Server Beta User Group

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This is the meeting tracking and progress page for the weekly Server BETA QA Meeting, moderated by Maestro Linden. Please contact him on AGNI for more information. You can join the Second Life Beta group for updates.

The next meeting is Thursday, September 19 2013, 3PM PDT at Morris🖈 on the preview grid, ADITI.



  • Second Life Server
    • The main channel updated to the server version that was on Magnum last week. This project is preparatory work for future viewers, and adds support for improved texture and mesh asset fetching techniques.
    • Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/13#
  • BlueSteel and LeTigre
  • Magnum got a new server maintenance project. This project includes all changes found in the BlueSteel and LeTigre project, and also includes some extra changes. The extra changes include more crash fixes and addresses in which certain users on a parcel's "Allowed Residents" list would not be able to enter the parcel, due to other access settings.

Upcoming Stuff

Interesting Stuff

  • What does the fox say?

Any Other Items

When we have time and because it refers somehow to the new parcell access rules. I'd like to have a function in LSL which at least can determine, if a specified person is able to enter a specified position on the sim, or is able to move along specified path (given by two points in local cordinates), i.e. is able to cross every parcell along the path.

The reason is when you build a vehicle or a physically working teleporter, you face a problem: Although you can read the parcell flags and determine for example if a parcell uses ban list, but you can't determine if any sat passenger is on the list or not. So you get false positives and refuse teleport even if the vehicle would cross the parcell. Now, even if you are ok with that, you have to perform a large number of such checks to be sure at no position of your path you are entering a parcell or cross an edge of a parcell using ban list.

So i'd like to know if such a function is resonable, that takes two vectors and determines if the path connecting them is safe for objects, actually seat and wearing avatars to move along. A reasonable range of systems would benefit of it. Jenna Felton 15:41, 15 September 2013 (PDT)

Open Items

Minutes from Previous Meetings