Difference between revisions of "Viewerhelp:Map File/Second Life Release/2.0.0"

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! Article
! Article
! Transcluding Article
! Transcluding Articles
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{{TA Map Row
{{TA Map Row
|Appearance Editor - Save|N/A
|Appearance Editor - Save|
|Appearance Editor}}
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Alpha]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Eyes]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Gloves]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Hair]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Jacket]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Pants]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Shape]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Shirt]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Shoes]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Skin]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Skirt]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Socks]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Tattoo]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Underpants]]
* [[Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Undershirt]]
|Appearance }}

{{TA Map Row
{{TA Map Row

Revision as of 12:34, 15 April 2010

KBwarning.png Warning: Do not add any more tables with id="helpmaptable" to this article. The help app requires that ONLY the "BIG TABLE" containing the ID-article mappings table have that id.


IMPORTANT: Do not modify the ID of this table. The help app requires it to be id="helpmaptable".

Context ID English article Group
about_credits_tab Viewerhelp:About - Credits Support 
about_licenses_tab Viewerhelp:About - Licenses Support 
about_support_tab Viewerhelp:About - Info Support 
animation_preview Viewerhelp:Upload Animation Inventory 
avatarpicker Viewerhelp:Choose Resident Communication 
beacons Viewerhelp:Beacons Navigation 
blocked_list Viewerhelp:Blocked List Communication 
build_options_floater Viewerhelp:Grid Options Build Tools 
buy_land Viewerhelp:Buy Land Land 
buy_linden_dollars Viewerhelp:Buy Linden Dollars L$ 
camera_floater Viewerhelp:View Navigation 
colorpicker Viewerhelp:Color Picker Build Tools 
day_cycle_floater Viewerhelp:Day Cycle Editor WindLight 
environment_editor_floater Viewerhelp:Environment Editor WindLight 
floater_buy_contents Viewerhelp:Buy Contents Objects 
customize_shape_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Shape Avatar 
customize_skin_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Skin Avatar 
customize_hair_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Hair Avatar 
customize_eyes_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Eyes Avatar 
customize_shirt_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Shirt Avatar 
customize_pants_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Pants Avatar 
customize_shoes_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Shoes Avatar 
customize_socks_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Socks Avatar 
customize_jacket_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Jacket Avatar 
customize_gloves_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Gloves Avatar 
customize_undershirt_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Undershirt Avatar 
customize_underpants_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Underpants Avatar 
customize_skirt_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Skirt Avatar 
customize_alpha_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Alpha Avatar 
customize_tattoo_tab Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Tattoo Avatar 
event_details Viewerhelp:Event Details Search 
floater_about Viewerhelp:Media Browser Media Browser 
floater_help_browser Viewerhelp:Help Browser Support 
floater_im_box Viewerhelp:Conversations Communication 
floater_report_abuse Viewerhelp:Report Abuse Support 
floater_search Viewerhelp:Search Second Life Navigation 
floater_voice_controls Viewerhelp:Voice Call Communication 
floaterbulkperms Viewerhelp:Edit Content Permissions Build Tools 
gesture_preview Viewerhelp:Gesture Editor Avatar 
gestures Viewerhelp:Gestures Avatar 
give_money Viewerhelp:Pay Resident L$ 
group_general_tab Viewerhelp:Group - General Groups 
group_money_details_tab Viewerhelp:Group - Land/Assets - Details Groups 
group_money_planning_tab Viewerhelp:Group - Land/Assets - Planning Groups 
group_money_sales_tab Viewerhelp:Group - Land/Assets - Sales Groups 
group_notices_tab Viewerhelp:Group - Notices Groups 
groups Viewerhelp:Groups Picker Groups 
hardware_settings_floater Viewerhelp:Preferences - Graphics - Hardware Settings Preferences 
image_preview Viewerhelp:Upload Image Inventory 
incoming_call Viewerhelp:Incoming Call Communication 
inventory_finder Viewerhelp:Inventory - Show Filters Inventory 
item_properties Viewerhelp:Inventory Object Profile Inventory 
object_properties Viewerhelp:Inventory Object Profile Inventory 
joystick Viewerhelp:Joystick Configuration Preferences 
land_access_tab Viewerhelp:About Land - Access Land 
land_audio_tab Viewerhelp:About Land - Sound Land 
land_covenant_tab Viewerhelp:About Land - Covenant Land 
land_general_tab Viewerhelp:About Land - General Land 
land_holdings_floater Viewerhelp:My Land Land 
land_media_tab Viewerhelp:About Land - Media Land 
land_objects_tab Viewerhelp:About Land - Objects Land 
land_options_tab Viewerhelp:About Land - Options Land 
lsl_reference Viewerhelp:LSL Reference Scripting 
LSL_Portal Viewerhelp:LSL Portal Scripts 
map Viewerhelp:Mini-Map Navigation 
media_settings_controls Viewerhelp:Media Settings - Customize Media 
media_settings_general Viewerhelp:Media Settings - General Media 
media_settings_security Viewerhelp:Media Settings - Security Media 
move_floater Viewerhelp:Move Navigation 
mute_by_name Viewerhelp:Block Object By Name Objects 
my_outfits_tab Viewerhelp:My Appearance - My Outfits Appearance 
nearby_chat Viewerhelp:Nearby Chat Communication 
nearby_media Viewerhelp:Nearby_Media Media 
notification_chiclet Viewerhelp:Notifications Communication 
now_wearing_tab Viewerhelp:My Appearance - Wearing Appearance 
objectcontents Viewerhelp:Object Contents Inventory 
outgoing_call Viewerhelp:Outgoing Call Communication 
panel_my_picks_tab Viewerhelp:My Profile - Picks Sidebar 
panel_my_profile_tab Viewerhelp:My Profile - Profile Sidebar 
people_friends_tab Viewerhelp:People - Friends Sidebar 
people_groups_tab Viewerhelp:People - Groups Sidebar 
people_nearby_tab Viewerhelp:People - Nearby Sidebar 
people_recent_tab Viewerhelp:People - Recent Sidebar 
place_profile Viewerhelp:Places - Place Profile Sidebar 
landmark Viewerhelp:Places - Landmark Sidebar 
postcard Viewerhelp:Email Snapshot Communication 
pre_login_help Viewerhelp:Logging in to Second Life Other 
preferences_advanced1_tab Viewerhelp:Preferences - Advanced Preferences 
preferences_audio_tab Viewerhelp:Preferences - Sound Preferences 
preferences_chat_tab Viewerhelp:Preferences - Chat Preferences 
preferences_display_tab Viewerhelp:Preferences - Graphics Preferences 
preferences_general_tab Viewerhelp:Preferences - General Preferences 
preferences_im_tab Viewerhelp:Preferences - Privacy Preferences 
preferences_input_tab Viewerhelp:Preferences - Setup Preferences 
preferences_msgs_tab Viewerhelp:Preferences - Notifications Preferences 
preview_anim Viewerhelp:Animation Inventory 
preview_lsl_text Viewerhelp:Script Editor Inventory 
preview_notecard Viewerhelp:Notecard Inventory 
preview_sound Viewerhelp:Sound Inventory 
preview_texture Viewerhelp:Texture Inventory 
profile_notes_tab Viewerhelp:People - Notes and Privacy Communication 
profile_picks_tab Viewerhelp:People - Picks Communication 
profile_profile_tab Viewerhelp:People - Profile Communication 
panel_region_general_tab Viewerhelp:Region/Estate - Region Land 
panel_region_debug_tab Viewerhelp:Region/Estate - Debug Land 
panel_region_texture_tab Viewerhelp:Region/Estate - Ground Textures Land 
panel_region_terrain_tab Viewerhelp:Region/Estate - Terrain Land 
panel_region_estate_tab Viewerhelp:Region/Estate - Estate Land 
panel_region_covenant_tab Viewerhelp:Region/Estate - Covenant Land 
perm_prefs Viewerhelp:Default Upload Permissions Build Tools 
prim_media_controls Viewerhelp:Prim Media Controls Media 
profile_pick_info Viewerhelp:Pick Info Sidebar 
profile_classified_info Viewerhelp:Pick Info Sidebar 
profile_edit_classified Viewerhelp:My Profile - Edit Classified Sidebar 
profile_edit_pick Viewerhelp:My Profile - Edit Pick Sidebar 
my_inventory_tab Viewerhelp:My Inventory - My Inventory Sidebar 
recent_inventory_tab Viewerhelp:My Inventory - Recent Sidebar 
report_bug Viewerhelp:Bug Reporting Support 
roles_actions_tab Viewerhelp:Group - Roles - Abilities Groups 
roles_members_tab Viewerhelp:Group - Roles - Members Groups 
roles_roles_tab Viewerhelp:Group - Roles - Roles Groups 
script_ed_float Viewerhelp:Script Editor Scripting 
script_floater Viewerhelp:Script Notification Ready for QA 
scriptlimits Viewerhelp:Script Information Scripting 
script_search Viewerhelp:Script Search Scripting 
sell_land Viewerhelp:Sell Land Land 
sidebar_inventory Viewerhelp:My Inventory Inventory 
sidetray_home Viewerhelp:Second Life Help Sidebar 
panel_landmarks Viewerhelp:Places - My Landmarks Sidebar 
panel_teleport_history Viewerhelp:Places - Teleport History Sidebar 
snapshot Viewerhelp:Snapshot Preview Communication 
sound_preview Viewerhelp:Upload Sound Inventory 
floater_telehub Viewerhelp:Telehub Land 
texture_picker Viewerhelp:Pick Texture Build Tools 
this_is_fallbacktopic Viewerhelp:Second Life Help Other 
toolbox_contents_tab Viewerhelp:Build Tools - Content Build Tools 
toolbox_features_tab Viewerhelp:Build Tools - Features Build Tools 
toolbox_floater Viewerhelp:Build Tools - Edit Terrain Build Tools 
toolbox_general_tab Viewerhelp:Build Tools - General Build Tools 
toolbox_object_tab Viewerhelp:Build Tools - Object Build Tools 
toolbox_texture_tab Viewerhelp:Build Tools - Texture Build Tools 
top_objects Viewerhelp:Top Colliders and Top Scripts Land 
url_entry Viewerhelp:Set Media URL Media 
water_settings_tab Viewerhelp:Advanced Water Editor - Settings WindLight 
water_waves_tab Viewerhelp:Advanced Water Editor - Image WindLight 
windlight_atmosphere_tab Viewerhelp:Advanced Sky Editor - Atmosphere WindLight 
windlight_clouds_tab Viewerhelp:Advanced Sky Editor - Clouds WindLight 
windlight_lighting_tab Viewerhelp:Advanced Sky Editor - Lighting WindLight 
worldmap Viewerhelp:World Map Navigation 
floater_lagmeter Viewerhelp:Lag Meter Advanced 
statistics Viewerhelp:Statistics Advanced  
settings_debug Viewerhelp:Debug Settings Advanced  
floater_bumps Viewerhelp:Bumps, Pushes, and Hits Develop  
gui_preview_tool Viewerhelp:GUI Preview Tool Develop  
memleak Viewerhelp:Memory Leak Develop  
notifications_console Viewerhelp:Notifications Console Develop  
godtools_grid_tab Viewerhelp:God Tools - Grid Admin  
godtools_objects_tab Viewerhelp:God Tools - Objects Admin  
godtools_region_tab Viewerhelp:God Tools - Region Admin  
godtools_request_tab Viewerhelp:God Tools - Request Admin  

Transcluded articles

These articles are used in multiple context-sensitive articles through transclusion, but are not "standalone" articles themselves.

Article Transcluding Articles Group
Viewerhelp:Appearance Editor - Save Appearance
Viewerhelp:Build Tools N/A Build Tools
Viewerhelp:Build Toolbar N/A Build Tools
Viewerhelp:Group - Assets NA Groups
Viewerhelp:Group - Land/Assets NA Groups
Viewerhelp:My Inventory Bottom N/A Inventory
Viewerhelp:My Inventory Menus N/A Inventory
Viewerhelp:My Inventory Top N/A Inventory
Viewerhelp:My Inventory Context Menu N/A Inventory
Viewerhelp:Selected Object Information N/A Build Tools
Viewerhelp:Advanced Sky Editor N/A WindLight
Viewerhelp:Advanced Water Editor N/A WindLight

Additional articles

These are non-context-sensitive articles that do not have a corresponding help ID. Thus, we have replaced the "help ID" column with "Category".

Category English article XUI File Group Status Owner German (de) French (fr) Japanese (ja) Spanish (es) Portuguese (pt) Italian (it)

Top-level Viewerhelp:Contents N/A Reference In Progress Rand Viewerhelp:Contents/de Viewerhelp:Contents/fr Viewerhelp:Contents/ja
Top-level Viewerhelp:Glossary N/A Reference In Progress Rand Viewerhelp:Glossary/de Viewerhelp:Glossary/fr Viewerhelp:Glossary/ja
Top-level Viewerhelp:Menus N/A Reference In Progress Rand Viewerhelp:Menus/de Viewerhelp:Menus/fr Viewerhelp:Menus/ja
Top-level Viewerhelp:Inspector N/A Reference In Progress Jeremy Viewerhelp:Inspector/de Viewerhelp:Inspector/fr Viewerhelp:Inspector/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Looking around N/A Navigation In Progress Rand Viewerhelp:Looking around/de Viewerhelp:Looking around/fr Viewerhelp:Looking around/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Moving around N/A Navigation Not Started Jeremy Viewerhelp:Moving around/de Viewerhelp:Moving around/fr Viewerhelp:Moving around/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Communicating with other Residents N/A Communication Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:Communicating with other Residents/de Viewerhelp:Communicating with other Residents/fr Viewerhelp:Communicating with other Residents/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Finding interesting things to see and do N/A Other Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:Finding interesting things to see and do/de Viewerhelp:Finding interesting things to see and do/fr Viewerhelp:Finding interesting things to see and do/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Getting Linden Dollars N/A L$ Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:Getting Linden Dollars/de Viewerhelp:Getting Linden Dollars/fr Viewerhelp:Getting Linden Dollars/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Buying things N/A L$ Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:Buying things/de Viewerhelp:Buying things/fr Viewerhelp:Buying things/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Buying and owning land N/A Land Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:Buying and owning land/de Viewerhelp:Buying and owning land/fr Viewerhelp:Buying and owning land/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Types and sizes of land N/A Land Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:Types and sizes of land/de Viewerhelp:Types and sizes of land/fr Viewerhelp:Types and sizes of land/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Buying versus renting N/A Land Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:Buying versus renting/de Viewerhelp:Buying versus renting/fr Viewerhelp:Buying versus renting/ja
Task Viewerhelp:How to buy a parcel N/A Land Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:How to buy a parcel/de Viewerhelp:How to buy a parcel/fr Viewerhelp:How to buy a parcel/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Monitoring your land holdings and use N/A Land Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:Monitoring your land holdings and use/de Viewerhelp:Monitoring your land holdings and use/fr Viewerhelp:Monitoring your land holdings and use/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Getting more or better land N/A Land Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:Getting more or better land/de Viewerhelp:Getting more or better land/fr Viewerhelp:Getting more or better land/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Controlling your region or estate N/A Land Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:Controlling your region or estate/de Viewerhelp:Controlling your region or estate/fr Viewerhelp:Controlling your region or estate/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Changing your appearance N/A Appearance In Progress Kate Viewerhelp:Changing your appearance/de Viewerhelp:Changing your appearance/fr Viewerhelp:Changing your appearance/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Building and scripting N/A Building Not Started Jeremy Viewerhelp:Building and scripting/de Viewerhelp:Building and scripting/fr Viewerhelp:Building and scripting/ja
Concept Viewerhelp:Groups N/A Groups Not Started Kate Viewerhelp:Groups/de Viewerhelp:Groups/fr Viewerhelp:Groups/ja
Concept Viewerhelp:Managing your inventory N/A Inventory Ready For QA Torley Viewerhelp:Managing your inventory/de Viewerhelp:Managing your inventory/fr Viewerhelp:Managing your inventory/ja
Task Viewerhelp:Creating and viewing inworld media N/A Media In Progress Jeremy Viewerhelp:Creating and viewing inworld media/de Viewerhelp:Creating and viewing inworld media/fr Viewerhelp:Creating and viewing inworld media/ja
Top-level Viewerhelp:Technical questions N/A Reference Not Started Jeremy Viewerhelp:Technical questions/de Viewerhelp:Technical questions/fr Viewerhelp:Technical questions/ja
Concept Viewerhelp:Adult content N/A Other Not Started Kate Viewerhelp:Adult content/de Viewerhelp:Adult content/fr Viewerhelp:Adult content/ja
Reference Viewerhelp:Getting more help N/A None Not Started Not assigned Viewerhelp:Getting more help/de Viewerhelp:Getting more help/fr Viewerhelp:Getting more help/ja
Concept Viewerhelp:Permissions N/A Inventory Not Started Not assigned Viewerhelp:Permissions/de Viewerhelp:Permissions/fr Viewerhelp:Permissions/ja