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Go to the [[:Category:LSL Examples|LSL Examples]] article to see brief examples of how to use parts of LSL  
Come to this page to see complex examples that show how to combine parts of LSL.

Come here to see more complex examples that show how to combine parts of LSL.
Go to the [[:Category:LSL Examples|LSL Examples]] page to see brief examples of how to use parts of LSL  

Why collect complex examples here? Well, ...
Why collect complex examples here? Well, ...

Revision as of 20:05, 10 October 2007

Script Library

Come to this page to see complex examples that show how to combine parts of LSL.

Go to the LSL Examples page to see brief examples of how to use parts of LSL

Why collect complex examples here? Well, ...

There are many scripts that have become buried in the Scripting Library forum, were lost with the death of the scripting forums, or sit idle in inventories that could be useful and should be more accessible.

Other scripters may be in the same situation. This wiki is a well-suited medium for a script library. Feel free to add your scripts to the script library by creating new pages for them and linking to those pages here.

Note that there are many more scripts in the LSL Library here, but you can't get to them if you don't know they exist, because they are subpages now, instead of an automatically updated category. Good luck searching.

Rules for posting:

  1. Your script must be tested and working. If it's not, stick it in your user-space until it is. This is a list of working, usable scripts.
  2. Add a link to your script's page here. Link back to this page from your script's page. Start your page with {{LSL Header}}.
  3. Do not add scripts that duplicate the same functionality as an existing script or built in function. If yours does, explain why.
  4. Do not list simple scripts here. Include those among the LSL Examples instead.

LSL Script Library

Name Creator Description
AntiDelay Node Xaviar Czervik Uses llMessageLinked to stop those pesky delays.
Basic Encryption Modules Beverly Larkin Basic encryption scripts, allows you to encrypt a float and shout it to another prim on a randomly chosen channel.
Binary Clock Fox Diller A Binary Clock.
Builder's Buddy Tool Newfie Pendragon Script to easily move/rotate large builds that exceed the linkable size limit (30 meters).
Camera Sync Meyermagic Salome and Nomad Padar A system to synchronize the cameras of two avatars.
Chatbot Ppaatt Lynagh Compile and run the LSL you type on a channel, faster than you can thru the 2007-08 SL GUI.
Chat Logger (GPL) Nobody Fugazi Chat logger which requests permission from participants before recording them.
Chat Relay grumble Loudon A Chat relay which can be routed using a path header and won't echo.
Color Conversion Sally LaSalle Convert between Red Green Blue (RGB) and Hue Saturation Value (HSV).
Combined Library Strife Onizuka Library of mostly encoding and decoding functions, some more useful then others.
  • String functions: Replace / Trim right / Trim left / Trim both
  • Unicode conversion: UTF8 to Unicode / Unicode to UTF8
  • List functions: Replace / Compare
Computer:jaycoonlanguage jayco121 Bing A language written in LSL that is meant for my computer (available at the shop).
Conversation Relay Jippen Faddoul Chat relay which requests permission from participants before relaying their messages. Also includes their attachments. (ToS compliant).
Dataserver API Revolution Perenti Dataserver Framework for Notecards.
Date Library Corto Maltese Date library, based on number of day since march 3rd 1600, can be used to calculate weekday, date differences, and date offset, and date formating.
Day of the Week DoteDote Edison Function to get day of the week from llGetUnixTime.
Dialog Control Nargus Asturias A (not-so) simple dialog control script. Call dialog and receive selected value via link_message(), with built-in timer and link_message() notification on time out. Supports multi-pages dialog and numeric property dialog. Button text and dialog's returned value can differ.
Dialog Number Pad DoteDote Edison Use a dialog to accept positive integer input from users.
Efficiency Tester Xaviar Czervik Tests the speed of a function.
Email2IM DoteDote Edison Send IMs to SL friends via email (translate emails from friends into IMs).
Float2Hex Strife Onizuka Very useful for transporting floats.
Follower Unknown, uploaded by Slik Swindlehurst Makes an object follow the nearest person. Do not use for griefing.
Group Privacy Chance Unknown Security device to insure members of a group can have a private area. Deactivates when nobody present.
Hello Avatar Linden Lab SL's default script.
High Altitude Rezzer Jesse Barnett Vehicle that goes straight up and then rezzes objects up to 4,096 meters.
iTunes RPC Fox Diller iTunes RPC via LSL llEmail and llRemoteDataReply.
Holodeck Revolution Perenti Home Rezzing System (Open Source).
Intra-Region Update Server Emma Nowhere Centrally update objects such as Freeview screens or teleport pads within a region that are configured by notecards or contain modifiable objects or media assets.
Inventory Menu Revolution Perenti Inventory Based Menu System.
Keypad Door Tdub Dowler Door and keypad with changeable code. Follow instructions carefully!
Merge Sort Xaviar Czervik Implements a Merge Sort in LSL, however this code is way slower than llListSort. Don't use this in a script!
Multirezzer (on collision) Beet Streeter Spawns up to 10 objects when the object containing the script collides with a user.
NTP over HTTP client SignpostMarv Martin Emulates the function of llGetWallclock for any timezone by using SLOpenID's SLNTPoHTTP service. Also supports ISO 8601 and RFC 2822 timestamps.
Object to Data Xaviar Czervik Turns an object into text. Allows people to transfer objects through notecards.
ParseString2List Strife Onizuka Same as llParseString2List and llParseStringKeepNulls, but not limited to 8 spacers or separators.

Thus substitute a call to the llParseString2List and llParseStringKeepNulls functions by a call to ParseString2List whenever you have more than 8 separators or more than 8 spacers.

Prefix Calculator Xaviar Czervik A calculator that evaluates expressions in prefix notation.

+ 3 4 = 5. * + 1 2 + 3 4 = 14.

Pseudo-random Number Generator Xaviar Czervik Generates a Pseudo-random number between -0x7FFFFFFF and 0x7FFFFFFF
Region Frames Per Second Heymariou Mystakidou Says the region name and frames per second out loud on command.
Script Override Functions Revolution Perenti bypass default strings, integer etc in chat channel.
Self Upgrading Script Enhanced Cron Stardust Keeps only latest version of the script on prim (even with multiple adds of the same script!)
SL Mail V1.2 Flennan Roffo Second Life mail client V1.2 (released sept'07). Send and receive mail from within Second Life from and to any address. With Address Book function and many chat commands. V1.3 is upcoming soon!
String Compare Xaviar Czervik Compares two strings and reliably returns either 1, -1, or 0 if they are the same.
Texture Management Revolution Perenti Dialog Menu based Texture Selection.
TightList Revolution Perenti Tight List is a family of functions for encoding lists as strings and then decoding them back into lists.

There are two flavors: TightList and TightListType. TightListType preserves types and uses a 6 char header, while TightList uses a 1 char header that doesn't preserve type.

Timer Module Isabelle Aquitaine Manage multiple timers via linked messages.
Unix2DateTime Flennan Roffo Conversion from Unix time (llGetUnixTime()) to date and time string and vice versa.
WarpPos Keknehv Psaltery Non-physical movement without the 10m limit.
XTEA Strong Encryption Implementation Morse Dillon An LSL implementation of XTEA (eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm). This is the first known public release of a 'real' strong encryption implementation in LSL and is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
XyText Xylor Baysklef Display text (up to 10 characters) on a prim. Use as many prims as desired.
XyzzyText Thraxis Epsilon and Gigs Taggart Display text (up to 10 characters) on a prim. Way more efficient than XyText.

Support Script Library

These are scripts in other languages, intended to be run on other systems that support scripts written in LSL

Name Creator Description
Secure HTTP Post Corto Maltese This small library allows you to send Secure requests to your website with a security mechanism aimed to stop hacking. Comprises of LSL client script and PHP server script.
Silo Zero Linden General purpose data store in PHP. Use this to persist arbitrary data from LSL via llHTTPRequest. See:
llXorBase64StringsCorrect SignpostMarv Martin An implementation of llXorBase64StringsCorrect in PHP- should be useful if you're using llXorBase64StringsCorrect to do cryptography work in LSL2 and posting it out to the web via llHTTPRequest.
lsl_fu.php SignpostMarv Martin A basic OOP'd PHP Class containing VeloxSeverine's $_POST fixer and Marv's own eccentric ideas for "fixing" things.

See Also



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