Content Creation/Mesh Import User Group
Come discuss any issues around content creation - its challenges, limitations in the tools, workarounds and successes. Land is provided next to the office build for rezzing example content. Bug reports and feature requests should have JIRA ticket numbers if at all possible, as it makes it easier to collaborate on issues both internally and externally.
Priority will be given to topics that are posted in advance and are relevant to the goals of the office hour. Feel free to include relevant links to JIRA or wiki pages.
Mondays at Noon in Pacific time (SL standard time) at Borrowdale on AGNI
Also see the calendar of public user group meetings.
Agenda for the next user group meeting is:
Please add topics below prior to 11:50 AM. Also, please put your SL name down so we can follow up if we have questions. Thanks!
Next meeting will take place on February 24, 2014.
Enter agenda items here (with name, please)
- What is the precision of the build/edit tools? I mean, after the floating point in the X, Y, Z fields in the size and position sections of the "Object" tab, how many digits does SL's system support natively? Mona Eberhardt 12:05, 24 February 2014 (PST)
- new clothing feature Idea I was looking at the avatar window the other day. "the window that automatically changes your av into the av picture" and I thought what a waste!!. What makes the most money in sl, CLOTHES. So why not let people put there own outfits and upload there own pictures to this window so people will be able to see there there outfits before they put them on, with the ability to make sub-folders to put the clothes into and maybe a worn outfits tab in the same window. The advantages to this are really clear. The money generated from the uploaded textures and the fact you would only have tweak something that is already supported with in the viewer. This would be a really low cost way to generate money and by making clothes easier to to put on and help people remember what they have you will win popularity with the users. this is because there are people out there with literally thousands of outfits. so this feature would come in handy for the people who spend lots of money in sl catalina Gearbox 2/24/2014
- Why is the default convex hull of a mesh smaller than the actual convex hull? Drongle McMahon
- Enter your topic ABOVE this line! End with 3 or 4 ~ to add your name or name and date
Nyx Linden, Vir Linden, Prep Linden, and occasional other guest lindens. Please contact one of us if you are unsure if your topic is relevant or appropriate.
Links to chat transcripts of past meetings:
Archived Agenda/Meeting Notes
No Usergroup 2012-05-28 (Linden Holiday)
No Usergroup 2012-01-16
No Usergroup 2011-12-26 or 2012-01-02
No meeting took place on 2011-09-05
No meeting took place on 2011-07-04
No meeting took place on 2011-05-31
Nyx's 29 September 2010 office hour
Nyx's 22 September 2010 office hour
Nyx's 15 September 2010 office hour, with Falcon and some closed beta folks
Jeremy's 15 September 2010 office hour, featuring Mesh questions answered by Vir Linden