Category:LSL Functions
Revision as of 11:55, 31 March 2012 by Ayelin Ethaniel (talk | contribs)
LSL Portal | Functions | Events | Types | Operators | Constants | Flow Control | Script Library | Categorized Library | Tutorials |
Ez a kategória beépített LSL funkciókat tartalmaz.
All types in LSL are immutable (they can't be mutated by side effect), variables can only be changed by being overwritten. There is no way to indirectly modify a variable's value; the only way is through direct interaction with a storing operator (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ++, --).
- Built-in functions will never modify the variables used as parameters.
- User functions that change the values of parameters inside the function scope will not have those changes applied to the variables that supplied those parameters. [1]
Key | Description |
NEW | The function was recently added. |
U | This function has been updated recently. |
X | This function requires an experience. |
I | The LSO function ID for the function is not known, or it may not have one. |
D | The function has been deprecated but still works. It is best to avoid functions marked as deprecated. |
R | The function has not only been deprecated, it has been removed. Do not use functions marked as removed. |
U | The function has not been implemented. Do not use functions marked as not implemented. |
🧬 | This is an experimental function currently being tested on the beta-grid. |
B | This function is marked as broken and may not work. |
G | The function requires god-mode. Functions marked as such cannot be used. |
LX | This function requires a Linden Owned experience. |
RQ | This function has been requested by several users and has not been implemented. Do not use functions marked as requested. |
- llAbs
- llAcos
- llAddToLandBanList
- llAddToLandPassList
- llAdjustDamage NEW
- llAdjustSoundVolume
- llAgentInExperience X I
- llAllowInventoryDrop
- llAngleBetween
- llApplyImpulse
- llApplyRotationalImpulse
- llAsin
- llAtan2
- llAttachToAvatar
- llAttachToAvatarTemp I
- llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget I
- llAvatarOnSitTarget
- llAxes2Rot
- llAxisAngle2Rot
- llBase64ToInteger
- llBase64ToString
- llBreakAllLinks
- llBreakLink
- llCastRay I
- llCeil
- llChar I
- llClearCameraParams
- llClearLinkMedia I
- llClearPrimMedia
llCloseRemoteDataChannelD -
llCloudD - llCollisionFilter
- llCollisionSound
- llCollisionSprite B
- llComputeHash NEW
- llCos
- llCreateCharacter I
- llCreateKeyValue X I
- llCreateLink
- llCSV2List
- llDamage NEW
- llDataSizeKeyValue X I
- llDeleteCharacter I
- llDeleteKeyValue X I
- llDeleteSubList
- llDeleteSubString
- llDerezObject NEW
- llDetachFromAvatar
- llDetectedDamage NEW
- llDetectedGrab
- llDetectedGroup
- llDetectedKey
- llDetectedLinkNumber
- llDetectedName
- llDetectedOwner
- llDetectedPos
- llDetectedRezzer NEW
- llDetectedRot
- llDetectedTouchBinormal
- llDetectedTouchFace
- llDetectedTouchNormal
- llDetectedTouchPos
- llDetectedTouchST
- llDetectedTouchUV
- llDetectedType
- llDetectedVel
- llDialog
- llDie
- llDumpList2String
- llEdgeOfWorld
- llEjectFromLand
- llEmail
- llEscapeURL
- llEuler2Rot
- llEvade I
- llExecCharacterCmd I
- llFabs
- llFindNotecardTextSync I NEW
- llFleeFrom I
- llFloor
- llForceMouselook
- llFrand
- llGenerateKey I
- llGetAccel
- llGetAgentInfo
- llGetAgentLanguage
- llGetAgentList I
- llGetAgentSize
- llGetAlpha
- llGetAndResetTime
- llGetAnimation
- llGetAnimationList
- llGetAnimationOverride I
- llGetAttached
- llGetAttachedList I
- llGetAttachedListFiltered I NEW
- llGetBoundingBox
- llGetCameraAspect NEW
- llGetCameraFOV NEW
- llGetCameraPos
- llGetCameraRot
- llGetCenterOfMass
- llGetClosestNavPoint I
- llGetColor
- llGetCreator
- llGetDate
- llGetDayLength I
- llGetDayOffset I
- llGetDisplayName
- llGetEnergy
- llGetEnv U
- llGetEnvironment I
- llGetExperienceDetails X I
- llGetExperienceErrorMessage X I
- llGetForce
- llGetFreeMemory
- llGetFreeURLs
- llGetGeometricCenter
- llGetGMTclock
- llGetHealth NEW
- llGetHTTPHeader
- llGetInventoryAcquireTime I
- llGetInventoryCreator
- llGetInventoryKey
- llGetInventoryName
- llGetInventoryDesc
- llGetInventoryNumber
- llGetInventoryPermMask
- llGetInventoryType
- llGetKey
- llGetLandOwnerAt
- llGetLinkKey
- llGetLinkMedia I
- llGetLinkName
- llGetLinkNumber
- llGetLinkNumberOfSides
- llGetLinkPrimitiveParams
- llGetLinkSitFlags NEW
- llGetListEntryType
- llGetListLength
- llGetLocalPos
- llGetLocalRot
- llGetMass
- llGetMassMKS I
- llGetMaxScaleFactor I
- llGetMemoryLimit I
- llGetMinScaleFactor I
- llGetMoonDirection I
- llGetMoonRotation I
- llGetNextEmail
- llGetNotecardLine
- llGetNotecardLineSync I NEW
- llGetNumberOfNotecardLines
- llGetNumberOfPrims
- llGetNumberOfSides
- llGetObjectAnimationNames
- llGetObjectDesc
- llGetObjectDetails U
- llGetObjectLinkKey
- llGetObjectMass
- llGetObjectName
- llGetObjectPermMask
- llGetObjectPrimCount
- llGetOmega
- llGetOwner
- llGetOwnerKey
- llGetParcelDetails
- llGetParcelFlags
- llGetParcelMaxPrims
- llGetParcelMusicURL I
- llGetParcelPrimCount
- llGetParcelPrimOwners
- llGetPermissions
- llGetPermissionsKey
- llGetPhysicsMaterial I
- llGetPos
- llGetPrimitiveParams
- llGetPrimMediaParams
- llGetRegionAgentCount
- llGetRegionCorner
- llGetRegionDayLength I
- llGetRegionDayOffset I
- llGetRegionFlags
- llGetRegionFPS
- llGetRegionMoonDirection I
- llGetRegionMoonRotation I
- llGetRegionName
- llGetRegionSunDirection I
- llGetRegionSunRotation I
- llGetRegionTimeDilation
- llGetRegionTimeOfDay
- llGetRenderMaterial NEW
- llGetRootPosition
- llGetRootRotation
- llGetRot
- llGetScale
- llGetScriptName
- llGetScriptState
- llGetSimStats I
- llGetSimulatorHostname
- llGetSPMaxMemory I
- llGetStartParameter
- llGetStartString NEW
- llGetStaticPath I
- llGetStatus
- llGetSubString
- llGetSunDirection I
- llGetSunRotation I
- llGetTexture
- llGetTextureOffset
- llGetTextureRot
- llGetTextureScale
- llGetTime
- llGetTimeOfDay
- llGetTimestamp
- llGetTorque
- llGetUnixTime
- llGetUsedMemory I
- llGetUsername
- llGetVel
- |llGetVisualParams I
- llGetWallclock
- llGiveAgentInventory NEW
- llGiveInventory
- llGiveInventoryList
- llGiveMoney
llGodLikeRezObjectG - llGround
- llGroundContour
- llGroundNormal
- llGroundRepel
- llGroundSlope
- llHash I
- llHMAC I
- llHTTPRequest
- llHTTPResponse
- llInsertString
- llInstantMessage
- llIntegerToBase64
- llIsFriend I NEW
- llJson2List I
- llJsonGetValue I
- llJsonSetValue I
- llJsonValueType I
- llKey2Name I
- llKeyCountKeyValue X I
- llKeysKeyValue X I
- llLinear2sRGB I
- llLinkAdjustSoundVolume I
- llLinkParticleSystem
- llLinkPlaySound I
- llLinksetDataAvailable I
- llLinksetDataCountFound I
- llLinksetDataCountKeys I
- llLinksetDataDelete I
- llLinksetDataDeleteFound I
- llLinksetDataDeleteProtected I
- llLinksetDataFindKeys I
- llLinksetDataListKeys I
- llLinksetDataRead I
- llLinksetDataReadProtected I
- llLinksetDataReset I
- llLinksetDataWrite I
- llLinksetDataWriteProtected I
- llLinkSetSoundQueueing I
- llLinkSetSoundRadius I
- llLinkSitTarget I
- llLinkStopSound I
- llList2CSV
- llList2Float
- llList2Integer
- llList2Json I
- llList2Key
- llList2List
- llList2ListSlice I
- llList2ListStrided
- llList2Rot
- llList2String
- llList2Vector
- llListen
- llListenControl
- llListenRemove
- llListFindList
- llListFindListNext I
- llListFindStrided I
- llListInsertList
- llListRandomize
- llListReplaceList
- llListSort
- llListSortStrided I
- llListStatistics
- llLoadURL
- llLog
- llLog10
- llLookAt
- llLoopSound
- llLoopSoundMaster
- llLoopSoundSlave
llMakeExplosionD -
llMakeFireD -
llMakeFountainD -
llMakeSmokeD - llManageEstateAccess I
- llMapBeacon I NEW
- llMapDestination
- llMD5String
- llMessageLinked
- llMinEventDelay
- llModifyLand
- llModPow
- llMoveToTarget
- llName2Key I
- llNavigateTo
- llOffsetTexture
llOpenFloaterLX I -
llOpenRemoteDataChannelD - llOrd I
- llOverMyLand
- llOwnerSay
- llParcelMediaCommandList
- llParcelMediaQuery
- llParseString2List
- llParseStringKeepNulls
- llParticleSystem
- llPassCollisions
- llPassTouches
- llPatrolPoints I
- llPlaySound
- llPlaySoundSlave
llPointAtR - llPow
- llPreloadSound
- llPursue I
- llPushObject
- llReadKeyValue X I
llRefreshPrimURLD - llRegionSay
- llRegionSayTo
llReleaseCameraD - llReleaseControls
- llReleaseURL
llRemoteDataReplyD -
llRemoteDataSetRegionD -
llRemoteLoadScriptR - llRemoteLoadScriptPin
- llRemoveFromLandBanList
- llRemoveFromLandPassList
- llRemoveInventory
- llRemoveVehicleFlags
- llReplaceAgentEnvironment I X
- llReplaceEnvironment I
- llReplaceSubString NEW I
- llRequestAgentData
- llRequestDisplayName
- llRequestExperiencePermissions X I
- llRequestInventoryData
- llRequestPermissions
- llRequestSecureURL
- llRequestSimulatorData
- llRequestURL
- llRequestUserKey I
- llRequestUsername
- llResetAnimationOverride I
- llResetLandBanList
- llResetLandPassList
- llResetOtherScript
- llResetScript
- llResetTime
- llReturnObjectsByID I
- llReturnObjectsByOwner I
- llRezAtRoot
- llRezObject
- llRezObjectWithParams I NEW
- llRot2Angle
- llRot2Axis
- llRot2Euler
- llRot2Fwd
- llRot2Left
- llRot2Up
- llRotateTexture
- llRotBetween
- llRotLookAt
- llRotTarget
- llRotTargetRemove
- llRound
- llSameGroup
- llSay
- llScaleByFactor I
- llScaleTexture
- llScriptDanger
- llScriptProfiler I
llSendRemoteDataD - llSensor
- llSensorRemove
- llSensorRepeat
- llSetAgentEnvironment I X
- llSetAgentRot I NEW
- llSetAlpha
- llSetAngularVelocity I
- llSetAnimationOverride I
- llSetBuoyancy
- llSetCameraAtOffset
- llSetCameraEyeOffset
- llSetCameraParams
- llSetClickAction
- llSetColor
- llSetContentType I
- llSetDamage U
- llSetEnvironment I
- llSetForce
- llSetForceAndTorque
- llSetGroundTexture NEW
- llSetHoverHeight
llSetInventoryPermMaskG - llSetKeyframedMotion I
- llSetLinkAlpha
- llSetLinkCamera I
- llSetLinkColor
- llSetLinkMedia I
- llSetLinkPrimitiveParams
- llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast
- llSetLinkRenderMaterial NEW
- llSetLinkSitFlags NEW
- llSetLinkTexture
- llSetLinkTextureAnim
- llSetLocalRot
- llSetMemoryLimit I
- llSetObjectDesc
- llSetObjectName
llSetObjectPermMaskG - llSetParcelMusicURL
- llSetPayPrice
- llSetPhysicsMaterial I
- llSetPos
- llSetPrimitiveParams
- llSetPrimMediaParams
llSetPrimURLD - llSetRegionPos I
- llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin
- llSetRenderMaterial NEW
- llSetRot
- llSetScale
- llSetScriptState
- llSetSitText
- llSetSoundQueueing
- llSetSoundRadius
- llSetStatus
- llSetText
- llSetTexture
- llSetTextureAnim
- llSetTimerEvent
- llSetTorque
- llSetTouchText
- llSetVehicleFlags
- llSetVehicleFloatParam
- llSetVehicleRotationParam
- llSetVehicleType
- llSetVehicleVectorParam
- llSetVelocity I
- llSHA1String
- llSHA256String I
- llShout
- llSignRSA I
- llSin
- llSitOnLink
- llSitTarget
- llSleep
llSoundD -
llSoundPreloadD - llSqrt
- llsRGB2Linear I
- llStartAnimation
- llStartObjectAnimation
- llStopAnimation
- llStopObjectAnimation
- llStopHover
- llStopLookAt
- llStopMoveToTarget
llStopPointAtR - llStopSound
- llStringLength
- llStringToBase64
- llStringTrim
- llSubStringIndex
llTakeCameraD - llTakeControls
- llTan
- llTarget
- llTargetedEmail I
- llTargetOmega
- llTargetRemove
- llTeleportAgent I
- llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords I
- llTeleportAgentHome
- llTextBox
- llToLower
- llToUpper
- llTransferLindenDollars I
- llTransferOwnership I NEW
- llTriggerSound
- llTriggerSoundLimited
- llUnescapeURL
- llUnSit
- llUpdateCharacter I
- llUpdateKeyValue X I
- llVecDist
- llVecMag
- llVecNorm
- llVerifyRSA I
- llVolumeDetect
- llWanderWithin I
- llWater
- llWhisper
- llWind
- llWorldPosToHUD NEW
- llXorBase64 I
llXorBase64StringsD -
- ^ Function parameters are effectively passed by value, not by reference. When pass by reference is used in LSO-LSL, the reference points to a copy of the value, not to the original.
This category has the following 16 subcategories, out of 16 total.
- LSL Functions/Returns a float
- LSL Functions/Returns a integer/bit field
- LSL Functions/Returns a integer/boolean
- LSL Functions/Returns a integer/handle
- LSL Functions/Returns a integer/link
- LSL Functions/Returns a integer/status
- LSL Functions/Returns a integer/type
- LSL Functions/Returns a key
- LSL Functions/Returns a key/handle
- LSL Functions/Returns a list
- LSL Functions/Returns a list/parameters
- LSL Functions/Returns a rotation
- LSL Functions/Returns a string
- LSL Functions/Returns a vector
- LSL Functions/Returns an integer
- LSL Functions/Returns nothing
Pages in category "LSL Functions"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 530 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- LlAbs
- LlAcos
- LlAddToLandBanList
- LlAddToLandPassList
- LlAdjustDamage
- LlAdjustSoundVolume
- LlAgentInExperience
- LlAllowInventoryDrop
- LlAngleBetween
- LlApplyImpulse
- LlApplyRotationalImpulse
- LlAsin
- LlAtan2
- LlAttachToAvatar
- LlAttachToAvatarTemp
- LlAvatarOnLinkSitTarget
- LlAvatarOnSitTarget
- LlAxes2Rot
- LlAxisAngle2Rot
- LlDamage
- LlDataSizeKeyValue
- LlDeleteCharacter
- LlDeleteKeyValue
- LlDeleteSubList
- LlDeleteSubString
- LlDerezObject
- LlDetachFromAvatar
- LlDetectedDamage
- LlDetectedGrab
- LlDetectedGroup
- LlDetectedKey
- LlDetectedLinkNumber
- LlDetectedName
- LlDetectedOwner
- LlDetectedPos
- LlDetectedRezzer
- LlDetectedRot
- LlDetectedTouchBinormal
- LlDetectedTouchFace
- LlDetectedTouchNormal
- LlDetectedTouchPos
- LlDetectedTouchST
- LlDetectedTouchUV
- LlDetectedType
- LlDetectedVel
- LlDialog
- LlDie
- LlDumpList2String
- LlGenerateKey
- LlGetAccel
- LlGetAgentInfo
- LlGetAgentLanguage
- LlGetAgentList
- LlGetAgentSize
- LlGetAlpha
- LlGetAndResetTime
- LlGetAnimation
- LlGetAnimationList
- LlGetAnimationOverride
- LlGetAttached
- LlGetAttachedList
- LlGetAttachedListFiltered
- LlGetBoundingBox
- LlGetCameraAspect
- LlGetCameraFOV
- LlGetCameraPos
- LlGetCameraRot
- LlGetCenterOfMass
- LlGetClosestNavPoint
- LlGetColor
- LlGetCreator
- LlGetDate
- LlGetDayLength
- LlGetDayOffset
- LlGetDisplayName
- LlGetEnergy
- LlGetEnv
- LlGetEnvironment
- LlGetExperienceDetails
- LlGetExperienceErrorMessage
- LlGetForce
- LlGetFreeMemory
- LlGetFreeURLs
- LlGetGeometricCenter
- LlGetGMTclock
- LlGetHealth
- LlGetHTTPHeader
- LlGetInventoryAcquireTime
- LlGetInventoryCreator
- LlGetInventoryDesc
- LlGetInventoryKey
- LlGetInventoryName
- LlGetInventoryNumber
- LlGetInventoryPermMask
- LlGetInventoryType
- LlGetKey
- LlGetLandOwnerAt
- LlGetLinkMedia
- LlGetLinkName
- LlGetLinkNumber
- LlGetLinkNumberOfSides
- LlGetLinkPrimitiveParams
- LlGetLinkSitFlags
- LlGetListEntryType
- LlGetListLength
- LlGetLocalPos
- LlGetLocalRot
- LlGetMass
- LlGetMassMKS
- LlGetMaxScaleFactor
- LlGetMemoryLimit
- LlGetMinScaleFactor
- LlGetMoonDirection
- LlGetMoonRotation
- LlGetNextEmail
- LlGetNotecardLine
- LlGetNotecardLineSync
- LlGetNumberOfNotecardLines
- LlGetNumberOfPrims
- LlGetNumberOfSides
- LlGetObjectAnimationNames
- LlGetObjectDesc
- LlGetObjectDetails
- LlGetObjectMass
- LlGetObjectName
- LlGetObjectPermMask
- LlGetObjectPrimCount
- LlGetOmega
- LlGetOwner
- User:Chaser Zaks/sandbox
- LlGetOwnerKey
- LlGetParcelDetails
- LlGetParcelFlags
- LlGetParcelMaxPrims
- LlGetParcelMusicURL
- LlGetParcelPrimCount
- LlGetParcelPrimOwners
- LlGetPermissions
- LlGetPermissionsKey
- LlGetPhysicsMaterial
- LlGetPos
- LlGetPrimitiveParams
- LlGetPrimMediaParams
- LlGetRegionAgentCount
- LlGetRegionCorner
- LlGetRegionDayLength
- LlGetRegionDayOffset
- LlGetRegionFlags
- LlGetRegionFPS
- LlGetRegionMoonDirection
- LlGetRegionMoonRotation
- LlGetRegionName
- LlGetRegionSunDirection
- LlGetRegionSunRotation
- LlGetRegionTimeDilation
- LlGetRegionTimeOfDay
- LlGetRenderMaterial
- LlGetRootPosition
- LlGetRootRotation
- LlGetRot
- LlGetScale
- LlGetScriptName
- LlGetScriptState
- LlGetSimStats
- LlGetSimulatorHostname