Content Creation/Mesh Import User Group
Currently topics are focused on anything related to the mesh import project. Feature requests, bug reports, design feedback, questions, comments, or example content are welcome.
Priority will be given to topics that are posted in advance and are relevant to the goals of the office hour. Feel free to include relevant links to JIRA or wiki pages.
Mondays at Noon in Pacific time (SL standard time) at Borrowdale on AGNI
Also see the calendar of public user group meetings.
Agenda for the next user group meeting is:
Please add topics below prior to 11:50 AM. Also, please put your SL name down so we can follow up if we have questions. Thanks!
Enter agenda items here (with name, please)
- With the Shape height editor's limited range, it makes creating the range of avatars that users want more complicated than it needs to be for mesh creators. I suggest broadening the range for the Shape Height Editor to something similar to .25m to 5m. This would allow the user a much broader range of, not only mesh avatar sizes, but also normal avatars. Can LL please consider this jira? (Medhue Simoni)
- I noticed that the newest Viewers (3.2.6 and 3.2.5) seem to render meshes with alpha-textures just fine. However, I couldn't find anything about it mentioned in the Release Notes. So, may this be just a coincidence or was it fixed by accident or intentional? Maybe due to the recent OpenGL changes? In case it really has been fixed, I would like to know since which Viewer Version? See these Screenshots for more details: and (Domsson Lean - I may not be online during the meeting, but will scan the Log afterwards!)
- From what I understand the way the land impact is calculated I am uncertain I can lower the primmage. I tried to change my four prim store to the new physics system, its land impact was suddenly 24. Basically, I can make a Mesh building that takes a lot less server resources and that would look better and use less graphics resources for peoples viewer. The land impact would be lower than 24, but higher than 4. I have been in contact with some Lindens about this, what they was hoping was that people would adopt Mesh and thus lower the resources their server had to handle. Mesh uses a lot less resources than prims and they wanted people to use this. But they can't suddenly change the system to have all old things use the land impact system, it would break a lot of content. The truth is, they are in a bit of a bind over this. They pretty much admitted as much directly over IM to me.
- Possible partway solution; lower the land impact of mesh objects just enough the heightened Land Impact isn't too big a price to own cooler Mesh items, I think you will need to make a compromise between Lower resource cost and how cheap it is to have Mesh items ressed, or you will keep being stuck with the slow Mesh adoption rate no matter what.
- Another possible partway solution to the slow adoption of Mesh; Buy the complete rights to distribute Mesh studio made by theBlackBox and incorporate it in the viewers or add it in the default inventory library. (Mesh studio convert prim link sets to Mesh-files, including details such as path cuts and the like.)
- I may be wrong about this, but right now it feels like I am not. XD I might not be at the user group, but if that is the case I will read the transcript. -- Davido Chrome
- If there are old CTS jiras we are still interested in, should we make new VWR ones? (I think of CTS- 567, 496 (pivot offset) and 631 (adjustable LOD). [Drongle McMahon]
- Add agenda items here
- VWR-28179 Mesh upload hangs after 'Calculate Weights and Fee'. UPLOAD FEE, LAND IMPACT etc remain at 'TBD'
Charlar Linden, Nyx Linden, and Runitai Linden. Please contact one of us if you are unsure if your topic is relevant or appropriate.
Links to chat transcripts of past meetings:
Archived Agenda/Meeting Notes
No Usergroup 2012-05-28 (Linden Holiday)
No Usergroup 2012-01-16
No Usergroup 2011-12-26 or 2012-01-02
No meeting took place on 2011-09-05
No meeting took place on 2011-07-04
No meeting took place on 2011-05-31
Nyx's 29 September 2010 office hour
Nyx's 22 September 2010 office hour
Nyx's 15 September 2010 office hour, with Falcon and some closed beta folks
Jeremy's 15 September 2010 office hour, featuring Mesh questions answered by Vir Linden