Viewer 3 menus
Revision as of 19:39, 10 January 2014 by ObviousAltIsObvious Resident (talk | contribs)
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Important: This listing is for the Second Life Viewer (plus viewer-interesting). Other viewers will have different menu layouts, and similar menu items on other viewers may do different things. |
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Tip: Been away for a long time? Watch the Video ![]() |
- Profile... (your own)
- Post to Facebook...
- Appearance... choose and edit avatar wearables.
- Choose an avatar... wear starter outfits from the library.
- Inventory... Ctrl+I
- Places... My Landmarks, Teleport History
- Picks... edit profile picks and classifieds.
- Camera Controls...
- Movement ▶
- Sit Down Alt+Shift ⇧+S sit your avatar here, no prim required. Helps keep your avatar from being pushed around.
- Fly Home start or stop flying.
- Stop flying Home
- Always Run Ctrl+R
- Stop Animating Me stop scripted animations and cancel animate permission to nearby objects.
- Walk / run / fly... open the movement controls floater.
- Status ▶
- Away add an "Away" notice over your name tag.
- Do Not Disturb add a "Do Not Disturb" notice over your name tag, suppress interruptions from chat and IM, and send automatic busy notices to avatars who IM you. (formerly "busy mode")
- Buy L$...
- Merchant Outbox...
- Account dashboard... open a web browser window with your Second Life account page.
- Preferences... Ctrl+P viewer and SL settings: General, Graphics, Sound & Media, Chat, Move & View, Notifications, Colors, Privacy, Setup, Advanced
- Toolbar buttons...
- Hide all controls Ctrl+Shit+U — press Ctrl+Shit+U again to restore.
- Show HUD attachments Alt+Shit+H — pick again to restore.
- Exit Second Life Ctrl+Q close the viewer.
- Conversations... Ctrl+T open/close the instant message floater.
- Nearby Chat... Ctrl+H open/close the local chat panel.
- Speak toggle microphone on and off.
- Conversation Log...
- Voice morphing ▶
- No voice morphing disable the feature.
- (optional voice names) enable morphing using this voice font.
- Preview...
- Subscribe... open a web browser with the SL voice morphing page.
- Gestures... Ctrl+G
- Friends Ctrl+Shift ⇧+F
- Groups Ctrl+Shift ⇧+G
- Nearby people Ctrl+Shift ⇧+A
- Block List (formerly "mute list")
- Do Not Disturb add a "Do Not Disturb" notice over your name tag, suppress interruptions from chat and IM, and send automatic busy notices to avatars who IM you. (formerly "busy mode")
- Landmark This Place add a landmark for this location to your inventory.
- Destinations open an abbreviated view of the Destination Guide.
- World map Ctrl+M
- Mini-map Ctrl+Shift ⇧+M
- Search Ctrl+F
- Teleport home Ctrl+Shift ⇧+H go to your home location; if you have not set a home, go to a random infohub matching your maturity rating.
- Set home to here make the spot you are standing on your home location; details in the knowledge base.
- Snapshot Ctrl+Shift ⇧+S screen capture.
- Place profile brief view of parcel information.
- About land full view of parcel settings: General, Covenant, Objects, Options, Media, Sound, Access
- Region / Estate region owner information and settings: Estate, Covenant, Region, Terrain, Environment, Debug
- My land holdings...
- Buy this land
- Show ▶
- Ban Lines show yellow "no entry" and green "pay to enter" fences.
- Beacons Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+N find objects by general properties.
- Property Lines Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+P show parcel borders along the ground. Colors are the same as for Show Land Owners, double lines with a gap show region boundaries.
- Land Owners
- Coordinates add your X/Y/Z position to the navigation bar.
- Parcel properties add icons to the navigation bar: no build, scripts, fly, push, voice; avatar visibility.
- Advanced Menu Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+D
- Sun ▶
- Sunrise
- Midday Ctrl+Shift ⇧+Y
- Sunset Ctrl+Shift ⇧+N
- Midnight
- Use Region Settings restore default sun and environment.
- Environment Editor ▶ (formerly Windlight)
- Environment Settings...
- Water Presets ▶
- New preset...
- Edit preset...
- Delete preset...
- Sky Presets ▶ Atmosphere, Lighting, Clouds
- New preset...
- Edit preset...
- Delete preset...
- Day Presets ▶
- New preset...
- Edit preset...
- Delete preset...
- Build Ctrl+B open the build tools floater with Create selected.
- Select Build Tool ▶
- Focus Tool Ctrl+1
- Move Tool Ctrl+2
- Edit Tool Ctrl+3
- Create Tool Ctrl+4
- Land Tool Ctrl+5
- Link Ctrl+L
- Unlink Ctrl+Shift ⇧+L
- Edit Linked Parts
- Select Linked Parts ▶
- Select Next Part Ctrl+.
- Select Previous Part Ctrl+,
- Include Next Part Ctrl+Shift ⇧+.
- Include Previous Part Ctrl+Shift ⇧+,
- Linksets... locate pathfinding objects.
- Focus on Selection H
- Zoom to Selection Shift ⇧+H
- Object ▶
- Take to inventory.
- Take Copy to inventory.
- Save Back to Object Contents replace an object rezzed from another object's inventory. Only works if you do not rename the edited item.
- Return Object to its owner.
- Scripts ▶ applies to scripts in the selected object or prim's inventory.
- Recompile Scripts (Mono)
- Recompile Scripts (LSL) also called LSO.
- Reset Scripts
- Set Scripts to Running
- Set Scripts to Not Running Careful, not-running scripts can lose data on region crossings or restarts.
- Pathfinding ▶
- Linksets...
- Characters...
- View / test...
- Rebake region
- Options ▶
- Show Advanced Permissions
- Select Only My Objects
- Select Only Movable Objects objects you are allowed to move.
- Select By Surrounding in edit mode, drag the mouse to make a box to select objects. If on, include only objects totally inside the box. If off, add objects partially inside too.
- Show Selection Outlines draw glowing lines around selected objects, yellow=root prim, blue=child.
- Show Hidden Selection draw outlines for selected objects to reveal geometry.
- Show Light Radius for Selection draw selected local light sources as semitransparent spheres.
- Show Selection Beam show the trail of glowing dots from your left hand to selected object, does not affect what others see.
- Snap to Grid G See video tutorial.
- Snap Object XY to Grid Shift ⇧+X
- Use Selection for Grid Shift ⇧+G
- Grid Options Ctrl+Shift ⇧+B
- Show Advanced Permissions
- Upload ▶
- Undo Ctrl+Z
- Redo Ctrl+Y
- How to... F1 basics of moving around and communicating.
- Quickstart open Second Life Quickstart in a browser window.
- Knowledge Base open Second Life User's Guide in a browser window.
- Wiki you are here.
- Community Forums open Second Life Forums in a browser window.
- Support portal open Second Life Help in a browser window.
- Second Life News open Featured News in a browser window.
- Second Life Blogs open main SL blog page in a browser window.
To enable, go to Me>Preferences, Advanced tab, and check "Show Advanced Menu".
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Note: Many Advanced menu items were moved to the Develop menu. If you don't find it here, look there. |
- Rebake Textures Ctrl+Alt+R no real effect since the change to server side appearance. It recreated worn avatar textures under old server versions.
- Set UI Size to Default
- Set Window Size...
- Limit Select Distance to nearby objects.
- Disable Camera Constraints allow camera to pass through solid objects.
- High-res Snapshot to disk, forces snapshots larger than screen.
- Quiet Snapshots to Disk don't send the message that triggers camera sound and animation.
- Performance Tools ▶
- Lag Meter
- Statistics Bar Ctrl+Shift ⇧+1
- Scene Load Statistics Ctrl+Shift ⇧+2 alternate statistics bar, with focus on object load and cache performance.
- Show Draw Weight for Avatars
- Highlighting and Visibility ▶
- Cheesy Beacon animate the red world map beacon.
- Hide Particles Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+=
- Hide Selected objects.
- Highlight Transparent Ctrl+Alt+T transparent faces are tinted red, excluding invisiprims.
- Show Mouselook Crosshairs
- Rendering Types ▶ show or hide:
- Simple Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+1 textures without alpha channels.
- Alpha Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+2 textures with alpha channels.
- Tree Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+3 Linden plants.
- Avatars Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+4 bodies and attachments, but not name tags.
- Surface Patch Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+5 terrain/ground texture.
- Sky Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+6 entire sky dome including clouds and sun/moon.
- Water Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+7 water surface only, view when under water is still tinted.
- Ground Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+8
- Volume Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+9 all objects except Linden plants.
- Grass Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+0 Linden plants.
- Clouds Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+-
- Particles Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+=
- Bump Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+\ legacy bump map and shiny effects.
- Rendering Features ▶
- UI Ctrl+Alt+F1 same effect as Me>Hide all controls but works independently.
- Selected Ctrl+Alt+F2 display texture alignment crosshair boxes with "Select Face".
- Highlighted Ctrl+Alt+F3 (not used)
- Dynamic Textures Ctrl+Alt+F4 enable clothing and sculpt previews in texture upload floater.
- Foot Shadows Ctrl+Alt+F5 show/hide.
- Fog Ctrl+Alt+F6 show/hide.
- Test FRInfo Ctrl+Alt+F8 (not used).
- Flexible Objects Ctrl+Alt+F9 enable/disable flexible prim effect.
- Use Plugin Read Thread for web and media.
- Clear Group Cache from memory. You should close group floaters first.
- Mouse Smoothing
- Release Keys drop permission from any objects that took controls, and detach if worn.
- Shortcuts ▶
- Show Advanced Menu - legacy shortcut Ctrl+Alt+D
- Close Window Ctrl+W
- Close All Windows Ctrl+Shift ⇧+W
- Snapshot to Disk Ctrl+` direct save without opening snapshot preview floater.
- Mouselook M
- Joystick Flycam Alt+Shift ⇧+F
- Reset View Esc reset camera position, not FOV or other settings.
- Look at Last Chatter Ctrl+\ avatar or object.
- Zoom In Ctrl+0 narrow the field of view.
- Zoom Default Ctrl+9 reset field of view to 60°.
- Zoom Out Ctrl+8 widen the field of view.
- Show Debug Settings
- Show Develop Menu Ctrl+Alt+Q
The Develop menu is long enough to have its own page.