Content Creation/Mesh Import User Group
Currently topics are focused on anything related to the mesh import project. Feature requests, bug reports, design feedback, questions, comments, or example content are welcome.
Priority will be given to topics that are posted in advance and are relevant to the goals of the office hour. Feel free to include relevant links to JIRA or wiki pages.
Mondays at Noon in Pacific time (SL standard time) at Borrowdale on AGNI
Also see the calendar of public user group meetings.
Agenda for the next user group meeting is:
Please add topics below prior to 11:50 AM. Also, please put your SL name down so we can follow up if we have questions. Thanks!
Enter agenda items here (with name, please)
- I've found (at least on the beta grid) that if you go ahead an upload despite the "different number of texturable faces" error, it will upload, but it removes the material id that isn't present in all the LODs. Is this expected behavior?Ashasekayi Ra 00:10, 7 May 2012 (PDT)
- Non-rigged worn mesh experiences LOD switches at a very fast rate. (I assume that rigged mesh doesn't because it switches at the same rate as the avatar?) Would it be possible to have non-rigged worn mesh have the same LOD switch rate as rigged mesh at some point?Ashasekayi Ra 00:10, 7 May 2012 (PDT)
- People are looking at the current avatar and Qarl Fizz is pointing to the avatar as a part of the problem with mesh clothes that the Deformer is not going to be able to fix. VWR-1800 is becoming more popular. Is there anythin on the radar for at least some changes and/or tweaks to the avatar? Nalates Urriah
- What do we want? custom pivots! when do we want them? noooow! Motor Loon
- Where can I test the new mesh accounting? Motor Loon
- What is the appropriate thing to do when you think a Linden has closed a jira for demonstrably incorrect reasons, and you thgink it needs proper attention? Drongle McMahon
- I can't upload image file and model. The viewer 3.3.1(254524) was crushed when I select the model/image on upload - build menu. When I reinstalled it, I can upload it only one time. Yuzuru Jewell
- Opinion on Avatar 2.0 yet? --
₪ 12:04, 7 May 2012 (PDT)
- your topic here! End with 3 or 4 ~ to add your name or name and date
Nyx Linden, Runitai Linden, and occasional other guest lindens. Please contact one of us if you are unsure if your topic is relevant or appropriate.
Links to chat transcripts of past meetings:
Archived Agenda/Meeting Notes
No Usergroup 2012-05-28 (Linden Holiday)
No Usergroup 2012-01-16
No Usergroup 2011-12-26 or 2012-01-02
No meeting took place on 2011-09-05
No meeting took place on 2011-07-04
No meeting took place on 2011-05-31
Nyx's 29 September 2010 office hour
Nyx's 22 September 2010 office hour
Nyx's 15 September 2010 office hour, with Falcon and some closed beta folks
Jeremy's 15 September 2010 office hour, featuring Mesh questions answered by Vir Linden