Main Page/da

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Revision as of 07:56, 12 November 2015 by Mijeka Munro (talk | contribs)
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Emblem-important.png Important! Page is missing translations

This page needs a translation to Danish. Please have a look at the related discussion page in case you'd like to help.

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Open Source Portal


Information about getting and using the Second Life Viewer source code.

Source | Mailing List | Issue Tracker | Documentation

LSL Portal

A reference guide to Linden Scripting Language (LSL). Bring inworld objects to life!
Functions | Events | Types | Operators | Constants | Flow Control | Script Library | Categorized Library | Tutorials

Arkitektur arbejdsgruppen (AWG)

Arkitektur arbejdsgruppen - Denne gruppe arbejder med forbedring af Second Life Net arkitektur, skrive dokumenter og protokoller, og udføre implementerings tests, med målet om at give tredje part mulighed for at køre servere der forbinder til Second Life Net platformen.
Om AWG | Kontor tider | Design struktur oversigt

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Localization Portal

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Project:I18n | LSL Portal Translation Project | Helpful Resources

News & Featured Pages

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Learn more about Volunteering in Second Life and access shared volunteer resources.

Resident Help Network Portal | Resident-Created Help Portal

Creation Portal

Information about building and designing in Second Life

Clothing | Machinima | Music | Textures | Sculpted Prims | WindLight | Video Tutorials | Good Building Practices

APIs and Web Services Portal

Official Second Life APIs:

Unofficial APIs:

  • World API - Info about Residents, groups and places.
  • Search API - Search for events, groups, people, places.
  • Snapshot API - Info from snapshots sent from the Viewer.
  • Picture Service - Retrieves any texture from the Second Life Grid in the  JPEG format.