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Need help? Visit the Help Portal


Community-powered Second Life help on a variety of topics:

Open Source Portal


Information about getting and using the Second Life Viewer source code.

Source | Mailing List | Issue Tracker | Documentation

Portal LSL

Linden Scripting Language, conhecida como LSL, é a linguagem usada para criar scripts para o Second Life.
Veja aqui as todas funcionalidades desta linguagem.

LSL:Linden Scripting Language (LSL).

Guidelines | To-Do List

Architecture Working Group

The AWG's goal is to define an architecture and protocols to enable third parties to run servers that connect to the Second Life Grid.
About | Structural Design Overview

QA Portal

Help out with quality assurance!

Localization Portal

Learn more about the resources and localization projects.

Project:I18n | LSL Portal Translation Project | Helpful Resources

Volunteer Portal

Learn more about Volunteering in Second Life and access shared volunteer resources.

Resident Help Network Portal | Resident-Created Help Portal

Creation Portal

Information about building and designing in Second Life

Clothing | Machinima | Music | Textures | Sculpted Prims | WindLight | Video Tutorials | Good Building Practices

APIs and Web Services Portal

Official Second Life APIs:

Unofficial APIs:

  • World API - Info about Residents, groups and places.
  • Search API - Search for events, groups, people, places.
  • Snapshot API - Info from snapshots sent from the Viewer.
  • Picture Service - Retrieves any texture from the Second Life Grid in the  JPEG format.