Content Creation/Mesh Import User Group
Currently topics are focused on anything related to the mesh import project. Feature requests, bug reports, design feedback, questions, comments, or example content are welcome.
Priority will be given to topics that are posted in advance and are relevant to the goals of the office hour. Feel free to include relevant links to JIRA or wiki pages.
Mondays at Noon in Pacific time (SL standard time) at 2/208/7/23 MeshHQ 2 on ADITI
Also see the calendar of public user group meetings.
Agenda for the next user group meeting is:
Please add topics below prior to 11:50 AM. Also, please put your SL name down so we can follow up if we have questions. Thanks!
Enter agenda items here (with name, please)
- SH-2374 (Rigged Mesh Deformer) has been deferred from Sprint 28 to "Someday/Maybe". Could you give us the overall priority/status of making attached mesh conform to all avatar appearance sliders? If making attachments fit is being addressed some other way, please point us to where [DanielRavenNest Noe]
- Re. SH-2374, the idea of a privately funded solution (i.e. kickstarter) has been suggested and is being considered. If such a thing were to move forward, would you be willing to work with such a project to expedite the process, through the snowstorm devs or other avenue, and if so, to what extent? (Maxwell Graf)
- CTS transition - Fate of CTS jiras. I saw this messgae on one of my CTS jiras "Please enter your Mesh related bug in project "1. Second Life Viewer - VWR" and set the Component to "Mesh". Thank you!". Does this mean they will be eliminated unless we re-enter them? Is there a way of doing this that will preserver comments etc? (Drongle McMahon)
- I noticed that SH-2435 was marked resolved although the problem remains (albeit not the SL uploader's fault). In another jira, it was mentioned that an extra option could be added to the the SL uploader to counter the Blender 2.5x rotation issue for joint offsets. Is this still being considered? [Ashasekayi Ra]
- The date of daily build is not correct. It shows "10/04/2011 8:26:41 (1317684401)". It is the date of future. [Yuzuru Jewell]
- SH-2374 (Rigged Mesh Deformer), Can you give us users, developers and creators any further information on internal ideas LL is considering for implementing your own fix for this issue? If so, can you tell us whether the options and/or prototypes you may be considering to internally develop solutions for this 1) involve utilizing Havok or other proprietary code; 2) if any LL solution is implemented now or in future can you assure TPV's and open source developers that LL solution will be available to them for use as open source code and 3) are your potential fixes for this server side, client side, or both? A little transparency and communication to users goes a long way. (Jusden Jonstone)
- An ongoing issue of importance and priority all along has been on the stability of Mesh on main grid which I think most all users can agree is important. Can you give us a update on current or ongoing Mesh Server and Client side stability issues that are taking precedence over tackling additional mesh fixes or feature implementation? (Jusden Jonstone)
- Due to other SL commitments, I shall be unable to attend further Mesh OH for the time being, The transcripts are not updated regularly, could the team please address this, so myself and other interested parties can remain a part of these proceedings? [Graham Dartmouth]
- Sample agenda item [SL name]
Charlar Linden, Nyx Linden, and Runitai Linden. Please contact one of us if you are unsure if your topic is relevant or appropriate.
Links to chat transcripts of past meetings:
Archived Agenda/Meeting Notes
No Usergroup 2012-05-28 (Linden Holiday)
No Usergroup 2012-01-16
No Usergroup 2011-12-26 or 2012-01-02
No meeting took place on 2011-09-05
No meeting took place on 2011-07-04
No meeting took place on 2011-05-31
Nyx's 29 September 2010 office hour
Nyx's 22 September 2010 office hour
Nyx's 15 September 2010 office hour, with Falcon and some closed beta folks
Jeremy's 15 September 2010 office hour, featuring Mesh questions answered by Vir Linden