Air Transportation
Air transportation is used in some areas. Like any vehicle transportation system, it requires 3 elements: rezz zones (usually airports), routes (air paths) and vehicles (airplanes, helicopters, space ships, balloons). Another way of air transportation is by flying, with or without wings. Air transportation is most often used in the large Linden-owned continents (mainland continents). On private-owned land, it is usually not used, since distances are not big.
For small vehicles like a balloon or a helicopter, a rezz zone can be small: a road, rail or boat rezz zone is large enough. Many residents can rezz these vehicles at their own home. The following list includes all airports 'Second Life Geography' team found on the grid. Some of them are Protected Land, while some are private land, with a friendly owner that allows you to rezz a plane.
- Hollywood Airport (Santa Catalina sim)
- Second Norway Lufthavn (Airport SNO sim) is the largest airport on the whole grid
- Airbase Iron Cloud (Caledon Middlsea sim)
- Baitoushan Intercontinental Airport (Baitoushan sim)
- Clearmont Airport (Bottenford sim)
- Skynx One Tree Hill Airport (Skynx sim)
- Waypoint Airport (Clemence sim)
- AirPort Rezz Area (Pigra sim)
- Dilboa Recreation Area (Dilboa sim)
- Lapara Airport (Lapara)
- Pie Island Marina & Airport (Euryalus sim)
- Pini Rail Yard (Pini sim), not official, but enough space for an airplane
- Shingo (Alleni sim)
- The Unknown Theme Park (Moneta sim)
- Gay Airport (IGBC Rehoboth Airport sim)
- Jeogeot Airport (Tarington sim)
- Antilaghi Regional Airport (Antilaghi sim)
- Clearmont International Airport (Steingrim sim)
- Didake & Serenity (Liftstaen), not looking quite like an airport
- DMC Airport & Airfield (Hento Nine)
- Hotel Birdiana (Mulkahi)
- Slapdoogle Airport (Slapdoogle sim)
- SLGR Grenadier Marina & Airport (Grenadier sim)
- Spirit Marina & Airfield (Tails sim)
- Tag City Airport (Velinissimo sim)
- Orville Airport (Orville sim), premium access only
- Aztral's Airport & Spaceport (Hibdon sim)
- Bay City Municipal Airport (Hau Koda sim)
- East River Municipal Airport (Munck sim)
- Poppyport Airport (Inari sim)
- Aushertus (Aushertus sim)
- Blake Sea Airports (St Diabloux) even if name says 'Blake Sea', it is still in Satori
- Cloud Dancer Airfield & Seaplane (Slithert sim)
- Gorlanova Airport (Gorlanova sim)
- Micros (Toroge), micro avatars air base
- New Horizons Airport (Allalinhorn)
- New Horisons Airport (Alphubel)
- Snug Harbour Airport & Marina (Vainemoren)
- Talakin Airport (Talakin sim)
- Tegatti Engeneering &co boatyard (Talakin sim), includes water airplanes
- USS Nimitz (Terric sim), ship airport
- X-Dynamics Airport (Klein sim)
- Banger Air (Troevid sim)
Other Places
- VTOL Mainstore Flughafen (Wiener Neustadt sim)
- Yumix Airport (Yumix Airport sim)
- Japan Airport (Yumix Ocean sim)
- Yumix Airplane Square (Yumix Canal sim)
- Tiera Del Fuego (Tiera Del Fuego sim)
- Airport Biker Outlet (Sundown)
- Japan Sim Aya (Japan sim)
- Flywalker Aviation Outfitters (Phoenix Unlimited sim)
- Flight Airport (Flight sim)
- Olds AFB (Undine State sim), air roleplay
- Olds AFB (Undine West sim), air ropeplay
- Olds AFB (Undine Shore) - Soviet Base
- Olds AFB (Undine North), air roleplay
- WWII (WWII Central) - under construction
- Tendra (Tendra sim)
- KEBG Airport (Tease sim)
- Prosperity Airport (Prosperity Airport sim)
- Airports & Nude Beach Club(Dreamers dAlliez sim)
- WarBug Headquaters (Black Forest sim)
- Aero Pines Park Airport (Horses sim)
- Airport Sea Plane Dock (Waters Of Mormon sim)
- Alabama Sunshine (Alabama Sunshine sim)
- Dominion Proving Grounds (Jaguar) - abandoned airport
- Ghetto (Erotica sim)
- Heliport (Grimes Central), sim position could not be determined
- Reykja (Grimle Valley)
- Salon De Provence (BA 701)
- Sueland Airport (Talunaland sim)