-1317 - ( parts with no access)
  • A008 - M - 1102-1105/1244-1246 - Northern Ocean, TAMHSC
  • A009 (LR sims) - 1139-1366/1196-1210 - A group of 7 identical microcontinents
  • A010 (EduFinland) - 1138-1144/1182-1185 - Northern Ocean
  • A011 - I - 700-701/789-791 - Most isolated sims on the grid
  • A012 - S - 501-504/696-698 - Remote South West Sea
  • A013 (Romanum) - M - 506-509/707-710 - Remote South West Sea
  • A014 - S - 499-541/900-920 - Western Ocean, one of the largest sim clusters
  • A015 - S - 536-554/948-963 - Western Ocean, diffuse estate sims
  • A016 - S - 529-547/1014/1028 - Western Ocean, large sim cluster
  • A017 (Scotland) - M - 522-524/1035-1041, Western Ocean
  • A018 (Lionheart) - M - 511-515/1046-1050, Western Ocean
  • A019 (Kimset - Tir) - M - 504-509/1059-1062 - Western Ocan
  • A020 (GY) - S - 500-505/1056-1059 - Western Ocean
  • A021 (Elven) - S+M - 551-562/1056-1066 - Western Ocean
  • A022 (Fatimas) - M - 533-536/1084-1088 - Western Ocean
  • A023 - S - 507-521/1093-1111 - Western Ocean, sims with mathematic disposition
  • A025 - S - 437-488/1182-1242 - Western Ocean, huge group of sims
  • A026 (Ocean) - M - 486-490/1256-1262 - Western Ocean
  • A027 - S - 475-497/1250-1265 - Western Ocean
  • A028 - M - 570-575/1205-1209 - Western Ocean
  • A029 (Seductive) - M - 629-634/1215-1221 - Northern Ocean
  • A030 - S - 634-650/1176-1185 - Nrthern Ocean
  • A031 - M - 650-655/1147-1152 - Northern Ocean
  • A032 - S - 694-701/1120-1128 - Northern Ocean
  • A033 (Ko) - M - 624-627/1034-1040 - Northern Ocean, tropical islands
  • A034 (Babbage) - M - 630-633/1002-1004 - Western Ocean
  • A035 (Dreamworld) - S - 642-670/928-942 - Western Ocean, distant sims
  • A036 - S - 736-747/900-914 - Western Ocean
  • A037 (Seduction) - M - 760-762/928-934, Western Ocean
  • A038 - M - 751-755/1010-1019, Western Ocean
  • A039 (Isles) - S - 832-851/1068-1092 - Northern Ocean, sim cluster and isolate sims
  • A040 (Valley) - S - 931-939/908-920 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A041 (NUS) - M - 1000-1002/909-912 - Little Pacific Ocean, (no access)
  • A042 (Ohio) - M - 992-994/901-904 - Estate Sea
  • A043 (Sandboxes) - M - 1023-1024/932-962 - Estate Sea, 4 groups of 4 sims = 16 sandboxes (no access)
  • A044 - S - 1067-1073/932-936 - South Ocean
  • A045 - M - 1027-1029/1088-1091 - South Ocean
  • A046 (Juicy) - M - 1034-1038/1090-1093 - South Ocean
  • A047 - S + M - 1103-1109/1119-1129 - West Gaeta Sea
  • A048 - M - 1080-1092/1115-1118 - West Gaeta Sea (no access)
  • A049 - M - 1088-1089/1123-1125 - West Gaeta Sea (no access)
  • A050 (Serena) - S - 1185-1215/1133-1150 - East Ocean, the largest sim cluster
  • A051 - S - 1173-1179/1167-1181 - East Ocean
  • A052 - I - 1209-1213/1277-1279 - North Ocean, isolated group of 5 sims
  • A053 - S - 1347-1358/1171-1182 - Eastern Ocean, isolated sim cluster
  • A054 (Teaching Sims) - S - 1370-1384/1374-1389 - Remote Eastern Sea, with 2 other isolated sims, forms the remote sea
  • A055 (Austria) - M - 1104-1110/1382-1388 - Far North Ocean
  • A056 (Little Cat) - M - 1195-1198/1393-1399 - Far North Ocean, Includes some remote sims
  • A057 (North Megacluster) - S - 965-1047/1199-1272 - North Ocean, megagroup of sim clusters
  • A058 (Snake) - M - 993-1001/1339-1346 - Far North Ocean, sims with snake names
  • A059 (Sailing) - M - 959-961/1249-1251 - Northern Ocean, tropical beaches
  • A060 (New York) - M - 959-963/1161-1166 - Northern Ocean
  • A061 (Arizona/Tombstone) - M - 966-968/1044-1047 - Northern Ocean (access only in themed clothes)
  • A062 (Business District) - M - 931-934/1239-1242 - Northern Ocean
  • A063 - S - 858-983/1222-1312 - Far North Ocean, Gigantic group of sims, placed in mathematic order
  • A065 (Zenshi) - M - 850-852/1116-1118, Northern Ocean
  • A066 (Western) - M - 852-854/1122-1124, Northern Ocean (access only with themed clothes)
  • A067 - S - 730-736/1183-1194, Northern Ocean
  • A069 (Ein) - M - 628-632/1314-1318, Far North Ocean
  • A070 (Hinterland-Iberia) - M - 578-581/1272-1276 - Far North Ocean, two microcontinents very close
  • A071 - M - 553-557/1307-1311 - Far North Ocean, beach paradise
  • A072 (Huffman) - M - 525-529/1370-1375 - Far North Ocean
  • A073 - S - 502-511/1353-1357 - Far North Ocean
  • A074 - S - 436-498/1367-1410 - Far North Ocean, sims are more frequent in this place
  • A075 - S - 400-442/1550-1580 - Remote North West Ocean, group of sims with 2 sim clusters
  • A076 (Ryder) - M - 908-912/1001-1006 - Little Pacific Ocean

New Structures

  • A077 - (S) - 495-510/696-704 - Remote South West Sea
  • A078 - (S) - 485-531/742-774 - Remote South West Sea
  • A079 - (I) - 509-509/798-801 - Remote South West Sea (no access)
  • A080 - (I) - 532-532/816-816 - Remote South West Sea (bad access)
  • A081 - (S) - 409-462/1266-1394 - Far North Ocean, sim cluster with mathematic disposition
  • A082 - (S) - 480-535/1410-1463 - Far North Ocean, Diffuse Sim Cluster
  • A083 - (S) - 460-522/1519-1671 - Remote North West Ocean, sim cluster with mathematic disposition
  • A084 - (I) - 518-518/519-519 - Remote South West Sea, single sim, most isolated sim
  • A085 (FurNation) - (M) - 513-517/893-894 - Western Ocean
  • A086 - (S) - 555-575/914-921 - Western Ocean
  • A087 - (S) - 565-576/993-1000 - Western Ocean
  • A088 - (S) - 575-600/1106-1117 - Western Ocean
  • A089 - (S) - 500-518/1049-1094 - Western Ocean, large-dense sim cluster
  • A090 - (M) - 520-523/1152-1157 - Western Ocean
  • A091 (Tiki - JC) - (M) - 506-508/1146-1148 - Western Ocean
  • A092 - (S) - 565-581/1135-1146 - Western Ocean, sims with mathematic disposition
  • A093 - (M) - 556-558/1182-1193 - Western Ocean
  • A094 (Coeur) - (M) - 556-559/1116-1123 - Western Ocean, French microcontinent
  • A095 - (S) - 525-531/1267-1274 - Far North Ocean, sims with mathematical disposition
  • A096 (Willowdale) - (M) - 510-512/1228-1232 - Western Ocean
  • A097 - (S) - 521-547/1206-1226 - Western Ocean, sims with mathematical disposittion
  • A098 (Dominion) - (M) - 537-541/1329-1333 - Far North Ocean
  • A099 - (S) - 532-538/1390-1394 - Far North Ocean
  • A100 (Gaia) - (I) - 590-591/1470-1470 - Far North Ocean
  • A101 (Toretto) - (I) - 610-610/860-860 - South Ocean, isolated sim
  • A102 - (S) - 655-694/906-940 - Western Ocean
  • A103 (Undine - WWII) - (M) - 691-694/904-909, Western Ocean
  • A104 (Lovers - Whispers) - (M) - 676-681/986-989, Western Ocean
  • A105 - (S) - 605-663/963-999, Western Ocean
  • A106 - (M) - 620-622/1044-1046, Northern Ocean
  • A107 - (S) - 601-648/1022-1051, Northern Ocean, sims with mathematical disposition
  • A108 (Pleasant) - (M) - 650-655/1147-1151, Northern Ocean
  • A109 - (S) - 621-673/1118-1134, Northern Ocean, sims with mathematic disposition
  • A110 - (S) - 613-648/1091-1116, Northern Ocean
  • A111 - (S) - 678-689/1149-1156, Northern Ocean
  • A112 - (S) - 696-703/1238-1244, Northern Ocean, sims in contact at their corners
  • A113 - (S) - 662-684/1298-1315, Far North Ocean, sims with mathematical disposition
  • A114 - (I) - 666-667/1407-1407, Far North Ocean, two sims linked together
  • A115 (Wild Canyon Country) - (I) - 704-704/684-684, South West Ocean, isolated sim
  • A116 (Antiquity) - (M) - 762-766/910-913, Western Ocean
  • A117 - (S) - 757-784/951-972, Western Ocean
  • A118 - (S) - 701-723/954-980, Western Ocean
  • A119 (Wastelands) - (M) - 785-788/1036-1039, Western Ocean
  • A120 - (S) - 703-732/1043-1056, Northern Ocean
  • A121 - (S) - 765-777/1083-1105 - Northern Ocean, North sims are blue
  • A122 - (I) - 773-779/1061-1077 - Northern Ocean
  • A123 - (M) - 749-751/1213-1216 - Northern Ocean, beach paradise
  • A124 - (S) - 761-813/1260-1291 - Far North Ocean, gigantic sim cluster with mathematic disposition
  • A125 - (M) - 791-793/1340-1343 - Far North Ocean
  • A126 (GAY) - (M) - 796-799/1340-1343 - Far North Ocean
  • A127 (Tabor - Scimitar) - (M) - 784-789/1348-1352 - Far North Ocean
  • A128 (Breedable) - (M) - 768-770/1372-1373 - Far North Ocean
  • A129 - (S) - 751-759/1352-1361 - Far North Ocean
  • A130 - (M) - 881-882/857-862 - Western Ocean
  • A131 - (M) - 890-897/850-853 - Western Ocean
  • A132 - (S) - 879-897/838-862 - Western Ocean
  • A133 (Caye) - (S) - 881-895/887-896 - Western Ocean
  • A134 - (I) - 849-851/854-856 - Western Ocean
  • A135 (Los Cabos) - (I) - 801-802/869-871 - Western Ocean
  • A136 (Open Life Village) - (I) - 810-810/813-813 - Western Ocean, isolated sim (no access)
  • A137 - (S) - 880-903/905-918 - Western Ocean
  • A138 - (M) - 823-825/981-983 - Western Ocean
  • A139 - (M) - 839-844/1006-1011 - Western Ocean
  • A140 - (S) - 840-893/1081-1101 - Northern Ocean
  • A141 - (S) - 846-862/1034-1054 - Northern Ocean, formed of two green sim clusters
  • A142 - (M) - 879-883/1048-1052 - Northern Ocean, Japan tropical beach
  • A143 (SkyBeam) - (M) - 854-860/1157-1163, Northern Ocean, two microcontinents
  • A144 - (S) - 869-884/1141-1164, Northern Ocean, sims with mathematic disposition
  • A145 - (S + M) - 877-892/1180-1193, Northern Ocean, sim cluster with two microcontinents
  • A146 - (S) - 800-836/1113-1143, Northern Ocean, diffuse sim cluster
  • A147 - (S) - 808-833/1149-1170, Northern Ocean, diffuse sim cluster uncomplete divided in two
  • A148 (Key, Bay, Island) - (M) - 810-811/1172-1175, Northern Ocean
  • A149 - (S) - 862-880/1284-1284 - Far North Ocean, sims with mathematic disposition
  • A150 - (S) - 872-890/1234-1250 - Northern Ocean
  • A151 - (M) - 857-860/1251-1256 - Northern Ocean
  • A152 (Mineral) - (S) - 862-875/1217-1232 - Northern Ocean, sims with methal/mineral names
  • A153 - (S + M) - 830-833/1276-1283 - Far North Ocean, sim cluster with a microcontinent and grouped sims (FutureWork, CNDG, PAH, HGTC)
  • A154 - (M) - 891-895/1307-1309 - Far North Ocean
  • A155 (Voltai - Ukunga) - (M) - 800-802/1352-1354 - Far North Ocean
  • A156 (Ami) - (I) - 992-993/844-845 - Estate Sea
  • A157 (Surreal Brown) - (I) - 891-891/868-868 - Estate Sea, isolated sim
  • A158 (Regents) - (M) - 979-982/910-911 - Estate Sea
  • A159 (ROMA) - (M) - 970-972/907-909, Western Ocean
  • A160 - (M) - 899-903/947-949, Western Ocean, good-evil themed
  • A161 (Lindenworld) - (S + M) - 920-936/947-960 - Estate Sea, sim cluster with two microcontinents, almost all sims with no access
  • A162 (West Sansara Sim Cluster) - (S) - 960-987/986-1003 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A163 (State Of Mind) - (M) - 955-957/978-980, Little Pacific Ocean
  • A164 (North West Sansara Sims) - (I) - 986-993/1006-1013 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A165 (West Heterocera Sims) - (I) - 991-993/1029-1033 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A166 - (S) - 950-970/1017-1034, Little Pacific Ocean
  • A167 - (S) - 944-957/1038-1057 - Little Pacific Ocean, sims with mathematic distribution
  • A168 (Phoenix) - 929-949/1060-1080 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A169 - (S) - 905-916/1073-1087 - Northern Ocean
  • A170 (Schwartzland) - (I) - 989-995/1119-1126 - Northern Ocean, 9 sims that forms a crucifix
  • A171 (Toxxic Microcontinent) - (M) - 899-902/1121-1123 - Northern Ocean
  • A172 - (S) - 900-934/1102-1159 - Northern Ocean, diffuse sim cluster without clear boundaries
  • A173 (Prosperity) - (M) - 902-905/1348-1349, Far North Ocean
  • A174 - (S) - 936-968/1374-1346, Far North Ocean, many sims are bloodlines related
  • A175 - (S) - 964-1039/1396-1430 - Far North Ocean, rare sims with mathematical disposition
  • A176 - (I) - 1010-1014/479-484 - Premium Sea, premium railway & premium snowlands
  • A177 - (S) - 1061-1082/968-995 - Central Ocean
  • A178 - (S) - 1000-1021/923-947 - South Ocean, sims placed in diagonals, North West of Jaeogeot
  • A179 - (S) - 1168-1190/929-959 - Central Ocean
  • A180 (Niverna) - (M) - 1096-1097/1059-1063 - Cemtral Ocean
  • A181 (Learning - Social) - (S) - 1025-1033/1047-1050 - Central Ocean, Linden owned
  • A182 (Linden Estate) - (M) - 1025-1031/1014-1016, Central Ocean
  • A183 (East Heterocera Islands) - (S) - 1020-1033/1014-1025, Central Ocean
  • A184 (Desert) - (M) - 1046-1047/1074-1077, Central Ocean
  • A185 (Endless) - (I) - 1062-1066/1103-1107, Central Ocean
  • A186 (Tohl777) - (M) - 1050-1054/1163-1166, Northern Ocean
  • A187 - (S) - 1002-1047/1122-1175 - Northern Ocean, was part of A057
  • A188 - (S) - 1090-1148/1130-1174 - West Gaeta Sea + Northern Ocean
  • A189 (Melody) - (M) - 1065-1069/1220-1222 - Northern Ocean
  • A190 - (S + M) - 1043-1051/1253-1258 - Northern Ocean
  • A191 (Lathin Names) - (M) - 1053-1055/1262-1264 - Northern Ocean
  • A192 - (S) - 1058-1079/1271-1301 - Far North Ocean, sims with Mathematic disposition
  • A193 (Sharp South) - (S) - 1148-1166/965-993 - Sharp Sea, teen grid estates & sandbox
  • A194 (Seminole Island) - (M) - 1132-1139/994-996 - Sharp Sea, (no access)
  • A195 - (I) - 1165-1173/1006-1006 - Sharp Sea, North part of the Teen Grid Estates
  • A196 (The East End) - (I) - 1145-1145/1164-1164, Eastern Ocean, isolated sim
  • A197 - (S) - 1126-1145/1237-1257, Northern Ocean, institution estate owned
  • A198 (ITE) - (M) - 1145-1148/1231-1233, Northern Ocean
  • A199 (Science) - (M + S) - 1145-1151/1294-1302, Far North Ocean
  • A200 (TAMUCC) - (I) - 1162-1330 - Far North Ocean
  • A201 (Atlantic Games) (I) - 1141-1144/1340-1342 - Far North Ocean, includes 4 sims, 2 are connected
  • A202 (HKIEd) - (I) - 1293-1294/1137-1138 - Eastern Ocean
  • A203 - (S) - 1290-1315/1180-1220 - Eastern Ocean, (no access)
  • A204 - (I) - 1300-1300/1240-1240 - Eastern Ocean, remote sim
  • A205 - (I) - 1323-1324/1094-1104 - Eastern Ocean, remote sim group
  • A206 - (I) - 1797-1797/1200-1200 - Zindra, Vortex Adult Sandbox

List For Sectors

The sign ! means that only a part of the sim group is in that sector. Sectors are written bold and followed by coordinates. For more details, check the sector maps at left and right. See Grid Sector for more info.

D6 sector

D6, 400-500/600-700, almost entire sector is void

  • A077! - (S) - 495-510/696-704 - Remote South West Sea
D7 sector

D7, 400-500/700-800, almost entire sector is void

  • A077! - (S) - 495-510/696-704 - Remote South West Sea
  • A078! - (S) - 485-531/742-774 - Remote South East Sea
  • A079 - (I) - 509-509/798-801 - Remote South West Sea (no access)
  • A080 - (I) - 498-498/829-829 - Remote South West Sea (isolated island)
D8 sector

D8, 400-500/800-900, almost entire sector is void

  • A080 - (I) - 498-498/829-829 - Remote South West Sea (isolated island)
D9 sector

D9, 400-500/900-1000, almost entire sector is void

  • A014! - S - 499-541/900-920 - Western Ocean, one of the largest sim clusters
  • Also contains some unassociated sims
D10 sector

D10, 400-500/1000-1100, almost entire sector is void

  • Contains some unassociated sims
D11 sector

D11, 400-500/1100-1200, almost entire sector is void

  • A025! - S - 437-488/1182-1242 - Western Ocean, huge group of sims
D12 sector

D12, 400-500/1200-1300, both void and sim structures

  • A025! - S - 437-488/1182-1242 - Western Ocean, huge group of sims
  • A026 (Ocean) - M - 486-490/1256-1262 - Western Ocean
  • A027 - S - 475-497/1250-1265 - Western Ocean
  • A081! - (S) - 409-462/1266-1394 - Far North Ocean, sim cluster with mathematic disposition
D13 sector

D13, 400-500/1300-1400, both void and sim structures

  • A074! - S - 436-498/1367-1410 - Far North Ocean, sims are more frequent in this place
  • A081 - (S) - 409-462/1266-1394 - Far North Ocean, sim cluster with mathematic disposition
D14 sector

D14, 400-500/1400-1500, more void then sim structures

  • A074! - S - 436-498/1367-1410 - Far North Ocean, sims are more frequent in this place
  • A082! - (S) - 480-535/1410-1463 - Western Ocean, Diffuse Sim Cluster
D15 sector

D15, 400-500/1500-1600, both void and sim structures

  • A075 - S - 400-442/1550-1580 - Remote North West Ocean, group of sims with 2 sim clusters
  • A083! - (S) - 460-522/1519-1671 - Remote North West Ocean, sim cluster with mathematic disposition
D16 sector

D16, 400-500/1600-1700, almost entire sector is void

  • A083! - (S) - 460-522/1519-1671 - Remote North West Ocean, sim cluster with mathematic disposition
E5 sector

E5, 500-600/500-600, almost entire sector is void

  • A084 - (I) - 518-518/519-519 - Remote South West Sea, single sim, most isolated sim
E6 sector

E6, 500-600/600-700, almost entire sector is void

  • A012 - (S) - 501-504/696-698 - Remote South West Sea
  • A077! - (S) - 495-510/696-704 - Remote South West Sea
E7 sector

E7, 500-600/700-800, almost entire sector is void

  • A013 (Romanum) - M - 506-509/707-710 - Remote South West Sea
  • A077! - (S) - 495-510/696-704 - Remote South West Sea
  • A078 - (S) - 485-531/742-774 - Remote South East Sea
E8 sector

E8, 500-600/800-900, almost entire sector is void

  • A080 - (I) - 532-532/816-816 - Remote South West Sea (bad access)
  • A085 (FurNation) - (M) - 513-517/893-894 - Western Ocean
  • Contains some unassociated sims
E9 sector

E9, 500-600/900-1000, full with sims

  • A015 - S - 536-554/948-963 - Western Ocean, diffuse estate sims
  • A014! - S - 499-541/900-920 - Western Ocean, one of the largest sim clusters
  • A086 - (S) - 555-575/914-921 - Western Ocean
  • A087 - (S) - 565-576/993-1000 - Western Ocean

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

E10 sector

E10, 500-600/1000-1100, full with sims

  • A016 - S - 529-547/1014/1028 - Western Ocean, large sim cluster
  • A017 (Scotland) - M - 522-524/1035-1041, Western Ocean
  • A018 (Lionheart) - M - 511-515/1046-1050, Western Ocean
  • A019 (Kimset - Tir) - M - 504-509/1059-1062 - Western Ocan
  • A020 (GY) - S - 500-505/1056-1059 - Western Ocean
  • A021 (Elven) - S+M - 551-562/1056-1066 - Western Ocean
  • A022 (Fatimas) - M - 533-536/1084-1088 - Western Ocean
  • A023! - S - 503-521/1093-1111 - Western Ocean, sims with mathematic disposition
  • A088 - (S) - 575-600/1006-1017 - Western Ocean

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

E11 sector

E11, 500-600/1100-1200, full with sims

  • A023 - (S) - 507-521/1093-1111 - Western Ocean, sims with mathematic disposition
  • A089 - (S) - 500-518/1149-1194 - Western Ocean, large-dense sim cluster
  • A090 - (M) - 520-523/1152-1157 - Western Ocean
  • A091 (Tiki - JC) - (M) - 506-508/1146-1148 - Western Ocean
  • A092 - (S) - 565-581/1135-1146 - Western Ocean, sims with mathematic disposition
  • A093 - (M) - 556-558/1182-1193 - Western Ocean
  • A094 (Coeur) - (M) - 556-559/1116-1123 - Western Ocean, French microcontinent

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

E12 sector

E12, 500-600/1200-1300, full with sims

  • A028 - M - 570-575/1205-1209 - Western Ocean
  • A070 (Hinterland-Iberia) - M - 578-581/1272-1276 - Far North Ocean, two microcontinents very close
  • A095 - (S) - 525-531/1267-1274 - Far North Ocean, sims with mathematical disposition
  • A096 (Willowdale) - (M) - 510-512/1228-1232 - Western Ocean
  • A097 - (S) - 521-547/1206-1226 - Western Ocean, sims with mathematical disposittion
  • Wild West Continent
  • Many sims are unassociated into larger structures
E13 sector

E13, 500-600/1300-1400, full with sims

  • A071 - M - 553-557/1307-1311 - Far North Ocean, beach paradise
  • A072 (Huffman) - M - 525-529/1370-1375 - Far North Ocean
  • A073 - S - 502-511/1353-1357 - Far North Ocean
  • A098 (Dominion) - (M) - 537-541/1329-1333 - Far North Ocean
  • Majority of sims are unassociated into larger structures
E14 sector

E14, 500-600/1400-1500, about 70% is void

  • A082! - (S) - 480-535/1410-1463 - Western Ocean, Diffuse Sim Cluster
  • A100 (Gaia) - (I) - 590-591/1470-1470 - Far North Ocean
  • Less then 10 sims are unassociated into larger structures
E15 sector

E15, 500-600/1500-1600, about 70% is void

  • A083! - (S) - 460-522/1519-1671 - Remote North West Ocean, sim cluster with mathematic disposition
F8 sector

F8, 600-700/800-900, almost entire sector is void

  • A101 (Toretto) - (I) - 610-610/860-860 - South Ocean, isolated sim
F9 sector

F9, 600-700/900-1000, sector full of sims, a small central vido

  • A035 (Dreamworld) - S - 642-670/928-942 - Western Ocean, distant sims
  • A102 - (S) - 655-694/906-940 - Western Ocean
  • A103 (Undine - WWII) - (M) - 691-694/904-909, Western Ocean
  • A104 (Lovers - Whispers) - (M) - 676-681/986-989, Western Ocean
  • A105 - (S) - 605-663/963-999, Western Ocean

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

F10 sector

F10, 600-700/1000-1100, sector full of sims

  • A033 (Ko) - M - 624-627/1034-1040 - Northern Ocean, tropical islands
  • A034 (Babbage) - M - 630-633/1004-1006 - Western Ocean
  • A106 - (M) - 620-622/1044-1046, Northern Ocean
  • A107 - (S) - 601-648/1022-1051, Northern Ocean, sims with mathematical disposition,
  • A110! - (S) - 613-648/1091-1116, Northern Ocean

Some sims are unassociated into larger structures

F11 sector

F11, 600-700/1100-1200, sector full of sims

  • A030 - S - 634-650/1176-1185 - Nrthern Ocean
  • A032 - S - 694-701/1120-1128 - Northern Ocean
  • A108 (Pleasant) - (M) - 650-655/1147-1151, Northern Ocean
  • A109 - (S) - 621-673/1118-1134, Northern Ocean, sims with mathematic disposition
  • A110! - (S) - 613-648/1091-1116, Northern Ocean
  • A111 - (S) - 678-689/1149-1156, Northern Ocean
  • Eden Continent
  • Many sims are unassociated into larger structures
F12 sector

F12, 600-700/1200-1300, sector full of sims

  • A029 (Seductive) - M - 629-634/1215-1221 - Northern Ocean
  • A031 - M - 650-655/1147-1152 - Northern Ocean
  • A068! - S - 696-703/1238-1244, Northern Ocean
  • A112! - (S) - 696-703/1238-1244, Northern Ocean, sims in contact at their corners
  • A113! - (S) - 662-684/1298-1315, Far North Ocean, sims with mathematical disposition
  • Eden Continent
  • Many sims are unassociated into larger structures
F13 sector

F13, 600-700/1300-1400, sector full of sims

  • A069 (Ein) - M - 628-632/1314-1318, Far North Ocean
  • A113! - (S) - 662-684/1298-1315, Far North Ocean, sims with mathematical disposition
  • Almost all sims here are unassociated into larger structures, so only two structures could be identified
F14 sector

F14, 600-700/1400-1500, almost entire sector is void

  • A114 - (I) - 666-667/1407-1407, Far North Ocean, two sims linked together
G6 sector

G6, 700-800/600-700, almost entire sector is void

  • A115 (Wild Canyon Country) - (I) - 704-704/684-684, South West Ocean, isolated sim
G7 sector

G7, 700-800/700-800, almost entire sector is void

  • A011 - I - 700-701/789-791 - Most isolated sims on the grid
G8 sector

G8, 700-800/800-900, almost entire sector is void

  • Contains 2 unassociated sims at the border with sector G9
G9 sector

G9, 700-800/900-1000, sector full of sims

  • A036 - S - 736-747/900-914 - Western Ocean
  • A037 (Seduction) - M - 760-762/928-934, Western Ocean
  • A116 (Antiquity) - (M) - 762-766/910-913, Western Ocean
  • A117 - (S) - 757-784/951-972, Western Ocean
  • A118 - (S) - 701-723/954-980, Western Ocean

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

G10 sector

G10, 700-800/1000-1100, sector full of sims

  • A038 - M - 751-755/1010-1019, Western Ocean
  • A119 (Wastelands) - (M) - 785-788/1036-1039, Western Ocean
  • A120 - (S) - 703-732/1043-1056, Northern Ocean
  • A121! - (S) - 765-777/1083-1105 - Northern Ocean, North sims are blue
  • A122 - (I) - 773-779/1061-1077 - Northern Ocean

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

G11 sector

G11, 700-800/1100-1200, sector full of sims

  • A067 - S - 730-736/1183-1194, Northern Ocean
  • A121! - (S) - 765-777/1083-1105 - Northern Ocean, North sims are blue

Majority of sims are unassociated into larger structures. Part of the sector could be separated into 3 sim clusters, but their borders are difficult to separate

G12 sector

G12, 700-800/1200-1300, sector full of sims

  • A112! - (S) - 696-703/1238-1244, Northern Ocean, sims in contact at their corners
  • A123 - (M) - 749-751/1213-1216 - Northern Ocean, beach paradise
  • A124! - (S) - 761-813/1260-1291 - Far North Ocean, gigantic sim cluster with mathematic disposition

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures. However, two sim aglomerations look like the remnants of two sim clusters with mathematic disposition

G13 sector

G13, 700-800/1300-1400, sector full of sims

  • A125 - (M) - 791-793/1340-1343 - Far North Ocean
  • A126 (GAY) - (M) - 796-799/1340-1343 - Far North Ocean
  • A127 (Tabor - Scimitar) - (M) - 784-789/1348-1352 - Far North Ocean
  • A128 (Breedable) - (M) - 768-770/1372-1373 - Far North Ocean
  • A129 - (S) - 751-759/1352-1361 - Far North Ocean

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

G14 sector

G14, 700-800/1400-1500, almost entire sector is void Contains only one sim at the border with G13

H8 sector

H8, 800-900/800-900, almost entire sector is void

  • A130 - (M) - 881-882/857-862 - Western Ocean
  • A131 - (M) - 890-897/850-853 - Western Ocean
  • A132 - (S) - 879-897/838-862 - Western Ocean
  • A133 (Caye) - (S) - 881-895/887-896 - Western Ocean
  • A134 - (I) - 849-851/854-856 - Western Ocean
  • A135 (Los Cabos) - (I) - 801-802/869-871 - Western Ocean
  • A136 (Open Life Village) - (I) - 810-810/813-813 - Western Ocean, isolated sim (no access)

some sims are unassociated into larger structures

H9 sector

H9, 800-900/900-1000, sector full of sims

  • A137 - (S) - 880-903/905-918 - Western Ocean
  • A138 - (M) - 823-825/981-983 - Western Ocean

Majority of sims are unassociated into larger structures

H10 sector

H10, 800-900/1000-1100, sector full of sims

  • A039 (Isles) - S - 832-851/1068-1092 - Northern Ocean, sim cluster and isolate sims
  • A139 - (M) - 839-844/1006-1011 - Western Ocean
  • A140 - (S) - 840-893/1081-1101 - Northern Ocean
  • A141 - (S) - 846-862/1034-1054 - Northern Ocean, formed of two green sim clusters
  • A142 - (M) - 879-883/1048-1052 - Northern Ocean, Japan tropical beach

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

H11 sector

H11, 800-900/1100-1200, sector full of sims

  • A032! - S - 694-701/1120-1128 - Northern Ocean
  • A065 (Zenshi) - M - 850-852/1116-1118, Northern Ocean
  • A066 (Western) - M - 852-854/1122-1124, Northern Ocean (access only with themed clothes)
  • A143 (SkyBeam) - (M) - 854-860/1157-1163, Northern Ocean, two microcontinents
  • A144 - (S) - 869-884/1141-1164, Northern Ocean, sims with mathematic disposition
  • A145 - (S + M) - 877-892/1180-1193, Northern Ocean, sim cluster with two microcontinents
  • A146 - (S) - 800-836/1113-1143, Northern Ocean, diffuse sim cluster
  • A147 - (S) - 808-833/1149-1170, Northern Ocean, diffuse sim cluster uncomplete divided in two
  • A148 (Key, Bay, Island) - (M) - 810-811/1172-1175, Nrthern Ocean

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

H12 sector

H12, 800-900/1200-1300, sector full of sims

  • A063! - S - 858-983/1222-1312 - Far North Ocean, Gigantic group of sims, placed in mathematic order
  • A124 - (S) - 761-813/1260-1291 - Far North Ocean, gigantic sim cluster with mathematic disposition
  • A149 - (S) - 862-880/1284-1284 - Far North Ocean, sims with mathematic disposition
  • A150 - (S) - 872-890/1234-1250 - Northern Ocean
  • A151 - (M) - 857-860/1251-1256 - Northern Ocean
  • A152 (Mineral) - (S) - 862-875/1217-1232 - Northern Ocean, sims with methal/mineral names
  • A153 - (S + M) - 830-833/1276-1283 - Far North Ocean, sim cluster with a microcontinent and grouped sims (FutureWork, CNDG, PAH, HGTC)

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

H13 sector

H13, 800-900/1300-1400, sector full of sims

  • A063! - S - 858-983/1222-1312 - Far North Ocean, Gigantic group of sims, placed in mathematic order
  • A154 - (M) - 891-895/1307-1309 - Far North Ocean
  • A155 (Voltai - Ukunga) - (M) - 800-802/1352-1354 - Far North Ocean
  • Europe Continent

Almost all sims are unassociated into larger structures

H14 sector

H14, 800-900/1400-1500, almost entire sector is void

  • A001 - M - 898-902/1427-1432 - Far North Ocean, Lost Angeles
  • Unassociated sims at the border with H13
I5 sector

I5, 900-1000/500-600, almost entire sector is void

I7 sector

I7, 900-1000/700-800, almost entire sector is void

I8 sector

I8, 900-1000/800-900, almost entire sector is void

  • A156 (Ami) - (I) - 992-993/844-845 - Estate Sea
  • A157 (Surreal Brown) - (I) - 891-891/868-868 - Estate Sea, isolated sim
  • Fairchang Continent

Some unassociated sims at the border with I9

I9 sector

I9, 900-1000/900-1000, sector full of sims

  • A040 (Valley) - S - 931-939/908-920 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A042 (Ohio) - M - 992-994/901-904 - Estate Sea
  • A158 (Regents) - (M) - 979-982/910-911 - Estate Sea
  • A159 (ROMA) - (M) - 970-972/907-909, Western Ocean
  • A160 - (M) - 899-903/947-949, Western Ocean, good-evil themed
  • A161 (Lindenworld) - (S + M) - 920-936/947-960 - Estate Sea, sim cluster with two microcontinents, almost all sims with no access
  • A162 (West Sansara Sim Cluster) - (S) - 960-987/986-1003 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A163 (State Of Mind) - (M) - 955-957/978-980, Little Pacific Ocean
  • Sansara
  • Estate Continent and its sim cluster

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

I10 sector

I10, 900-1000/1000-1100, sectof full of sims

  • A061 (Arizona/Tombstone) - M - 966-968/1044-1047 - Northern Ocean (access only in themed clothes)
  • A076 (Ryder) - M - 908-912/1001-1006 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A162 (West Sansara Sim Cluster) - (S) - 960-987/986-1003 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A164 (North West Sansara Sims) - (I) - 986-993/1006-1013 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A165 (West Heterocera Sims) - (I) - 991-993/1029-1033 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A166 - (S) - 950-970/1017-1034, Little Pacific Ocean
  • A167 - (S) - 944-957/1038-1057 - Little Pacific Ocean, sims with mathematic distribution
  • A168 (Phoenix) - 929-949/1060-1080 - Little Pacific Ocean
  • A169 (S) - 905-916/1073-1087 - Northern Ocean
  • Sansara
  • Heterocera
  • Caledon - Winterfel

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

I11 sector

I11, 900-1000/1100-1200, sector full of sims

  • A057! (North Megacluster) - S - 965-1047/1199-1272 - North Ocean, megagroup of sim clusters
  • A060 (New York) - M - 959-963/1161-1166 - Northern Ocean
  • A170 (Schwartzland) - (I) - 989-995/1119-1126 - Northern Ocean, 9 sims that forms a crucifix
  • A171 (Toxxic Microcontinent) - (M) - 899-902/1121-1123 - Northern Ocean
  • A172 - (S) - 900-934/1102-1159 - Northern Ocean, diffuse sim cluster without clear boundaries

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

I12 sector

I12, 900-1000/1200-1300, sector full of sims

  • A057! (North Megacluster) - S - 965-1047/1199-1272 - North Ocean, megagroup of sim clusters
  • A059 (Sailing) - M - 959-961/1249-1251 - Northern Ocean, tropical beaches
  • A062 (Business District) - M - 931-934/1239-1242 - Northern Ocean
  • A063! - S - 858-983/1222-1312 - Far North Ocean, Gigantic group of sims, placed in mathematic order

Only a few sims in South are unassociated into larger structures

I13 sector

I13, 900-1000/1300-1400, sector full of sims

  • A002 (Vampire)- M - 945-947/1391-1394 - Far North Ocean, Liquid designs
  • A058 (Snake) - M - 993-1001/1339-1346 - Far North Ocean, sims with snake names
  • A063! - S - 858-983/1222-1312 - Far North Ocean, Gigantic group of sims, placed in mathematic order
  • A173 (Prosperity) - (M) - 902-905/1348-1349, Far North Ocean
  • A174 - (S) - 936-968/1374-1346, Far North Ocean, many sims are bloodlines related
  • A175! - (S) - 964-1039/1396-1430 - Far North Ocean, rare sims with mathematical disposition

Majority of sims are unassociated into larger structures

I14 sector

I14, 900-1000/1400-1500, almost all sector is void

  • A175! - (S) - 964-1039/1396-1430 - Far North Ocean, rare sims with mathematical disposition
J4 sector

J4, 1000-1100/400-500, almost all sector is void

  • A176 - (I) - 1010-1014/479-484 - Premium Sea, premium railway & premium snowlands
  • Premium South 3 continent, see Premium Continents
J5 sector

J5, 1000-1100/500-600, continent, no isolated sims

J7 sector

J7, 1000-1100/700-800, continent, no isolated sims

J8 sector

J8, 1000-1100/800-900, continent, no isolated sims

J9 sector

J9, 1000-1100/900-1000, sim full of sims, a void East to Jaeogeot

  • A041 (NUS) - M - 1000-1002/909-912 - Little Pacific Ocean, (no access)
  • A043 (Sandboxes) - M - 1023-1024/932-962 - Estate Sea, 4 groups of 4 sims = 16 sandboxes (no access)
  • A044 - S - 1067-1073/932-936 - South Ocean
  • A177 - (S) - 1061-1082/968-995 - Central Ocean
  • A178 - (S) - 1000-1021/923-947 - South Ocean, sims placed in diagonals, North West of Jeogeot
  • A179 - (S) - 1168-1190/929-959 - Central Ocean
  • Jeogeot
  • Sansara
  • Estate Continent
  • Shopping Continent

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

J10 sector

J10, 1000-1100/1000-1100, sector full of sims, except a void near Heterocera

  • A045 - M - 1027-1029/1088-1091 - South Ocean
  • A046 (Juicy) - M - 1034-1038/1090-1093 - South Ocean
  • A180 (Niverna) - (M) - 1096-1097/1059-1063 - Cemtral Ocean
  • A181 (Learning - Social) - (S) - 1025-1033/1047-1050 - Central Ocean, Linden owned
  • A182 (Linden Estate) - (M) - 1025-1031/1014-1016, Central Ocean
  • A183 (East Heterocera Islands) - (S) - 1020-1033/1014-1025, Central Ocean
  • A184 (Desert) - (M) - 1046-1047/1074-1077, Central Ocean
  • Heterocera
  • Sansara
  • Satori

Majority of sims are unassociated into larger structures, they form only small sim groups

J11 sector

J11, 1000-1100/1100-1200, sector full of sims

  • A048 - M - 1080-1092/1115-1118 - West Gaeta Sea (no access)
  • A049 - M - 1088-1089/1123-1125 - West Gaeta Sea (no access)
  • A057! (North Megacluster) - S - 965-1047/1199-1272 - North Ocean, megagroup of sim clusters
  • A185 (Endless) - (I) - 1062-1066/1103-1107, Central Ocean
  • A186 (Tohl777) - (M) - 1050-1054/1163-1166, Northern Ocean
  • A187 - (S) - 1002-1047/1122-1175 - Northern Ocean, was part of A057
  • A188! - (S) - 1090-1148/1130-1174 - West Gaeta Sea + Northern Ocean

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

J12 sector

J12, 1000-1100/1200-1300, sector full of sims

  • A057! (North Megacluster) - S - 965-1047/1199-1272 - North Ocean, megagroup of sim clusters
  • A058! (Snake) - M - 993-1001/1339-1346 - Far North Ocean, sims with snake names
  • A189 (Melody) - (M) - 1065-1069/1220-1222 - Northern Ocean
  • A190 - (S + M) - 1043-1051/1253-1258 - Northern Ocean
  • A191 (Lathin Names) - (M) - 1053-1055/1262-1264 - Northern Ocean
  • A192! - (S) - 1058-1079/1271-1301 - Far North Ocean, sims with Mathematic disposition

Many sims are unassociated into larger structures

J13 sector

J13, 1000-1100/1300-1400, sector full of sims

  • A005 - M - 1054-1058/1317-1319 Far North Ocean (no access), Sanctuary
  • A004 (Mar Lesbiana) - M - 1034-1042/1374-1378 - Far North Ocean
  • A056! (Little Cat) - M - 1195-1198/1393-1399 - Far North Ocean, Includes some remote sims
  • A175! - (S) - 964-1039/1396-1430 - Far North Ocean, rare sims with mathematical disposition
  • A192! - (S) - 1058-1079/1271-1301 - Far North Ocean, sims with Mathematic disposition

Majority of sims are unassociated into larger structures and at an average distance one to another

J14 sector

J14, 1000-1100/1400-1500, majority of this sector is void

  • A175! - (S) - 964-1039/1396-1430 - Far North Ocean, rare sims with mathematical disposition
K9 sector

K9, 1100-1200/900-1000, majority of this sector is void

  • A193! (Sharp South) - (S) - 1148-1166/965-993 - Sharp Sea, teen grid estates & sandbox
  • A194 (Seminole Island) - (M) - 1132-1139/994-996 - Sharp Sea, (no access)
  • Premium East continent, see Premium Continents
  • Sharp Continent, remnants of Teen Grid
K10 sector

K10, 1100-1200/1000-1100, continents, a few islands and much void

  • A193! (Sharp South) - (S) - 1148-1166/965-993 - Sharp Sea, teen grid estates & sandbox
  • A195 - (I) - 1165-1173/1006-1006 - Sharp Sea, North part of the Teen Grid Estates
  • A196 (The East End) - (I) - 1145-1145/1164-1164, Eastern Ocean, isolated sim
  • Sharp Continent
  • Satori
  • Nautilus
  • Corsica
  • Gaeta 5
K11 sector

K11, 1100-1200/1100-1200, sector full of sims

  • A009! (LR sims) - 1139-1366/1196-1210 - A group of 7 identical microcontinents
  • A010 (EduFinland) - 1138-1144/1182-1185 - Northern Ocean
  • A047 - S + M - 1103-1109/1119-1129 - West Gaeta Sea
  • A050! (Serena) - S - 1185-1215/1133-1150 - East Ocean, the largest sim cluster
  • A051 - S - 1173-1179/1167-1181 - East Ocean
  • A188 - (S) - 1090-1148/1130-1174 - West Gaeta Sea + Northern Ocean

A few sims are unassociated into larger structures

K12 sector

K12, 1100-1200/1200-1300, more then half of the sector is void

  • A006 (University) - S - 1147-1153/1294-1302 - Far North Ocean
  • A008 (TAMHSC) - M - 1102-1105/1244-1246 - Northern Ocean
  • A009! (LR sims) - 1139-1366/1196-1210 - A group of 7 identical microcontinents
  • A197 - (S) - 1126-1145/1237-1257, Northern Ocean, institution estate owned
  • A198 (ITE) - (M)1145-1148/1231-1233, Northern Ocean
  • A199! (Science) - (M + S) - 1145-1151/1294-1302, Far North Ocean
K13 sector

K13, 1100-1200/1300-1400, largest part of this sector is void

  • A007 - S - 1155-1168/1307-1317 - ( parts with no access)
  • A055 (Austria) - M - 1104-1110/1382-1388 - Far North Ocean
  • A199! (Science) - (M + S) - 1145-1151/1294-1302, Far North Ocean
  • A200 (TAMUCC) - (I) - 1162-1330 - Far North Ocean
  • A201 (Atlantic Games) (I) - 1141-1144/1340-1342 - Far North Ocean, includes 4 sims, 2 are connected

A few sims are unassociated into larger structures

L9 sector

L9, 1200-1300/900-1000

L11 sector

L11, 1200-1300/1100-1200

  • A009! (LR sims) - 1139-1366/1196-1210 - A group of 7 identical microcontinents
  • A050! (Serena) - S - 1185-1215/1133-1150 - East Ocean, the largest sim cluster
  • A203! - (S) - 1290-1315/1180-1220 - Eastern Ocean, (no access)
L12 sector

L12, 1200-1300/1200-1300, almost entire sector is void

  • A052 - I - 1209-1213/1277-1279 - North Ocean, isolated group of 5 sims
  • A203! - (S) - 1290-1315/1180-1220 - Eastern Ocean, (no access)
L13 sector

L13, 1200-1300/1300-1400, almost entire sector is void

  • A204 - (I) - 1300-1300/1240-1240 - Eastern Ocean, remote sim
  • Another isolated sim existed on our first survey, it vanished until Octomber 11th, 2013
M10 sector

M10, 1300-1400/1000-1100, almost all sector is void

  • A205! - (I) - 1323-1324/1094-1104 - Eastern Ocean, remote sim group
M11 sector

M11, 1300-1400/1100-1200, almost all sector is void

  • A053 - S - 1347-1358/1171-1182 - Eastern Ocean, isolated sim cluster
  • A203! - (S) - 1290-1315/1180-1220 - Eastern Ocean, (no access)
  • A205! - (I) - 1323-1324/1094-1104 - Eastern Ocean, remote sim group

There are maximum 5 unassociated sims

M12 sector

M12, 1300-1400/1200-1300, almost all sector is void

  • A203! - (S) - 1290-1315/1180-1220 - Eastern Ocean, (no access)
M13 sector

M13, 1300-1400/1300-1400, almost all sector is void

  • A054 (Teaching Sims) - S - 1370-1384/1374-1389 - Remote Eastern Sea, with 2 other isolated sims, forms the remote sea
Z sector

Q12, 1700-1800/1200-1300, almost only void

  • A206 - (I) - 1797-1797/1200-1200 - Zindra, Vortex Adult Sandbox
  • Zindra

R11, 1800-1900/1100-1200, almost only void

R12, 1800-1900/1200-1300, Zindra continent and void

See also

List Of Continents


Second Life Geography