Difference between revisions of "SL Certification/List of Resident Participants"

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* [[User:Just Dinkin|Just Dinkin]] Mentoring, Scripting, Web Integration, Sim Management
* [[User:Just Dinkin|Just Dinkin]] Mentoring, Scripting, Web Integration, Sim Management
* [[Nimrod Szondi|Nimrod Szondi]] Machinima making, voice acting
* [[Nimrod Szondi|Nimrod Szondi]] Machinima making, voice acting
* [[User:PillBox Infinity|PillBox Infinity]] 3D Animation Studio ready to customiza anything you need and want inside Second Life, and ready to manage you Island, House, Terrain, Objects, Business, Marketing, we can give you a complete service about eveything in SL telling about 3D, Animation, Business and Entertainments and more. In the real Life we are ready to work in the Digital Animation world for TV, Film, Short Film, Cinema, Multimedia, Web and more. www.pillbox.com.br

Revision as of 10:22, 27 September 2007

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